Re: "The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008"
Thank you for standing up for what is right and righteous and voting NO. There are spiritual ramifications to what the traitors who voted yes to "The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008" have forced upon the American people and it's affect on all citizens in the world.
Here is a letter I received from Protestant Separatist and posted today October 10, 2008 on my blog giving a few more insights. Posted at:
Bible Word Warriors AKA The Saints....
Basic Instructions Before Leaving, Earth, "Little" Book of Michael
Friday, October 10, 2008
I’m writing this because God is tired of hearing the multitudes asking Him ‘Why?’ Why is this happening to America? I’m not writing this to try to save America, or prevent her inevitable judgment, nor am I writing to promote or condemn any particular Presidential Candidate or Political party, for I am aware that it matters not who sits on the throne of Washington, it is Washington, he who was, and is not, yet is calling the shots. (For those servants who obey his voice, bow to his authority, and serve him.) I write this simply to present the truth so that all may bare witness of what is really going on. As our American financial crisis is spreading throughout all the nations who have followed our Capitalist lead, we also witness Nature becoming quite deadly. As we slip into Socialism we witness the majority of American’s are willing to elect a Presidential Candidate with ties to terrorists. (It comes with the territory even though most of these Americans have family members who have sacrificed their lives in Foreign wars trying to stop or contain Socialism.)
The Supreme Court of Washington is soon to rule on the Laws of God, thinking, this to; they can also ‘Change’ to declare the Ten Commandments to be ‘the property of Washington’ he who was, and is not, yet is, and thinks to be the Master of the Word of God, thinking to change the Law, to allow graven images to be displayed on the very Commandments of God! On the very tablets of God’s laws, Washington thinks to display his image of Great Authority! But what about the 2nd Commandment, the only Commandment with a warning attached the one commandment, forbidding these graven images of the god of Egypt and Canaan? Washington thought he had the right to remove the 2nd Commandment from the States display.
Not many people realize the magnitude of this Supreme Court case occurring at the same time of this National crisis. But let’s get back to this financial crisis and who is really to blame for this global crisis. We all remember 911, however we don’t realize what was the Islamic terrorist target. American financial strength (World Trade Center), is that which funds American military strength (Pentagon.) Let me once again clarify this is not a Partisan rebuke but a presentation of the facts so you can understand the truth of all things. For in this age of great deception Republicans and Democrats aren’t always as they appear. As Socialist empires cheer at the last gasps of American Democracy we need to keep in mind when assigning blame, that we are indeed living in the foretold age of great deception., and neither Capitalism nor Socialism will prevail for both have been judged and found wanting. Take for example Republican Christians who were just as deceived into going into war against Iraq, while Osama is still enjoying life. The deception that the Church should get involved in Politics (which now has resulted in Government welfare-Faith Based Initiatives which has resulted in violating IRS tax laws and Presidential Candidates being endorsed from the pulpits, and religious organizations like Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam receiving millions of tax dollars to promote their message of terror and extortion and demand for separate land in America under Islamic Law. If the government is so set on displaying religious law, the let them display a monument to Islamic law and let the State ‘modify’ the text to say something else, and let the State include graven images of the Cross and see what happens.
So why does Washington think to do so to our Sacred Text, what Washington would never consider doing to Mohammed’s laws? This crisis is not Republican or Democrat but rather God’s judgment upon the kingdoms of earth and all parties, like all mankind are guilty on this global insurrection against the Word. For example, Ronald Reagan, the Christian Republican champion who was actually the one who violated the laws he swore an oath to obey and defend, and funded and supported the very terrorist who would become mighty enough to defeat Russia when it was in Afghanistan doing what America is currently doing (war on terrorism) and this mighty army of Osama Bin Laden would as foretold turn to devour this harlot called America. It was George Bush Sr. on Sept. 11 who declared a New World Order at the United Nations. [The New World Order is Islamic Socialism for it is an Islamic solution to the problems caused by Islamic Jihads- in brief the N.W.O is the Peace Plan that calls for land or wealth in exchange for peace] And likewise George Bush who made the royal decree to change Constitutional law and allow government to begin funneling tax dollars to religious organization, with the majority of money going to those who call Christianity a ‘Monstrous thing’ and desire to change everything America stands for. George Bush claimed to hear the voice of God, and yet he was responsible for the first duly elected terrorist organization, the first terrorist democracy in the Middle East. And now Bush is saying Socialism is the way. Just because we haven’t seen our aircraft being flown into our financial buildings doesn’t mean that they had given up on this target to ‘disable’ America via it’s power-money.
