What’s in a Name: A short study of YHWH’s name and His son’s name is Yahushua,(Yahshua) not Jesus. The letter J was not even invented until about the 15th century.
Study references: (Torahofmessiah.com, judaismvschristianity.com, jesuswordsonly.com and a restored name bible at yahshua.net)
Isaiah 52:5 Now therefore, what have I here, saith YHWH, that my people is taken away for nought? "they" that rule over them make them to howl, saith YHWH; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.
YHWH 's son has a name: Yahushua (Yahshua) It is not Jesus and if you study this you will see the deception. Mixing the holy with the profane is the signature of the Tares and remember it was and is Satan’s desire to sift the wheat just like he sifted Peter whose faith and clear seeing was the foundation of THE Rock of THE KINGDOM, which was of YHWH and not Peter the man himself. It was a gift to Peter, a healing of the Spirit! And before the wheat is gathered into the barn it is threshed just like the first remnant disciples of Yahshua! Now keeping in mind the power in a name and that, there is a late wheat harvest and there is an early barley harvest of first fruits…
Isaiah 48:11 For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.
Psalm 91:14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
Psalm 68:4 Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name YAH, and rejoice before him.
Psalm 44:20 If we have forgotten the name of our Elohim, or stretched out our hands to a strange el;
44:21 Shall not Elohim search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.
Some trust in HORSES:Like those in the family of Islam. "They" believe that Barak the Magical Horse with the face of a man carried Muhammed to a higher level from the Dome of the Rock!) I wonder is it to a higher spiritual level or to another earthly realm...like a planet? or symbolic for taking Planet EARTH the property of YHWH and His people and carrying Islam to a new level of authority above YHWH and putting the god of Muhammed in place of YHWH in, The ONGOING BATTLE FOR THE THRONE! Where is their paradise...really?
Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of YHWH our Elohim.
Psalm 22:22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.
* Update Obama is the Beast from the Sea…
A Trojan WAR Horse filled with men who destroy.
The United Nations and the Re-Building of the Tower of Babel…
A legal pre-requisite for being 'Commander in CHIEF" of the USA is citizenship! A LIVE Birth certificate is required by LAW! Obama is the TROJAN HORSE (a maleviolent entity that appears to perform a desirable function but is flled with men who destroy from within.) We are witnessing a replay and ongoing WAR between a Greek goddess, Athena and other fallen ones over not having been invited to a wedding! Obama is one of the heads of “The crooked serpent beast” from the sea who receives a fatal wound, the beast in REV 13 who gets healed putting himself in place of YHWH a usurper of times and laws. So now we know why Greek Mythology is taught as a MYTH when in fact these fallen ones are still trying to take the throne of YHWH and re-building the Tower of Babel by deceiving mortal men. "They" have been gathering together for war against YHWH since the “United Nations” re-formed their alliance of the revived Roman Empire, including all the deities in the rebuilding of the tower of Babel so blatantly displayed in their marketing campaigns.
* Update Hang Obama Sign in Indiana: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfpD7BFZQUI
It sure would be interesting if there were an assasination and unlike JFK and other "Commander in Chiefs of USA" who died and went to the grave and stayed there.... A resurrection of Obama after being declared dead for 3 days would be quite the lying sign and wonder a perfect counterfeit NOW wouldn't it? Interesting that it's all about immortality and healing...power and authority and the Book of Life (Resurrection Life = Immortality)The Battle between the sons of Zion and the sons of Greece. (Greek Mythology the fallen angels and their seed, their progeny same as from Genesis 6 and 10)
Update: Email from Gary Naler CASTING OUT SATAN and MY Trip to the Sea
Yesterday....I saw Giants!
A shocking sculpture 26' feet tall called UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER is a WW2 'image' known all over the world. It reminds me of the Current World WAR 3 being forced upon the world by another Unconditional Surrender, the collapse of the money and "their" Financial Intervention."
Now on display in Sarasota Florida in BABYLON America the USA.
NOW which angel do you suppose it has attracted?
I read this update email from Gary Naler after posting these updates. I was too tired last night after driving home thru Saint Petersburg and past the Tropicana Field stadium at approximately the same start time of the 2008 World Series opener between the Philadelphia Phillies(HORSES) and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. They have "CHANGED" their name by dropping the identifier "DEVIL" and are called Tampa Bay Rays now! Having been at the sea, where I saw giants nearby and with a little looking, I easily discovered this sculpture is called: UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER which is what happened in WW2! Apparently it has been traveling all over this country on display and is NOW BACK WHERE IT STARTED FROM even though I am only seeing it for the first TIME!! Interesting that it was yesterday my husband wanted to take me to the sea...
