Friday, October 10, 2008

The Fall of Capitalism and link to Final Warning Part 2

Friday, October 10, 2008

Final Warning Part 2

I’m writing this because God is tired of hearing the multitudes asking Him ‘Why?’
Why is this happening to America?

  • I’m not writing this to try to save America, or prevent her inevitable judgment, nor am I writing to promote or condemn any particular Presidential Candidate or Political party, for I am aware that it matters not who sits on the throne of Washington, it is Washington, he who was, and is not, yet is calling the shots. (For those servants who obey his voice, bow to his authority, and serve him.)

I write this simply to present the truth so that all may bare witness of what is really going on. As our American financial crisis is spreading throughout all the nations who have followed our Capitalist lead, we also witness Nature becoming quite deadly. As we slip into Socialism we witness the majority of American’s are willing to elect a Presidential Candidate with ties to terrorists. (It comes with the territory even though most of these Americans have family members who have sacrificed their lives in Foreign wars trying to stop or contain Socialism.)

The Supreme Court of Washington is soon to rule on the Laws of God, thinking, this to; they can also ‘Change’ to declare the Ten Commandments to be ‘the property of Washington’ he who was, and is not, yet is, and thinks to be the Master of the Word of God, thinking to change the Law, to allow graven images to be displayed on the very Commandments of God! On the very tablets of God’s laws, Washington thinks to display his image of Great Authority! But what about the 2nd Commandment, the only Commandment with a warning attached the one commandment, forbidding these graven images of the god of Egypt and Canaan? Washington thought he had the right to remove the 2nd Commandment from the States display. Not many people realize the magnitude of this Supreme Court case occurring at the same time of this National crisis.

But let’s get back to this financial crisis and who is really to blame for this global crisis.
We all remember 911, however we don’t realize what was the Islamic terrorist target. American financial strength (World Trade Center), is that which funds American military strength (Pentagon.)

Let me once again clarify this is not a Partisan rebuke but a presentation of the facts so you can understand the truth of all things. For in this age of great deception Republicans and Democrats aren’t always as they appear. As Socialist empires cheer at the last gasps of American Democracy we need to keep in mind when assigning blame, that we are indeed living in the foretold age of great deception., and neither Capitalism nor Socialism will prevail for both have been judged and found wanting.

Take for example Republican Christians who were just as deceived into going into war against Iraq, while Osama is still enjoying life. The deception that the Church should get involved in Politics (which now has resulted in Government welfare-Faith Based Initiatives which has resulted in violating IRS tax laws and Presidential Candidates being endorsed from the pulpits, and religious organizations like Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam receiving millions of tax dollars to promote their message of terror and extortion and demand for separate land in America under Islamic Law.

If the government is so set on displaying religious law, the let them display a monument to Islamic law and let the State ‘modify’ the text to say something else, and let the State include graven images of the Cross and see what happens. So why does Washington think to do so to our Sacred Text, what Washington would never consider doing to Mohammed’s laws?

This crisis is not Republican or Democrat but rather God’s judgment upon the kingdoms of earth and all parties, like all mankind are guilty on this global insurrection against the Word.

For example, Ronald Reagan, the Christian Republican champion who was actually the one who violated the laws he swore an oath to obey and defend, and funded and supported the very terrorist who would become mighty enough to defeat Russia when it was in Afghanistan doing what America is currently doing (war on terrorism) and this mighty army of Osama Bin Laden would as foretold turn to devour this harlot called America. It was George Bush Sr. on Sept. 11 who declared a New World Order at the United Nations. [The New World Order is Islamic Socialism for it is an Islamic solution to the problems caused by Islamic Jihads- in brief the N.W.O is the Peace Plan that calls for land or wealth in exchange for peace]

And likewise George Bush who made the royal decree to change Constitutional law and allow government to begin funneling tax dollars to religious organization, with the majority of money going to those who call Christianity a ‘Monstrous thing’ and desire to change everything America stands for. George Bush claimed to hear the voice of God, and yet he was responsible for the first duly elected terrorist organization, the first terrorist democracy in the Middle East. And now Bush is saying Socialism is the way.

Just because we haven’t seen our aircraft being flown into our financial buildings doesn’t mean that they had given up on this target to ‘disable’ America via it’s power-money. The attack continued but it came from within, from our own Democratic Congress, and nobody saw it coming.

Politician’s whose desire it is to Change American Capitalism into a Socialist Republic of Islam and receive their power, (money) from other Islamic countries who lobby for community programs and Faith Based Initiatives to fund this effort. When a Presidential Candidate has terrorist ties that’s one thing, but when the same Presidential Candidate is involved with financial organizations like Freddie and Fannie, that were responsible for the Stock market stampede, then it should be quite clear to Americans what is going on.

Those who are blaming George Bush for the financial crisis are giving him way too much credit considering his obvious mental handicap. It wasn’t Bush nor the Republicans who caused the financial collapse but rather the Democratic Congress who violated the Constitution by getting involved with the Banks and demanding they start ‘loaning’ to the ‘have nots’ who they knew could not afford to pay back the loans. And those Politicians involved with these Banks and using Credit instead of Aircraft became successful in their attempt to topple American Capitalism.

So now you see how the U.N. New World Order of the ‘Haves’ surrender land or wealth to the ‘Have-nots’ in exchange for peace can and has been implemented. without a shot being fired. And those who caused this financial collapse win twice since they can use the economy crisis as being caused by the Republican Christians.

Now you know. You would think that the Republican Presidential Candidate would know about this and bring it up in the debates. For him not to confirms the conspiracy that the New World Order will be established and the laws which you have sacrificed for will be changed just as easily as they changed the laws of God.

Our kingdom is not of this earth. Be ye separate. Come out of her my people.

In the service of YAH

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