The attack continued but it came from within, from our own Democratic Congress, and nobody saw it coming. Politician’s whose desire it is to Change American Capitalism into a Socialist Republic of Islam and receive their power, (money) from other Islamic countries who lobby for community programs and Faith Based Initiatives to fund this effort. When a Presidential Candidate has terrorist ties that’s one thing, but when the same Presidential Candidate is involved with financial organizations like Freddie and Fannie, that were responsible for the Stock market stampede, then it should be quite clear to Americans what is going on. Those who are blaming George Bush for the financial crisis are giving him way too much credit considering his obvious mental handicap. It wasn’t Bush nor the Republicans who caused the financial collapse but rather the Democratic Congress who violated the Constitution by getting involved with the Banks and demanding they start ‘loaning’ to the ‘have nots’ who they knew could not afford to pay back the loans. And those Politicians involved with these Banks and using Credit instead of Aircraft became successful in their attempt to topple American Capitalism. So now you see how the U.N. New World Order of the ‘Haves’ surrender land or wealth to the ‘Have-nots’ in exchange for peace can and has been implemented. without a shot being fired. And those who caused this financial collapse win twice since they can use the economy crisis as being caused by the Republican Christians. Now you know. You would think that the Republican Presidential Candidate would know about this and bring it up in the debates. For him not to confirms the conspiracy that the New World Order will be established and the laws which you have sacrificed for will be changed just as easily as they changed the laws of God.
Our kingdom is not of this earth. Be ye separate. Come out of her my people.
In the service of YAH,
Many of us do know the truth of what is really going on available from many sources like the quotes below from:
"Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out FOREIGN INVESTORS. They know it, they demanded it, and the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen." - Brad Sherman , D-California.The Bill says:(9) TROUBLED ASSETS.—The term ‘‘troubled assets’’ means—(A) residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated or issued on or before March 14, 2008, the purchase of which the Secretary determines promotes financial market stability; and (B) any other financial instrument that the Secretary, after consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, determines the purchase of which is necessary to promote financial market stability, but only upon transmittal of such determination, in writing, to the appropriate committees of Congress. Note carefully - there is no "Made in the USA" requirement, and nothing prohibits a non-US institution from "selling" a security to a US bank, which then immediately resells it to the TARP. Nor is there any provision to prevent Secretary Paulson from defining any other financial asset as "promoting financial market stability", and while he must notify Congress, they cannot block his purchase. As for the Senators and Reps who voted for this bill - we'll soon have a "Hall of Shame" nametag gallery for you. America will not forget that you intentionally concealed a foreign declaration of economic warfare against the United States.
Ginny, I am sending you this letter and information just letting you know that we the people of YHWH see what is going on and I am posting it publicly for all the world to see at:
Please pass this information along to all members of the Senate and Congress, if you are willing to continue to stand up for the Truth and truly represent the people.
Update October 17, 2008 Congresswoman Ginny's reply and MINE!
Do you know who the Federal Reserve is? Many of us do. "They" are the enemy not the savior.
Business as usual will stop when Yahshua returns and topples the tables of the "money changers" again the second time at the second coming. See this or any of many informative sites to educate yourself please.
----- Original
----- Original Message -----
From: Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 9:11 AM
Subject: Responding to your message
Dear Deb:
Thank you for contacting my office with your thoughts on Congress' recent efforts to address the faltering credit markets. As you may know, I voted and spoke out against the bailout package both times it came before the House of Representatives. The first time around, a majority of my colleagues joined me to defeat the bill. However, by adding pork, the Senate was able to persuade enough of my colleagues to switch their votes and pass the bailout.