And that our faithful sweet and juicy orange tree is totally barren this year and now when it should be full of fruit ready for the harvest. There are two palm trees in The new Improved Garden, they are like the two remnants, one is tall and with straight normal leaves and one has crooked, bent and twisted leaves in the middle layer. I have pruned them twice in hopes they would straighten...must I dig and dung them another year?
The good news is that as I went walking today around the backside of the garden I "remembered" and I saw that I had
planted two other identical trees out of view and they are growing beautifully side by side...
Link to The Unconditional Surrender:
Graven Images that attracted an angel according to the report in Sarasota!
"During seven months as the crowd-pleasing centerpiece of the 2006 Season of Sculpture, Seward Johnson's "Unconditional Surrender" attracted an angel willing to spend close to a million dollars on a permanent version of the gigantic sculpture, an iconic kiss between a World War II nurse and a sailor." http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20071007/NEWS/710070925/-1/RSS
And at the sea: A bird took the meat out of my husbands bread quickly and boldly before he could do anything to stop it, even as it was only inches from his mouth. I was laying on the pure white FIRM sand on my mat while my husband went to change into his bathing suit and while resting from the journey to the sea I awoke to people laughing at what had just occurred as my husband stood by eating his sandwich from home. He is a big strong man and I was shocked to hear this had happened to a man such as he, having taken my eyes off him for just a few minutes.
ONE very interesting detail in this email letter from Gary is: The reminder about Judas HANGING HIMSELF! and how it may relate to the threat that Obama may face as commander in chief...Is an assassination or a hanging being prophesied as a veiled threat with the comparison his running mate made to JFK?
It is reported that Obama has gone to Hawaii.... Why? To see about his live birth certificate perhaps?
Garys ----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Naler
To: Remnant Bride Inquirer
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:13 PM
Subject: Casting out Satan
Dear Remnant Bride Inquirer,
I have had experiences in the past that encourage me today, whether they be catching fish “on the other side,” or my raven flying across town to the window of the girl I would marry, or a man sitting “on the rock” for me, taking my place so that I would not have to end up on the streets. Please allow me to share a story with you that is equally encouraging and hopeful for me today. It is quite unusual. Around 1985, I went to bed one evening and began feeling the oppressive attack of Satan. I am a fairly reserved individual and do not like to attract attention or do something extravagantly, neither would I want to do anything to disturb my family. But on this occasion, the agony I was feeling was so unbearable that I began to moan out loud. My wife first came into the room and began praying for me, but the volume of my utterances ever increased to open cries of agony. Soon my two daughters were in bed with us as well, equally praying. I can remember my second daughter forcefully commanding, “Satan, leave my daddy alone.” As they prayed ever more fervently, my agony subsided, and my groanings subsided. But concurrently, their prayers began to subside. As a result, my agony began to return and my moanings increased. All I could then do was to utter one word—“Pray.” Once again they began to fervently pray. Shortly I could begin to speak. Based on the Christian teachings I had been taught, I commanded Satan to get off of me. I had been taught that Satan could not possess a Christian, but only oppress. Following several entirely ineffective commands, I desperately threw my Christian teachings out the window and spoke—“Satan, get out of me.” Instantly, the agony completely ceased and I was entirely delivered. Why do I tell you this? First, this was a highly unique experience in my life, nothing like it was ever repeated. And second, after I cast Satan out of me, I intuitively knew precisely when he had entered into me. Several days before, I was standing at the kitchen bar forcibly working with something and it slipped. When it did, I let out one curse word, and did not repent of it. Looking back, I knew that it was at that moment that Satan gained the authority to enter into me. Now let me ask you, when do you think Satan gained the authority to enter into the church, to effect his agony on the church that was built on Peter, the rock? Very likely, it was also when he too cursed just before the cock crowed (in first Remnant Matthew 26:74 and Christianity Mark 14:71). I believe that the experience I had with Satan entering into me as a result of cursing, was a foreshadowing of the experience I had on the night of Trumpets, October 16. In the latter, once again Satan entered into me. Furthermore, we read in second Remnant Luke 22:3 that Satan also entered into Judas. But, while his entrance into Judas resulted in Judas going out and hanging himself, his entrance into me was in order to effect the legal transfer of the Elijah office so that on Atonement the serpent could turn into a rod—the ministry of Yahshua in a man. Do you understand this? In order for that office to be gained by Satan, he had to enter into Judas. Thereby in like manner, in order for that office to be transferred back to a man, he had to enter into me. And to do that, I evidently had to curse, even as I did around 1985. Satan had to enter me so that the serpent