Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Michael speaks...

From the Jefferson Memorial to Jefferson’s own home,
it’s easy to see how America is really Rome.

As the Mother, so is the daughter.

Pagan Rome was divided and fell. The Old World Order had received a fatal blow to the head. So to, the Pantheon of gods and goddesses of Rome had fallen from favor.
Rome adopted Christianity but soon became divided between Pope Loyalist like Spain and France and the Separatist AKA Protestant Separatist like England and Germany. And so the contest began as to who would establish and rule the New World Order, the revived Roman Empire.

Spain began raiding this North Country called the Americas and plundered it’s wealth and enslaved it’s inhabitants, and began making Rome very powerful again, ruling the seas and being a poor example of Christianity. England effectively defeated Spain and gained control of the waters.

Then came France with it’s ‘converted by the sword’ savages to wage war against the British, but were also defeated by British and the woodland tribes. The woodland tribes were grateful to the British for establishing the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that prevented greedy land ‘speculators’ (like most of the Masonic founding frauders) from trespassing into their Paradise [the Northwest Territories] the ‘Promised Land’ as they called it, who the Master of Life had given to them for obeying His voice, thus the reason they called themselves the ‘chosen ones’.

It was the traitor Washington and other greedy Land Speculators with the conspiring of the Popes French and their financing of Washington’s rebellion to the Crown and becoming a turncoat and a servant of the Pope.

The Roman Empire would be revived, and declared the New World Order for the Pope had finally defeated the English thanks to a traitor named Washington, who cared nothing about Protestants or their Bible, but like Jefferson considered themselves Roman nobles and their architecture and cities confirm this fact.

Thus there has never been a truly State separate from the Church in America. And the Protestant Church in America has compromised the Word of God to the point so that one could not tell the difference between the two.

And now we come to the end of the New World Order, and this revived Roman Empire at it’s peak of power, the Protestants powerless and without a Shepherd to guide them. The Watchman is saying, All is well, when all is not well, and the people pledge their allegiance to this Polytheistic government, and to Washington it’s god.
The Antichrist has been funneled into the lands and Washington demands that we bow to this authority of the Pantheon, and that we must serve them (labor 1 month per year) to financially support them, even though they claim they are justified in executing us for saying that God beget a Son.

Yet the Shepherds say nothing, and the sheep are being scattered, They preach the doctrine of the Pope claiming Prosperity equals piety, and the watchman does not warn the people of the invasion of Antichrist. Televangelicals will preach that Rome is the Great Whore of the Book of Revelation, and claim the Antichrist will some day come out of Europe to take over the world, they claim that George W. Bush is the anointed one, and the President himself claims that he hears voices beckoning him to obey the will of this voice

So how could the Protestants been so deceived that they would disobey the instructions of God to ‘be separate’ and decide to join with Washington’s New World Order, and obey the mandates of the Pope (like the Sabbath) rather than obey Gods Commandments?

How could these Shepherds been themselves misled, when we know that they are the best we have to offer the World as examples of our faith? Because they did not obey the Word. For Judgement, righteous judgement begins with ones own house first. Before we can call Rome the Harlot, if we judged ourselves we’d understand that is wrong to call Catholics lost, when we as American Protestants are just as lost, just as much a Whore as Mother Rome.

If the Church judged itself and it’s adoption of the pagans holy solar/lunar days and rejection of the Hebrew Feasts, and it’s obedience and loyalty to Antichrist governments, then rather than offending other Nations by calling them what they are, American Pastors should be crying out…God forgive U.S. sinners, who have played the Harlot and have and are sleeping with the Beast. Forgive U.S.! Then the world will understand that we like sheep have all gone astray, and stop identifying each other as the enemy and realize we are our own greatest enemies.

It doesn’t change the prophecy of who the Harlot is, for it is obvious to Protestants it is the Pope, just as it is obvious to the Pope that it is Protestants, fact is both are right, just one is the Mother, and the other the daughter. We can’t point out the obvious that Islam is Antichrist while we in America are giving praise, honor, and glory to Washington the Beast, for we are just as guilty however blind and deceived, we are just as guilty.

Thus the reason why we were clearly instructed by the Word of God to be separate and come out from her, but we will not see anything wrong with her, cause we’re to busy judging others for the same crime we are being guilty of, as a Nation.

It’s time we do some judging of our own Nation, judging the holocaust of Washington instead of judging Germany because of Hitler. We must remember the Word is returning to judge all the Nations….not just the enemies of the United States…it will begin here.

…and has.

In the service of YAH,

To: The Internal Revenue Service
From: Stephen M. Schroeder
Date: June 2008

Since the early 90's I've contacted the I.R.S. requesting the law that authorizes the I.R.S to tax my labor against my consent. To which I've never received a reply. To my knowledge such a law was never ratified, and if so I would still like to be informed of that law.

