Friday, June 20, 2008

Michael blogs It is obvious that the White Church is under attack

It is obvious that the White Church is under attack, yet a Black Pastor claims the government is attacking the Black Church.

I would ask Obamas Pastor then why isn’t the Black children of those in a Polygamist Cult, who are under aged Mothers on State Welfare…Bleeding the Beast (Washington) becoming State property. Can you imagine if buses pulled up to the Nation of Islam encampment and started rounding up every member demanding DNA tests on them?! It would never happen, yet it has to the White Church.While the White Church has been infiltrated by European Freemasons (White Supremist) the Black Church has been invaded by Black Islamic Nationalist, and claims to be ‘rescuing the Church’ just like the State is claiming to be rescuing the children from their parents, who the media like Nancy’s DisGrace, because her religious views are different then those being attacked. Don’t get me wrong…we’re not living in the time of King David, nor could we properly afford more than one wife, however to try to enforce outdated laws on one particular religious establishment has historically proven a disaster. But keeping things in perspective, if Texas wants to enforce it’s age old Polygamy laws…after it has not enforced them for decades if ever, then why doesn’t Texas enforce it’s adultery laws or its Sodomy laws? Is it force or numbers that establishes laws here in Babylon?
Is this the law of Babylon? That a man cannot have more than one wife, however it is ok for a man to marry a man? And the State believes children are safer with Sodomites than with Polygamists? A Woman can marry another woman (on Bush’s ranch) and can sacrifice her child, yet ‘round up them women with long dresses on. Who cares about the illegals and terrorists? The State has a bigger enemy it’s wasting resources on. What a hole the State of Texas has stepped in, yet the original sin, the ‘false witness’ is released without any of the punishment that has been suffered as a result of her crime. I hope the United Nations spying on Americans trying to find racism in America Mr. DoDo understands that racism in America does exist, that the color of ones skin does make a determination in being given special preferences and advancements …it’s called affirmative action. Obama is the prime example. Black Colleges Black Expos etc. The White Church has seen what happens when they try to make Rome into Jerusalem, and should stay out of Politics completely…for what hath light to do with the darkness?The White Church infiltrated by these Masonic Capitalist preach prosperity..the ‘name it and claim it’, while the Black Church is being hijacked by those who preach ‘fake it, and take it.’ The TRUE Church is neither Black nor White, Jew nor Gentile, but the Bride of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the earth, and must prepare herself accordingly. The Church must separate from that which denies the truth of the Word, must separate themselves from those who claim to come in peace, yet preach conversion by the sword. Those who claim there are other ways into heaven other than the shed blood of the Lamb are liars and Antichrists…not my words, however it is written. Sheep don’t eat sheep, and victims don’t drive luxury cars. Both the White and Black Church need to clean house and take back their Churches and surrender them to the Word and become one, for we can now see the enemies of our Lord very clearly.. A vote for Obama would surely be considered a sin. Just as your vote for McCain, for neither are worthy, nor should either receive it, for they represent Washington, who should not have our support or favor.
BlogofMichael May08

New blog June 08

Yes we can!
No you can’t!
Yes we can!
No you can’t!
Yes we can!
No you can’t!
Because it was written long ago, the Word of God written by his own finger…Thou shalt not~

We see one of the changes we can expect from Obama…the changing of his mind, or as CNN put it…’doing the right thing, by going back on his word’

Did Obama lie? Or simply change his mind? Now Obama can get funding from his Mideast friends. But like the staging of Obama’s background, not wanting the American people to see who is really ‘behind Obama’ they use this deception to their benefit making Obama have to apologize to Muslims for their exclusion…a win, win for Obama.

And lets be honest…Obama claims he wants a debate, a true and honest dialoge on race relations, but especially religion…first if we are to be honest, Obama needs to answer the question on how many hundreds of thousands of tax dollars have been funneled to the Nation of Islam via Chicago Pastors? For that would be evidence of Obama’s funding of known terrorist…those who have citizens killed simply for exercising their freedom of speech…like Farrakhans Fatwa on MalcomTim Russert asked Obama if he accepted the support of Louis Farrakhan, to which Obama claimed he did not. The better and more important question is Has Louis Farrakhan accepted any support from Obama?
Your answer will be your evidence you need to prove the claim that Obama supports and has supported terrorist. (tax dollars for ‘social services’)-spread hate for ‘rich white people’

Another interesting thing is this claim that the Black Church is being attacked, while it is the only Church thus far capable of getting away with violating tax laws (endorsing from the pulpit) without consequence (so far) and the media outlets claim Obama’s Pastor ‘may’ have violated tax laws…even though we are all seeing and hearing it with our own eyes. A church under attack is not a church that is being allowed to have it’s leaders get away with violating the laws of the land, a church under attack is not a church that is receiving hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, so they can continue their claim of supremacy in race and religion (no god but Allah) all the while calling us the bigots because we choose not to be neighbors with those who claim our religion is a ‘Monstrous thing’ and a capitol offense according to their Islamic law, the Quran.

