Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Public Posting of Emails with Gary Naler re: Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types

A Public Posting of Emails with Gary Naler
Regarding his second radio broadcast: August 8, 2008
Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types
Points for consideration and MY Comment Specific Topic:
Islam and Muslim Nations of People

Michael’s comments regarding the definition of Muslim and Islamic beliefs.
My comments, regarding the necessary discernment, judgment and clear seeing of Islam and the Muslim belief religous system for what it is really is all about, under false coverings.

It started with a comment posted on http://remnantbrideradio.com/ , Gary Nalers new radio format. He offers listeners an opportunity to post comments but does not wish to post his answers or continue a public dialog on the comment I made on the subject of Islam or Muslims so I am posting it here. While Gary only intended to draw out one aspect of a concept he sees, I saw it as much more.

August 8, 2008
Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types
Filed under: Elijah — remnant3 @ 4:45 pm
Gary had of late written multiple news releases on two particular groups, acknowledging their exemplary modest dress, moral behavior, and proper masculine government. These are the Muslims and the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (FLDS). (To read these releases, click here.) What he found when examining both of these is their amazing types as the Elijah. In this opening program, Gary and guest co-host Chris Meier examine both of these groups, noting these remarkably revealing similarities to the Elijah. By this examination, the listener gains greater understanding regarding the Elijah work and how Yahweh evidences intercessoral types. Listen to the program Or, right-click to download MP3
My Original Comment is posted publicly on his website at: http://remnantbrideradio.com/ regarding the above broadcast and the entire dialog now follows:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxK8pgHeKY0&feature=userIslam 101 for Americans
Re: Islamic believers who are not necessarily the same as Muslim people. I respectfully suggest you think about looking at a 10 minute video referencing the core writings of Islam as quoted in the Quran which is linked above. This is a very important threat now facing the world and being overlooked by many for what it is. I have spent the last several months drinking in the revelations presented on remnantbride.com and I can see and agree with most of what you have presented except regarding your seemingly short sightedness regarding Islam, of which the most important issue is not whether they have an outward appearance of modesty or separation from the world in obedience to new and old covenant scriptures or if they are a type and shadow of the remnant part of a whole walking out an intercession which they most likely are which is very interesting to see the pattern. I can see that it is very possible and could be part of the Fathers overall plan of redemption for all people and a type of a flip, shadowing their re-grafting in, of these blinded Islamic peoples and nations later all in their own order after the FirstFruits.
The mixing of the holy with the profane is very evident in just this one verse in the Islamic;
Quran 19:88 They, say God has begotten a son. Indeed they put forth a monstrous thing. That is in direct opposition to
John 3:16 God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son…
And that is only the beginning of what the Quran quotes as listed in the video above…I have great respect for you and all your teachings except this primary emphasis and recognition on the outward appearance of the Islamics and leaving out the most important those revealed when looking inside of this belief system of violence and terrorism, the violent aspects of Islam. They are not hidden to those who will look and you do a disservice to the real exposure necessary of bringing these truths into the light for all to see without including this information in your presentation of this topic. Truth has been cast down.
With the reversing of the curse I believe the Truth will also reverse back to where it belongs no longer cast down and remaining hidden as the darkness is consumed by the light from glory to glory

While I agree with and see most of all the revelations on the main website of remnantbride.com, and I continue to have great respect for him as a servant of Yahuah, I am now taking a public stand against this limited and short sighted position he holds and has presented regarding Islam and Muslim believers especially in light of the letter he wrote to King Abdullah. In my opinion his lack of understanding in comprehending the fuller picture has resulted in his public appeal and the letter he wrote to King Abdullah, asking for forgiveness for the sins of Amerika’s immorality, stating he King Abdullah is more righteous and steadfast in his moral religious beliefs in his country. Is not King Abdullah a practicing Muslim Islamic who believes and follows Mohammed and the teachings of the Quran, which claims God is Allah? Unless of course Gary thinks Allah is the same God as Yahuah that may have a bearing on his lack of clear seeing on this issue. The letter is posted on his personal blog. Read it at this link: http://www.expertclick.com/NewsReleaseWire/default.cfm?Action=ReleaseDetail&ID=20921

I say, no Gary, it is not as you said in your email to me posted below and I quote you now, “Unfortunately, America is a far greater threat to them than they are to us, as our immorality and physical irresponsibility is a clear threat to them.”
I say, Yes Gary, our immorality is a clear threat to all everywhere especially to ourselves here in America where subversive tares have sprung up like in Sodom and Gomorrah and I also see Islam is a clear and present threat to America as well as all countries and citizens of the Earth, period.