Make no mistake: the last few months have seen wild fluctuations in the financial markets of the United States and the federal government has taken important and vitally necessary steps to contain the credit crisis. Beginning in January 2008, the Federal Reserve ("the Fed") slashed interest rates by an unprecedented 1.25% in little under a week. In March, when Bear Stearns collapsed, the Fed took action to ensure its effect on the markets would be minimal and arranged its sale to JP Morgan. Over the course of the summer, eleven banks failed, foreclosures skyrocketed, and the credit markets began to tighten.
While the seeds of the credit crisis were readily apparent, they did not truly take root until early September when the Department of Treasury announced it would be taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to prevent widespread market panic. At the time, the two government sponsored entities (GSEs) were still solvent, but their portfolios were rapidly deteriorating and their potential failure was a real danger.
However, following the ensuing collapse of two investment banks, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke decided that the steps they were taking were not calming the market. That is when they proposed to Congress a financial sector rescue package that would take the toxic assets off the balance sheets of banks. By doing this, the financial sector could theoretically recover and the government could inject much needed liquidity into the markets. The price tag for performing this public service? $700 billion, and that's on the back of the American taxpayer, not Wall Street.
Let me be clear: these are tough times. Many Americans are watching as their investments decline in value, unemployment is rising, and, more than likely, the United States is in the grip of a recession. However, a $700 billion government handout to Wall Street is anything but a solution.
Some will tell you that my opposition to the bailout is simply a poor understanding of economics on my part. I want to point your attention to a letter written by a large group of the finest economic minds in the country, including four Nobel Laureates. This group of economists came out in public opposition to the bailout package and outlined their concerns in a letter to Congress. I hope that you find their comments and analysis of the bill worth reading.
When the $700 billion bailout package came before me on the House floor twice, I voted against it twice. The first time around, I called it business as usual in Washington and a majority of my colleagues agreed. For some reason, the Senate opted to underscore my point by loading it up with $150 billion of pork. As if $700 billion for Wall Street wasn't enough, the Senate decided the government also needed to give a handout to those who manufacture wooden arrows designed for children, or to help out the rum producers in Puerto Rico.
One provision in particular caught me though: the American Samoa Development Credit. Historically, this credit has benefited a corporation whose main product is tuna and has operations in American Samoa. Figuring out who benefits from some of these provisions is a bit like playing Guess Who, but in this case, it's easy: Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Two years ago, ethical questions were raised when information came to light that the main beneficiary was based in Speaker Pelosi's district. Evidently, some politicians never learn. Unfortunately, this is just business as usual in Washington and lard plays a vital role in election year politics. Thus, enough of my colleagues switched sides the second time around to pass the $850 billion bailout.
I return home to Florida every weekend, where I speak to my friends and neighbors about what is happening in their lives. I hear stories about the everyday challenges facing Florida families, whether it is the declining value of a home, the hard time their daughter is having finding a good job, or how the high cost of gasoline is keeping them from taking a family vacation this year. These hard working men and women have a difficult time seeing how a taxpayer funded bailout will lower their gas prices and help find them a job. They look to Congress to find solutions, not make yet another problem.
As Congress moves forward and continues to address the current economic situation, I will continue to work with my colleagues on the Financial Services Committee to find bipartisan solutions that protect the American taxpayer and stabilize our economy. Placing blame and pointing fingers will get us nowhere in this debate. We need to set aside our Party labels and work toward commonsense solutions that meet the needs of American families and protect our shared interests.
Throughout my tenure in public service, I have always kept an open door and an open dialogue with my constituents. As Congress addresses the many challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and views with me. Accordingly, I encourage you to visit my Web site at to email me and find useful information about our 5th Congressional District.
It is my honor and privilege to serve the people of Florida's 5th Congressional District and my offices and staff are here to provide you with any assistance you may need.
Ginny Brown-WaiteMember of Congress
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