A church under attack does not get away with violating the governments laws. A church under attack does not get unlawful funding from the government, I mean our tax dollars.. A church under attack does not have a Pastor that gets away with terrorism and murder, and though Obama’s Pastor claims that Islam is that other ‘fold’ of the Fathers flock….
Sheep don’t eat sheep, and victims don’t roll in luxury cars, and drippin with gold

It is the Protestant Church that is under attack..especially the ones who have properly identified the enemy of Christ and have obeyed the Words command to separate ourselves from such…It is the Church that keeps the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of the Only begotten Son of God…AKA the Saints that are under attack.
Remember Waco? And now the Polygamist raid, taking the children from the Mothers, and making them all take DNA testing? All because of a ‘False witness’ an Obama delegate that pointed the government to white protestants at attack, while another polygamist cult-the Nation of Islam is guilty of the same ‘crimes’ and why doesn’t the State round up all the underage mothers on welfare and do DNA testing and determine who the fathers are and press charges of statutory rape on them? And how about the original attack on the white protestant church that resulted in President Bush decreeing the Faith Based Initiatives…funding of Pastors endorsing, supporting from pulpit, as well as preaching their hatred abroad….that incident was the Indianapolis Baptist Temple….where the government offended by the free speech of the Pastor who was critical of the Clinton administration, had their Church seized by US Marshal Frank Anderson, and the Church bulldozed…for ‘violating tax laws’ yet the Black Church (Farrakhan, Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger) does it without consequence…..The bigger problem was that at the same time the State was seizing and destroying the Protestant Church and School, this same State was being challenged by the I.C.L.U. for unlawfully funneling tax dollars to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese~!
Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith scrambled to find a way around ‘Constitutional land mines’ and with the help of the new director of the I.C.L.U. Sheila Kennedy, and the assistance of the only newspaper the Indianapolis Star John Krull, Stephen Goldsmit began funneling money tax dollars to religious organizations for ‘social services’ and it became so successful that Goldsmith was invited to Washington to assist Bush on implementing it on a National scale…basically to change the law, since they were found to be in violation of the law..illegally assisting Rome with it’s plague of pedophile Priest lawsuits, while at the same time seizing a Protestant Church and school and bulldozing it for a much lesser violation of ‘tax laws’.
And now we are in the mess we’re in with the Protestant Church being labeled as hijackers of the faith, by those who believe in evolution, sodomy, child sacrifice, and mock the Word of God, labeling us as the bigots or agents of intolerance because we choose not to unite with those whose religious instructions are to make war on us and take our land by force until we submit to the laws of Allah?
The church that is neither black nor white male nor female bond nor free, the true Church, the ones keeping the Commandments of God and the testimony of Christ…that is the church under attack, and it is the Black church that is being hijacked for those who have no love for justice and only preach peace until they have power to make Jihad, and claim that the god of Islam and the God of the Bible are one and the same.
You wanted a honest dialogue and debate…try to reconcile the truth with the lies.

But what American in their right mind would want to allow those who claim it their religious duty to someday take our land by violence unless we bow to their Islamic law.
Obama claims whatever this country was, it no longer is a Christian Nation…not ‘just’ a Christian nation, it is a Muslim Nation. I must remind Obama that just because someone comes into your home, and overstays their welcome (Clinton responsible for putting out the welcome mat) just because they like my house, and think it better than the ones their living in, or feel they deserve my house more than I do, does not give them the right to say, this is not your house, whosever it was, it no longer is just your house, but it is our house….I don’t think so. And we ain’t down with those religions of the longknives who think they can come into our camp in the name of peace until their numbers are great, then demand we bow to their god, and serve them, or we must leave our lands. Ain’t happening again. You think yes you can, but you cannot…for it is written thou shalt not

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