Thursday, July 31, 2008

Consider This: About Adam and Eve and about the netter from Michael

Consider this about Adam and Eve...
first man, first woman...(the first is physical, then after which the spiritual) represents the fall of physical man and the creation of the spiritual mankind.

The second man paid the price for the sin of the first man, just as Mary represents the reconciliation of the fall of Eve...once again confirming the physical does indeed come before the spiritual, but since the spiritual is not restricted to our laws of this realm, time is well just a matter of time.

The conflict down here as it was since the beginning is that, the firstborn was to receive the Fathers inheritance...the physical inheritance, land wealth, etc, yet it seems the Living God of Israel was always expressing the blessing upon the 2nd physical child rather than the firstborn of man, which usually caused the firstborn to feel justified in his persecution or murder of his brother in the name of Justice, and such was the case with Cain and Abel, and Issac and Ishmael, not seeing the bigger picture that it is this 2nd being, this perfected by humbling being, this being born of the will of Yah, rather than the will of man, that is to receive the blessings of the Spiritual realm, the inheritance of the Father, and it is this truth that makes the carnal man, the fallen man wage wars against his brother and to shed his blood, to destroy the image of God, thinking they are doing justice as if doing God a service, the sons of the bondwoman do not cease in their persecution of the Sons of the freewoman which is above, the New Jerusalem coming down from the heavens, the Mother of those born of the will of the Father....a family finally reunited...isn't that what we all desire?
Stephen Michael Schroeder

About the banner, the "netter" and the Flag of Washington
The offical booklet about the origin of the flag makes several unbelievable statements, including the origin from Babylon, and Egyptians who called these banners the Neters, or Gods, and we according to U.S. law declares we are to consider this 'neter' sacred-(reserved for praise/honor/glory) and must be considered a 'living thing'.
It may stand for many things to many people, no doubt, but the flag clearly states for which it truely nation under this Neter, united like Babylon, with the intention of declaring itself a God and ascending it's throne into the heavens to declare the rights of man, to be equal as gods.
It should be made clear exactly what it is that 'Christians' are doing when placing their hand over their hearts and pledging their allegance to a Neter, a god, a 'living' thing, sacred, and by the way did I mention it represents Washington, the man who was, and is not, yet is? We like sheep have all gone astray and are harlots all, none are innocent, which is why I continue to challenge...Who is like unto YAH?! Stephen Michael Schroeder

Deb says...Is anybody listening?

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