Friday, February 27, 2009

Supreme Court Seals America's Fate...February Too Late...

Supreme Court Seals America’s fate. Feb. 2late

We are expected not to speak offensive of Islam, yet Washington says nothing about Islam’s offensive foundation or ‘hate-speech’ towards Christians. [Islam claims Christians are guilty of a Capitol offense thus ‘worthy of death.’] They can defame our faith, but we cannot speak out against them?

At the same time that the Government is attempting to restrict citizen’s Constitutional Right to Free Speech, the Supreme Court rules that the Government can expand it’s
‘hate speech’ against Protestants.

The Government was challenged for its numerous monuments in Indiana that desecrated and profaned that which is Sacred to us, namely the Cross and the Ten Commandments. It was bad enough the Government had erected monuments to their pagan deities, like their goat god, his phallic, and his whore/daughter throughout the State, but when they desecrated that which belongs to God, that was where we drew the line in the sand.

This contest has gone on for over two decades, and finally has been resolved by the Supreme Court, giving Washington expanded free speech rights, including the right to offend any religious establishment it chooses, as they had the Protestants in Indiana.

Thus the scripture is fulfilled, “They repented not of the works of their hands.” Instead they changed their laws to accommodate their crimes. It is indeed too late to apologize.
What was released upon the earth, will be, and is being released. So be it.

‘They’ were warned.

St. Michael.

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