Friday, October 24, 2008

The Curse on America is not Causeless...and P.S. Peace PLAN

The Only way to Peace is to:

"STOP the UN from its illegal policy of preference to Islam and START respecting the God of Israel." Michaels Post Script:
October 24, 2008The Curse on America is not Causeless (Pr 26)BUT, there is a way out...An Agrement / A Covenant: The P.S. Peace Plan and we are signing our names to it.The 'all seeing eye' symbol is a graven image and it came from Babylon and that's why you see it here in Mystery Babylon.

P.S.Warning Brief to Supreme Court Part 1 P.S. to Supreme Court-"Thou shalt not!" pt.1 of 2

P.S. Final Warning to Supreme Court pt. 2 of 2

P.S. Peace Proposal Part 1

Why Pastors are being deceived by Antichrist

P.S.-Mid-East Peace Plan pt.2

Consider the two feet of the Image....One foot is the United States...The other foot is the United Nations. Clay and Iron. HEAR YE HEAR YE NOW PUBLISHED AND PROCLAIMED October 30, 2008 Day 1 Building a Holy Tabernacle...

The deception: How the state and Federal govt. is involved in the desecration of that which belongs to I AM only, by claiming The Word as state property and equal to the writings of man, placing a graven image of the satanic god Baal on the tablets and placing them next to the god of the state, pan the universal god of paganism. People that don't understand or want to understand the story do not realize how deep this story really is and how it has already happened before in history. Think for just one second, why would the state be so adament about placing the Ten Commandments on state property, when "they" also have a statue of pan, the pagan goat god, a.k.a. the universal god of paganism, complete with an erect penis, an adversary of Our Father YHWH, who gave us The Word on the same property???? Why would the state want to display the Ten Commandments when the first Commandment says to have no other gods, and the Second Commandment warns against making the graven image when "they" have a graven image on the Tablets themselves??!!!! And the Tablets are within viewing distance of 'other gods' ???!!!!!

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