Monday, July 28, 2008

One House,,,My Dream Last Night...One House...

One House
My Dream Last Night/A Spiritual Attack on One House ending with A Restoration of
One House
Unable to sleep in the end of the 2nd watch and into the 3rd…I arose for something to drink and just sat down to pet the cat, when the silence of a peaceful night is broken with the sound of what I can only describe as a death rattle. Having heard this sound in the past I recognized it as what it appeared to me to be, a spiritual attack against my sleeping 3rd husband…I made haste to his side and rebuked it and surrounded him with my embrace and stood guard over his sleeping flesh…I finally fell asleep after about 2 hours and awoke in the 1st watch of day, dreaming of going inside alongside my 2nd husband in the restoration of his house. Starting first with the interior where I saw a stack of photos of Mary my daughter and ending with a walk around the exterior of his house and then I just faded away and the dream ended at last. Peace.

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