If there is no such law authorizing you to tax my labor, and your claim is made that I am obligated to submit to this tax law because I voluntarily entered into a legal binding contract with you the I.R.S. any such contract must be considered null and void, as this contract was made under duress, knowing that the contract must be signed in order to be employed and provide food and shelter for my family, thus the contract was coerced.

The main reason why this levy against my few remaining possessions is illegal, regardless if the law that authorized you to tax my labor is voluntary or involuntary is the fact that such taxation is in direct violation of State and Federal Constitutional laws.

Article 1, Sec. 4 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana clearly states that no person shall be compelled to attend, maintain, or support any religious ministry against his or her consent. As far as I know this Constitutional law has not been mothballed, and is still Constitutional law, law that is superior to any tax laws concerning revenue.

I informed the I.R.S. that I would no longer be filing a tax report on my labor income, until the unlawful and uncommon practice of Politicians (like Indpls. Mayor Stephen Goldsmith) funneling my tax dollars to 'religious organizations' to set the precedence for President George W. Bush to begin funneling tax dollars to religious organizations on a Federal level, thus making a way around the Federal Constitutional law that forbids Congress from making any laws respecting an establishment of religion, for it was not a law made by Congress or We the People, but rather an unlawful mandate made without any perception of challenge because of the corruption of those in positions to challenge.

While my church and the school of my son was being seized and bulldozed for 'tax law' violations, this same State was caught and challenged by the Civil Liberties Union for illegally funneling tax dollars to the Roman Catholic Church, and this was before Bush declared he had the authority to begin funneling tax dollars to religious organizations that claim our race inferior, or Bible poison, and Christianity a 'Monstrous Thing'.

To expect citizens to violate Constitutional laws in order that they may support and maintain hostile religions that call Christianity a Capitol offense, and justifies their calls for our extermination in unbelievable, but that is what is happening, and has happened, and no citizen in their right mind would violate Constitutional law in order to assist and financially support those who seek to kill them, eradicate their faith, and take their lands.

This is the third and final time that I will explain the justification for my civil disobedience to this unlawful levy, of your claim of authority to tax my labor, or as I see it, expecting me to work 4-5 weeks a year to support those who preach our destruction.

If this levy is a matter of keeping to the letter of the law, then I am still waiting for a response from your office as to why the 'tax laws' are not being enforced against Pastors like Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, and Min.Louis Farrakhan are being allowed to endorse candidates from the pulpit, in direct violation of tax law.

Given this inconsistency of the I.R.S. in refusing to enforce it's 'tax laws' on the Black Church, while seizing and bulldozing a White Church and School for lesser offenses is reason alone for citizens to protest your tax laws, not to mention your expectation of us to labor to serve those who want to kill us (and that is not conjecture, by their scripture).

So as you can see by now, I cannot enter into or remain in any contract with those who have no true respect for the laws of the land, and think they have the authority to force us to do that which our sacred text, the Word of God forbids us from doing.

This tax protest, this civil disobedience I am using to force the laws to be upheld, and to stop targeting our race, and our faith, while allowing our adversaries to unlawfully receive the fruits of our labor is justified, as history will confirm upon review, just as it did in the State of Indiana who threw me in jail for my civil disobedience to force the State to comply with it's own laws at the Capitol, so do what you must, I have spoken.

If it's a matter of the I.R.S. needing money, feel free to take all the Social Security deposits from my lifetime of labor, it should cover more than amply the amount you claim I owe you…that way I'll have truly rendered unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar, and you should remove my name and number from your lists of 'possessions' as I have said before, I cannot be part of such criminal activity and assist those who seek to destroy us.

Until these issues I've presented are properly addressed the matter is up to Justice. Do what you do, but I'd think long and hard before continuing to discredit your organization by continuing to break Constitutional laws, persecuting certain 'faiths' while turning a blind eye to others tax law violations broadcasted around the world without consequence.

Unless the law has changed, the law is on my side in this matter, and I hope you understand just how just my civil disobedience is in this matter. Thank you for your time, and look forward to your decision for a hearing on this matter.


Stephen M. Schroeder
000-00-0000 ret. (Social Security number omitted from public view by Debs discretion.)

Stephen Michael Schroeder

Debs Comment:

Great Idea Michael...Retire our numbers! I stand behind you in total agreement. I say, lets all come out and "be ye separate" by retiring our numbers rendering them null and void and exposing them for what they are...false coverings of peace and security, called social security. Interesting that you have known about this deception for such long time before the rest of us...Nothing stays hidden and will get expsed to the light of day and daylight always swallows up the night and it just seems to consume away...

Last year it was reported that: Tommy Cryer, the Louisiana attorney was acquitted in a federal court on all charges of not filing income tax because, the IRS could not produce a law stating that he had to file or pay federal income taxes ...Check it out and you will start to see...and isn't it interesting it came to light last year at about this same time in 07 and now it is 08?


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