I found this clarification helpful and it is Michaels definition of a Muslim: and those who, claim to be Muslim, but do not believe their Quran, have an identity crisis, as a Muslim is one who believes and adheres to the teachings of Mohammed, who was converted to Islamic law (of terrorism and violence necessary to convert people)...if a person does not believe in the Quran, then they are not Muslim. Maybe they need be educated on what they are...maybe they need a reformation like Christianity did between the Pope loyalist and the breakaway Protestants...but the bottom line is I care less what type of religion you practice, or if you call a worm your God...the problem will naturally arise when those who come into our neighborhoods claiming our faith is a Monstrous thing and it their religious obligation to fight hard against us till we submit to Islamic law by surrendering land or wealth in exchange for Peace....then we have a problem...'naturally' and that is the case here in America, who was warned over 2 decades ago of this real threat to America, yet Politically correct and popular peer pressure ensures the inevitable destruction will occur.

Garys 1st reply email:
From: "Gary Naler" <garynaler@earthlink.net>To: <dkrekic@tampabay.rr.com>Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 9:17 AMSubject: Re: "Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types"Thank you for writing. I am familiar with Islam's denial of Yahshua as theSon of God, and do not endorse these beliefs. I do not know if you haveread the articles on them at<http://www.expertclick.com/ProfilePage/default.cfm?GroupID=8881&SearchCriteria=naler&Serial=19-3298>, but my intentions are simply to contrast theirexemplary moral and governmental qualities, in contrast with those ofChristians, and more particularly America's. They shame both.Their identity as a testimony of Elijah is very interesting, but there is noquestion that they are not in any way the fulfillment. In the program onIslam and the FLDS, Chris states that neither he, nor any, should go out andjoin these two groups if they want to be the Elijah. Clearly, I agree. Butpeople are going to fit into Yahweh's plans wherever He designs.I know about the radical element within Islam, but do not believe theyrepresent the whole. In the Muslim's Golden Age<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age>, they were exceptionallypeaceable, in clear contrast to Christianity. With exception to one rulerfrom Egypt, they allowed Christian, Jew, and Muslim alike to come toJerusalem and worship and build their temples. In contrast, Christianscarried out the Crusades and slaughtered Christians, Jews, and Muslims in agreat bloodbath. As Muslims took control of the country, they brought theworld out of the Dark Ages and allowed each to believe as they wished.This does not mean we can condone the radical element today, but neitherdoes it mean that all Muslims would pursue their intents either. They haveproven otherwise. The Saudis, Kuwaitis, and others in that area proveotherwise as well. Unfortunately, America is a far greater threat to themthan they are to us, as our immorality and physical irresponsibility is aclear threat to them.I hope you will consider this in the larger picture. And, I am glad you arereading Bride truth.Blessings to you,Gary

My 1st reply to above: From: Deborah Krekic To: Gary Naler Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 10:32:17 AMSubject: Re: "Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types"Gary,If you are familiar with Islam's denial of Yahshua then are you also aware of the Quran's other teachings? You totally ignore this question and issue in your response and statement. And have you looked at the link I supplied you which enumerates them? Even if you say you do not endorse these beliefs your actions beg for a response from me. I will look at your link but as far as wikipedia I do not think that is a reliable source or foundation to draw from. Your quote, "contrast their moral and governmental qualities" now that is not supported by your analogy based on outer display of head covering or masculine rule of the family for our countries outer appearance of government also seemed to be Godly so to speak as well. For those of us who have looked at both issues deeply your treatment of the subject is left wanting. I see you most definitely as having the authority to teach and reveal the things you have on remnant bride and I accept them thankfully as the revelations of the plan of Father that even the angel messengers have wanted to look into.Islam is not just about the radical element which is only a part of the whole but what needs to be revealed is the core teachings! Especially they need to be revealed to all Islamic believers and Moslem who probably are just as ignorant of those foundations as most Christians are about the real core teachings that need to be discerned about Christianity to be able to see...both groups are blind and not seeing ... I do not agree with your simple conclusions about the Saudis or amerika, the larger picture as you see it. I am sure it is a way larger picture a device of Satan that I am not able to apprehend totally nor do I see that you have been able to even with the deep clear sight you have been bestowed with. This subject of Islam you have brought to light and your actions and position is not one I will endorse, even with the great respect I have for your appointed office as all of us in the flesh have proven time and again we miss the mark for we still see darkly and perfect discernment in every area seems elusive and most stumble and fall at some point. This is the main area I spotted on your blog that would be where I'd say you need more information. I appreciate your answer since this is the second time I brought a suggestion to you to look deeper and now I know why.I look forward to more drinking from the fountain of revelation and the waterpots being refilled on your site, for since I discovered the remnant bride understandings it is as you say, regarding wanting to drink anywhere else. I have lost the desire really. I no longer care to know the latest things that Satan's kingdom is feverishly trying to accomplish for I know his time is up.Gary, I do not think any one of us has the full larger picture just yet but I am oh so grateful for what you have shared and it makes walking this all out in faith, to the end of the matter so much easier. The hidden manna yes the wedding feast indeed and on that point which is of so much more importance, yes agreement wholeheartedly! Yes he indeed does disclose things ahead of time that only the wise shall understand...Very, Very, Sincerely and with my Full Appreciation and Respect for your willing, wise and stirred heart in these last days.Yah Bless you and yours,Deborah Krekic and WordWarriordebinflorida.blogspot.com

