One foot is the United States...
The other foot is the United Nations.
Clay and Iron.
The Beast is indeed this Masonic Roman Empire, thus the Harlot is indeed the Roman Church who rides, or guides the Beast Washington in his Masonic Jihad on the Saints.The False Prophet that ascends from the bottomless pit is Mohammed, as Islam’s own belief is that 'the clay of their messenger Mohammed, came from the pit within the Ka'aba in Mecca Saudi Arabia (in ancient times sacrifices were thrown down in this 'bottomless pit' to their 'astral gods and goddesses', and the reason Islam considers this pit to be bottomless? Because they believe that infinite invisible axis runs through this pit within the Ka'aba, and thus is indeed a 'bottomless pit' according to Islam’s own claims, but for them to say the clay of Mohammed ascended from this Bottomless pit, and it just so happens that Mohammed’s message was that 'God did not beget a Son' (which makes him and his message 'Antichrist' as was foretold by ancient Biblical prophecy. It's not that difficult, it seems everyone has identified the Great Whore as Rome, but are still awaiting some special person to appear in the form of Antichrist, but that is false teaching, for Antichrist has been down here deceiving and making war with the Saints, who are in bondage because they have been deceived into believing and obeying a 'false authority.'
If you have any questions, please feel free.
P.S.-Mid-East Peace Plan pt.2
Forward the information to the people, it's time.
In the service of YAH,
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