could turn back into a rod. I had to become the serpent in order to become the rod. And, you will recall that Yahshua had to identify with Satan as well, taking upon Himself the sins of man—the bronze serpent (Satan) on the pole (Yahshua). And I might add, the body of Christ has had the like identification for 2,000 years. (Read The Rod, page 1, at .) Repeating what I shared in the last DRBI e-mail, when Satan walked outside my house that day, he did not pass by because I was his destination. I also believe that it was quite revealing that I opened the front door to see who it was. In type, I actually opened the door to him. It was all a type and testimony of what was to shortly take place on Trumpets, October 16. But one thing about the 1985ish experience also encourages me—I was successful in casting out Satan. Do you remember that Legion was successful in gaining the right to enter into the 2,000 swine? This act testified to the like success Satan would have in the next 2,000 years of the church. Thereby, I overcame my Christian error and cast out Satan. Today, I have equally overcome my Christian error and should have the authority to cast out Satan—the office of the twelfth apostle returning back to a man. Also, I had to accurately address where he was; and today, I know where he is now as well—he is the twelfth apostle, a place that he has occupied for 2,000 years and must now return back to a man. Remember, everything Yahweh does is legal. Let me share another matter that is encouraging. But first, is all of this a guarantee? The only guarantee is that Yahweh will do what He has ordered and declared, and I can only hope we are beginning to get a glimpse of what He is doing and will do. The Peter I have spoken of in the last two e-mails who was dressed in black but seen in red, had pulled away from me two years before. He went back into Christianity and fell into sin. When he returned in 2007, I had hoped that he would be the fulfillment of the passage in Luke 22:31-32 that after being sifted like wheat, he would strengthen the brethren. But, Peter was not a particular strength to us at that time, but was in fact in need of a lot of help and understanding. And of late he has even pulled away yet again. But what I now see is that Peter was only a type, a testimony of that which would be fulfilled one year later in 2008. Even as natural Peter was away for two years and returned, so now after 2,000 years we need the promised fulfillment. As addressed in the last DRBI e-mail, the Peter that needs to return and be established at Trumpets and strengthen the brethren, is the rock upon which the second Remnant must be built. And quite ironically, the very reason our natural Peter rejects me is that he cannot accept that the Elijah must be one man, one Peter—the very thing that he himself attests to. The next point I would like to add is relative to what the brother reminded me of on the seventeenth, that Atonement was the day on which Yahshua began His ministry. Of all the things that have taken place and been evidenced leading up to and during this time, that truth is the most compelling and hopeful. In fact, it was that brother and Peter who were with me in Washington State in 2004 as signing witnesses of a document that is undoubtedly quite significant. On September 25, 2004, Kyle Nixon entered into a contract with me whereby the place of the twelfth apostle that has belonged to Satan for 2,000 years, was transferred to me. Quite significantly, that contract was signed on Atonement, the very feast that we are now approaching come October 25, 2008, hoping for Yahweh to make that very transition. (To read this contract, go to .) So here we are, four years later at the same feast, Atonement, hoping that this transition we set forth legally will indeed take place. I pray that Yahweh fulfills this. Let’s now look at the ongoing prophetic testimony revealed in baseball. If you do not remember, baseball is prophetic of the kingdom of heaven. I will try to be brief. When the Rays lost to the Red Sox on Trumpets, my one ray of hope was crushed, I had an Uzzah experience, and Satan entered into me. From my standpoint at that moment, that loss was failure. Oh yes, they went on to win the American League Championship, but I was looking for something that night affirming a Trumpets victory. But what I failed to see was that the true fulfillment was that the scarlet thread had to go to a Satan, so that night Satan had to enter into me. Thus the win that night after a 7-7 tie, had to go to a red work and the Red Sox won. That night was a Satan night, and the Rays (less the Devil) had to lose the game. It was in fact an incredible turnaround for the Red Sox. I hope you understand the scarlet thread now, how it represents the office of the twelfth apostle and is passed from Judas, through Satan, to the Elijah. This is clearly a scarlet thread of sin and death that leads to resurrection life. In the seventh and final game, the testimony of the removal of Satan was evidenced. At the top of the ninth inning, all the Rays had to do was to keep the Red Sox from scoring. The Rays led by two points, so the pitcher needed to shut them out, or at least hold them to no more than one run. When I saw that the closing pitcher was number 14, I was quite hopeful. Why? I have labored fourteen years to receive the two-part Bride. (Fourteen is also the sum of the two sevens, 7-7, in the score on Trumpets.) Then I saw the pitcher’s name, and was even more convinced that this was Yahweh’s testimony. For fourteen years I have had to pay the price for the Bride, and the pitcher’s name was Price, David Price. Now, if this was not enough, in the most