Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Michaels Latest WORD

The time of deception is at hand. Trying to determine whether Obama is a Christian or a Muslim is as hard as trying to figure out why Farrakhan preaches from the Bible and the Quran.

We were warned that in the last days there would come in the name of Christ, claiming to be a Christian (see Bush) but would in fact be Antichrist, wolves in sheeps clothing, and that we would have no problem identifying these ‘Antichrist’ deceptorcons by their words…for a wolf might be able to deceive you by disguising himself as a wolf, however once the wolf opens it’s mouth to speak, you’ll clearly know the difference between the wolf and the sheep, or the goats and the lambs….goats are those that stray into the Fathers flocks thinking to share the good of the land, then establishing it as their domain taking advantage of the good nature of the sheep, considering their passive forgiving nature as a ‘weakness’

The main thing to remember is that the Word of Yah, clearly warned us who Antichrist is, and just as there is a Holy Spirit among the people, there is also the ‘Spirit’ of Antichrist that is seeking whom it may devour. The Word warned us to be separate, and come out of her, and assist Antichrist not in anyway, or we will suffer their same fate, the wrath of an angry God.

Nobody like to be called an Antichrist, but there is a simple solution rather than threatening the public with violence for their freedom of speech, as Islamic law does, now trying to establish itself upon our lands…simply don’t be against Christ, for that is the only reason one is called an Antichrist, for there are against Christ, while claiming to be a Christian,
It is written, who is a liar but he that denieth the Son of God? He is antichrist that denieth the Only Begotten Son of God. Plain and simple the antichrist is he who denies the Son of God. Antichrist also means in place of or in his stead, such as when one claims to be a Christian, a representative of Christ, yet he will deny this very Christ and make his sacrifice of no importance, by claiming there are other ways into heaven, contrary to the Word of God, and making the foundation of our faith John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Begotten Son, that ‘whosoever’ believeth upon him should not perish but have everlasting life.
And that was the good news for man, that the Creator loved and forgave, and gave man a gift of eternal life, paid the price of death in order to teach man how to live, by love via repentence and forgiveness…mercy, grace. But that gift from God has been rejected, and even is called today, ‘A Monstrous Thing’ and the sons of the bondwoman call for war upon the sons of the freewoman to demand their blessings, to demand they bow and serve Allah, ‘who begets not, nor is begotten’
While televangelicals claims to know about the book of Revelation, they all have one common denominator in their conclusions…nobody is understanding where America is in all of this. They say Rome is the Harlot, and have finally come to the conclusion that Islamic law is the spirit of Antichrist, yet they have not the Word in them that warned them judge not lest ye be judged…and they failed to realize that the Church in America cannot call the Roman Church the Harlot without first looking at themselves and realizing they have adopted most of all their ‘wicked ways’ and like the Mother, so is the daughter, and we to are that Harlot, the great whore of Babylon…for is not America ruling Iraq? We cannot say Islamic law is ‘the’ Antichrist, when we as American citizens have become so mentally controlled that we would rather obey the laws of this government that demand taxes from our labor in order to support those who claim our faith a ‘Monstrous Thing’ to support this hostile ministry against our consent.
No citizen should be expected to surrender land or wealth in exchange for peace from those who invade our land and think to change our ways, our laws, our religion.

We were warned that Antichrists would come claiming to be Christians yet preach that the Bible is wrong about creation, that it was actually a monkey that was made in the image of God first, or preach that sodomy is a civil right, that child sacrifice is a civil right, but worst of all, declare that there are many paths to God, that the Only Begotten Son is not the only way into heaven, and claim to respect him as a prophet while calling him a liar.

We were warned the greatest adversary would be those who came in the name of Christ, while doing the will of their father the serpent, come in the name of Peace, then sudden destruction. Claiming a faith in God, yet denying the power and wisdom thereof, and worst of all, making the Fathers sacrifice a murder, making the shed blood of Christ of no effect and a waste.

That is a question Tim Russert should of asked Obama…What will you do with the Only Begotten Son? They claim they want an honest debate, while rewarding those who use terror, violence, and murder to quiet those they disagree with…like Malcom X, and it is Islam that is afraid of those who speak these truths out against it, and why they use terror and violence to remove the rights of man, and used the sword to force conversions to Islam…ironically it is Rome and Islam, both who used terrorism for conversion who are now hugging in unity, both organizations made powerful by their slave trades are now the ones who the Blacks believe are championing their cause for freedom and Justice?

The problem with the Church leaders is they have not began their judgements with their own house, for if they had they would realize this fact…that Washington is just as guilty as this Antichrist religion and it’s false prophet, just as sleezy as the Great whore, and upon further review would realize that Washington the man, and the city, fulfill all the descriptions as the Beast with great iron teeth, who was, and is not, yet is.