PS From: Deborah Krekic <dkrekic@tampabay.rr.com> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 10:10:53 -0500 To: Gary Naler <gary@remnantbride.com> Subject: PS Still hungry but not thirsty...Fw: "Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types" PS While I am no longer thirsty as I was while in the wilderness and since I have consumed every word at the feast presented on the table, I still long for more...I hope you will post these communications publicly for all to see as running commentary and food for thought. Deb.

Gary’s reply to above:
From: "Gary Naler" <garynaler@earthlink.net>To: "Deborah Krekic" <dkrekic@tampabay.rr.com>Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 4:23 PMSubject: Re: PS Still hungry but not thirsty...Fw: "Islam and the FLDS: Amazing Elijah Types" Deborah, I will not make this a publicly debated issue, for it would only distract from the purpose of the Bride. There is so very much more to do, and we have the hope that we are indeed the Elijah. I have stated my purpose in addressing the Muslims, and that is sufficient. I do not major on minors. Gary

Monday, August 11, 2008 5:45 PM
My last email to Gary in response:
Gary,I did not say you major on the minors nor did I intend to imply that. If Islam were a minor issue I would let it slide by but Islam is not a minor issue and I do not see how learning about and knowing the deeper truths or revealing of any matter can be considered a distraction when they are uncovered for what they are. Exposing anything that is in the dark to the light for what it is, is indeed a part of what the "much more to do" restoration work is and it is written that all things will not stay hidden and will be uncovered as Truth regains its proper place in the Kingdom of Yahuah. Understanding coverings is as important as learning to see a false cover. If your comment area is not intended for commentary and you do not wish to continue a public dialog on that subject, I will accept that but I will indeed make this communication public for those who are still open minded and willing to look, learn and to discern regarding the issued of Islam when it is opened up to the light of truth for what it is. Thanks for responding and answering in part even though you did not really answer the question I asked regarding Islam and the Quran. Sincerely,Deb

My Last Comment on the matter: It is my hope that by exposing this area to the light of the Truth, it will show my willingness to stand for Gary Nalers main message on remnantbride.com, while at the same time, I am ready willing and able to stand by the evidence and facts of the deeper hidden issues as I have come to understand them regarding Islam. This is a perfect example of how any of us can come to the wrong conclusion by reason of our own thinking and analysis without really knowing or being able to see the end of a matter…We must all have the leading and guiding of the Spirit in all things for the darkness is so thick…The Spirit and the Bride say, Come…

Michaels Comment: I think that 'it doesn't matter' or 'it's a distraction' bothers me so much, cause it's as if they didn't learn anything from 911. I got the same response from many back in the late 8o's talking about this 'antichrist' threat and how Clinton was bending over backwards to have an Islamic migration into this country to balance the power..Clinton acknowledged the Islamic threat to the airports and I have the letter to prove it, yet he did nothing and lo the beast has turned it's head to devour this harlot Babylon and yet they don't see the role of Islam nor the role of America..in fact they see very little if anything at all....they are indeed spiritually blind...and since it was our Lord who told us that we would do greater works than his healing of the physically blind, then our job of healing the spiritually blind has begun and yet once again confirms the validity and truth of the Word.

But don't waste time trying to get those to see who refuse to seek the truth presented to them...for just as Christ said, 'they have eyes and see not' they also have spiritual eyes (discernment) yet cannot see these things you can see now your vision has been restored. Not all will receive their healing...because of their lack of faith.

Stand and deliver.

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