revelatory movie I have ever watched—Unbreakable—there is an Elijah character whose purpose in type is to reveal the coming of Yahshua. And, his name in the movie is nothing less than Elijah Price. The name of the one who was the type of Yahshua was David Dunn, the Son of David who declared, “It is finished/done.” And if this is not enough, David Price and Elijah Price are both black men—the raven, the Elijah. David Price is also a left-hander, even as were the Benjamites—Benoni, “the son of my sorrow,” who was changed to Benjamin, “the son of my right hand.” Yahweh reverses the curse. The transformation of Benoni to Benjamin is clearly the course of the Elijah. (It can also be said that the first Remnant was a Benoni, and the second Remnant is a Benjamin.) Of course David Price shut the Red Sox out in the ninth inning, the Elijah inning, sending the Rays to the World Series. But I must say, when I saw the number and name of Price as he warmed up on the pitcher’s mound, while momentarily encouraging me, it soon caused me to be quite distressed. Why? Given the obvious prophetic testimony, what if Price failed and the Rays lost?! I would once again be crushed! (This is why I do not like to watch baseball. It is too prophetic, and the games become very real representations of the kingdom of heaven.) To my GREAT relief, the suspense was not too great or drawn out. That ninth inning was over rather quickly as Price fulfilled the testimony we all needed to see, particularly me at that moment. And, it might not surprise you, this is where I am even today. Do you know how many times I have been disappointed over the last fourteen years? I can tell you this, that it was enough for Kyle to give me the name—the king of Disappointment. I have no problems whatsoever identifying with Benoni, the son of sorrow—so much so that it is sometimes hard to see that I and all of this could become the son of Yahshua’s right hand. I coud be the king of Appointment. I realize I could fail, but even up to this e-mail I am writing what I see. Yes, even as Price could have lost the game, this could all topple down and cease Saturday, as intercessions have in the past. But be that as it may, I still see hope, even great hope, and Price did succeed. Trumpets was a fulfillment, and I pray Atonement/Jubilee will be as well. What do I, what can we, hope for on the 25th? I hope that what happened to Yahshua on Atonement will happen to me, less the Holy Spirit leading me/us into the wilderness with its fasting from food and water and being tempted by the devil. Instead, I need to lead people out of the wilderness into the promised land, even experiencing Jubilee. The first golden Rod brought a death work, whereas the second golden rod must be a resurrection work. The other way to look at this is to examine what Yahshua did following His resurrection and in the days leading up to Pentecost. In Acts 1:3 we read regarding that time, “To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.” Thus, instead of the forty days and nights in a wilderness, such we would hope to see in this like resurrection ministry period leading up to our Tabernacles Pentecost, yet via Elijah. On the 25th, Satan needs to be displaced, the serpent turning back into the rod. Thereby, I hope to receive the signet ring that belongs to Yahshua and Haman-Satan has had for 2,000 years. He has been the in-place-of-Christ work since Yahshua left, and that cursed place needs to go to a man who will do good and not evil—the Elijah who restores all things and prepares the way for Yahshua’s return. Even as Haman did evil with the king’s ring, so Satan has done evil with the King’s ring/authority. Thus, when Satan came into me at my Uzzah, I attested to his actions and did evil with the signet ring. Satan has not honored that office to do good but used it to effect violence, even as I evidenced by handling that ring with violence. In addition to the signet ring, I need for the Holy Spirit to descend upon me like a dove, that I might walk in the power and authority of the Spirit, even as did Peter. (By the way, that final game was played in Saint Petersburg.) I also need to experience the outcome of the Father saying, “This is my beloved son, in you I am well pleased.” I need His affirmation before men that I am doing the Father’s will and speaking on His behalf, so that I can dispute and destroy the lies of Christianity and the world. We may see Satan displaced on Atonement, but he will have to be exposed and displaced in Christianity and the world as well. Again, Elijah restores all things. One final word on the outcome of the former and latter rods. It is highly noteworthy that the first golden Rod that brought death came under a Passover-first, crescent-moon, Jewish calendar. Very importantly, the second golden rod that brings resurrection and begins the establishment of the new heavens and new earth, comes under the Trumpets/Tabernacles-first, full-moon, New Millennial Calendar. (Read The New Millennial Calendar at to examine this comparison.) There had to be this legal flip in the calendar to effect this new work. Thus, I hope you can see that the flip on October 16, as well as Atonement/Jubilee on October 25, have far more to do with governmental issues relative to the kingdom of heaven than with the world at this time. Will money continue to fail? Undoubtedly so. It failed over a period of three years in the Great Depression. But, the prevailing issue is the creation of the new heavens and new earth. This we will look to Yahweh to effect through His Son—His office He gives to a man, His redeemed associate (Zechariah 13:7), Elijah, who prepares His way. Blessings to you, Gary