If Protestant religious leaders understood the Word, they would have seen the errors of their ways and instead of trying to prove their spirituality by interpreting Revelations, they would of simply obeyed the Word and began their judgement with Washington, rather than try to give him that which belongs to God…praise, honor, and glory.
They would realize that their National Monument is a graven image of the erect penis of the god of earth, the city built to honor the fertility gods of Egypt and Babylon, they would see that Washington is the revived Roman Empire, and would do exactly what God wants us to do….repent, and cry out…Have mercy upon us all, for we ‘all’ like sheep have gone astray!
For only righteous judgement is judgement that begins in ones own house, and that has not yet been done…that is the foundation that must be set right before anyone can begin to judge other nations, it must always start in the Judges own house.

That’s why you have televangelical Protestants who endorse godless candidates, then retract their endorsements, once they have been rebuked by their selection. God doesn’t change his mind…or retract endorsements, or for that matter endorse any candidate of a nation built upon giving glory to the genocide of His ‘chosen ones’ whose Spiritual Capitol we are standing upon with it countless monuments to the pagans gods and goddesses.

It is time for us to comply with the Word of God Emanuel for the Word is with us, and in us, and all about us, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper, for it is written. The Church has no reason to get involved with trying to compromise with the Spirit of Antichrist, but we have been instructed to be separate, and assist in no way those who deny the Only begotten Son, or call his blood sacrifice a ‘Monstrous Thing’ or expect us to serve your cruel gods who think we now should have to make bricks without the straw.

We are free, for it is the Truth that sets men free, and it is this truth, that makes religions like Islam force citizens to surrender their freedoms, and bow to terror and violence, and this is the reason Islam hates Christianity, and why the Bible warned us about Antichrist.
You will find that now that Protestant televangelicals have been rebuked by both sides of Washington’s divided house that they will either start preaching the will of Yah, or they will bow to the demands of Washington and begin preaching ‘don’t worry, be happy’ sermons or will find some other ‘Antichrist’ instead of Rome and Islam to target as the Beast, like some are now claiming about Germany, if you can believe that!

But at least now you know the fulfillment of the ‘falling away’ of the last days…the majority of Americans believe ‘there are many ways (religions) to heaven’ and claim to be Christians, yet make a mockery of his shed blood….these are those who it was foretold will be deceived by the Spirit of Antichrist, and will think they are doing good while doing evil, and will try to kill you thinking they are doing God a service.

Obama claims he is a Christian today, but once elected who says he can’t convert to Islam? Fulfill Hamas prophecy of turning Washingtons Capitol into a great Mosque for the Nation of Islam? He can’t do that? Ask him. Yes, we can! And if he told you a lie, ask him, he’ll tell you he simply ‘changed’ his mind.

The same spirit that was speaking to George Bush, who George claimed was the voice of God, is the same spirit that will be speaking to Obama, for it is the spirit of Antichrist, and regardless of the outer appearance, the voice, their words will give them away.

They want debate? Then here is the irreconcilable difference, the stumbling block of the nations, the cornerstone the builders rejected, and that is this question? What will you do with the Only Begotten Son of God? Accept him or reject him? They expect us to compromise our faith, yet are uncompromising, they demand land yet never surrender it.
While Islam continues it’s goal of world domination, trying to see how many Mosques it can place in lands more numerous than any military bases of America we must use their same logic upon them. Every Nation should have it’s holy place, and no nation needs to go into other countries to try to overthrow that place and establish it as their own, and the thought of the entire world under the religion that justifies terror and violence to convert, where extortion is the global peace plan…there will be no hope for mankind….he must learn repentance and forgiveness, until then, there will be no peace.

Protestant leaders, give up your dream of changing the Beast, and understand when the Word returns it is to judge all Nations, and America is not exempt…this is where it must begin. For until we repent of being all those things which we judged as being evil, He cannot assist us and make us victorious that is the game plan of the adversary, to prevent the true and living God of Israel from assisting us while they wage their war against us.

There is no need for lengthy debates about theology…simply look at the foundations and you’ll know all about the house. It’s just that simple, our faiths foundation is that God beget a Son, while the foundation of Antichrist is that God beget not a son, there are many ways to God, and there is no need for the shed blood of our Lord. Those who claim to be Christians while at the same time call him a liar and a monstrous thing will be judged by the Word…as they have.

We must examine ourselves, judge the Church and begin complying with the Word of God instead of the will of the Pope or President, we need to see the Antichrist for who and what it is and separate ourselves from such, then He will come to our cries for help, and He will become our God, and we will become His people, His ‘chosen ones’ the Saints..those who keep the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of Christ.

In the service of YAH

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