YoHehaWavoHe - Yodh Heh Wah Heh-
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Videos pertaining to the Creator himself from Quiet Buck
Videos pertaining to the Creator himself from Quiet Buck
*Letter from Chief Michael:November 28, 2008, 10:58 AM
Hoka-Hey! Happy NDN Day!
Finally our own holiday!
My how we have advanced...a day of our own...
Brother you can keep your token of respect, we'd rather have repentance, and removal of your offensive pagan monuments to Masonic Murderers removed from our Sacred Capitol..Is that asking to much?
We want our Sacred Capitol returned to the Confederation of Tribes, and return Prophetstown back to those tribes seeking the completion of Tecumseh's quest, of uniting the tribes, and having pow-wow, council of our tribes, to be separate from that which cannot change it's spots, for good and evil cannot dwell in the same heart, and we can no longer try to dwell in the same land with those who desire our extermination, and call our faith a 'Monstrous thing' .
A simple acknowledgement that we have the right to declare ourselves for what we are....free and independent from any proclaimed or perceived authority of this Masonic Government over our tribes and people. Our justification for our separation from this Longknive Nation is obvious to those witnessing above as well as here below. I no longer have to beg, let my people go, for you already know, I merely have to speak the truth, for which there is no defense, simply state the facts that we both know, my people are already free, and all I'm saying is leave my people alone.
For the Sons of the freewoman cannot dwell with the Sons of the bondwoman, for the Sons of the bondwoman never cease in their persecution of us, and think us not worthy to live (like Washington did of the Jesus Indians-Christian Delaware butchered at Gnadenhutten Ohio, having their skulls beat in by a gun barrel maker, while they were on their knees praying and singing hymns of praise to Yah for considering them worthy of being martyrs) they cease not in their attempts to make us bow, and surrender our land and wealth in exchange for peace from their onslaught of expanding the boundaries of their 'religious law' that instructs it's followers to wage war against the unbelievers until they submit to the law of the longknives, but also to exterminate those guilty of the unforgiveable sin, of believing in the Only Begotten Son of God, and for this reason alone the common sense of mankind would reject Washington's offer of uniting with those who understand not Justice, and think Peace can be obtained by extortion, or rewarding terror and violence.
So leave us alone, not let my people go is the cry of the NDN in this age of great deception, and we have an unfair advantage in this contest...for we know who we are, as well as who you are, and we will no longer refer to 'God' as He who delivered us from the bondage of the land of Egypt, but will from now on refer to our Lord as He who delivered us from the bondage of this North Country, for it is written, and the cycle nears completion, and there is no defense against Truth.
Keep your day, just keep out of our way.
Return Prophetstown to the Confederation of Tribes.
- Immediately remove your illegal Masonic Monuments honoring Masonic Murderers like Harrison from our Sacred Ground as evidence of your sincerity of wanting to do the right thing in regards to our people and our sovergn rights given to us by the Master of Life, and not your Most Worshipful Master Washington.
- Did you ever wonder what it would be like if Tecumseh had access to the internet to explain his legitimate grievances against this criminal terrorist organization called Freemasonry, or the Brotherhood of Death.
- Face the facts; we serve the Master of Life, while you serve the Master of Death...we should return to the Royal Proclamation of 1763, for dwelling together is no longer an option, since it is obvious Washington refuses to repent of his genocide of my people, his crimes against humanity, and his rebellion to the Master of Life.
- This is our statement on this day set aside by Washington to honor the Red mans 'contribution' to this Nation....that in and of itself is offensive when you know the truth of the matter, and no true Native Indian would come forward to accept such trinkets or admit they were united with Washington on any matters, for we do not want the judgement and punishment that Yah is soon to unleash upon her.
- That is why it was written long ago, instructing us to 'Be separate' and warned us not to 'assist in any way' those who claim our faith a 'Monstrous Thing', not even bid them godspeed, or we would suffer their same fate, the coming wrath of an angry God, and we'd rather take our chances of Washington's wrath, then suffer the same fate awaiting Washington, for we have experienced Washington's wrath, just as our Brothers experienced the wrath of Hitler, but we still stand in defiance against their claims of authority, for what have we left to fear?
- It is us, they fear, it is our authority they desire, it is the property of Yah they desire to claim as their own, so that they may desecrate, profane, and destroy that which is beloved to Yah, and we can have no part of any of that, past, present, or future.
- Remember this day that Washington gave to the Redman, and remember this day was when we said keep your gifts...and we'll keep our Sabbaths, keep your holidays, and we'll keep our Holy Days.
- The thing that you can no longer keep is that which belongs to Yah, for the Master of Life gave us this land, and just because it was taken by force does not make it yours, and Yah doesn't take to kindly to tresspassers killing his children, then giving honor to such criminals, and thinking we should join with you? Heaven forbid.
I'm not asking you to free my people...they have already been loosed, for they have always been free, for freedom is indeed a gift from Yah, and that which Washington has always sought to remove from us and others, while claiming he is giving mankind freedom. Enough with this talk. I'm beginning to feel contaminated just by my communicating with 'them'. It had to be spoken, and so it has.
In the service of Yah,
Chief Michael
* December 1, 2008 This mornings message to the Church
Beware the Pastors (spiritual leaders) who believe in their hearts that it is justified to use deception if the final result is the saving of the souls of his congregation. AKA 'the end justifies the means' for example if a Pastor knew that faith was what was needed for the congregation to believe, and accept Christ, some Pastors have no problem with 'staging' events, usually healings, as a way to make the unbelievers believe, and come to Christ.
Beware the Pastors (spiritual leaders) who believe in their hearts that it is justified to use deception if the final result is the saving of the souls of his congregation. AKA 'the end justifies the means' for example if a Pastor knew that faith was what was needed for the congregation to believe, and accept Christ, some Pastors have no problem with 'staging' events, usually healings, as a way to make the unbelievers believe, and come to Christ.
Remember this is that age foretold of great deception, and I'm just trying to help you see what you may be missing.
The best way to get people to judge themselves according to the true and living God, is to know the Word, then ask some questions, don't be affraid to ask those who claim to be your spiritual guides, in any realm, but enter into the throneroom boldly, knowing you have the authority to stand unashamed and speak the Word forth in challenge of that which is counterfeit, to compare it side by side with the Word of Yah so that all may clearly see their own deception, and hopefully will go forth to help others also receive their heavenly sight.
These hired shepherds who feel justified in using deception to increase faith (as well as their bank accounts) must be challenged and rebuked. So take this question to your Pastor and ask him if he believes that the 'end justifies the means' and hopefully he/she will tell you that 'no truth is of a lie' and that the important thing is the foundation of your faith, the foundation on which you built your house.
If your fine house was built upon the ashes of those who were murdered in order to steal the land, that house will not stand under the weight of Justice, regardless of how righteous the house currently appears, and thus when deception is used to convince congregations to accept Jesus, their foundation is correct however their roots will be shallow and the branches bare, and will wither sooner than normal.
We have witnessed those who use these 'lying signs and wonders' on television, and even those who have been exposed using hidden microphones to extract information for the Pastor to claim the Great Spirit told him these things, are still on the air performing their lying signs and wonders...miracles that occur as a result of the faith of those who had witnessed a 'false miracle' and thus Pastors feel justified in using a 'staged miracle' now and again to fuel the fire of belief, and the congregations grow, the money starts coming in, and the Spirit of truth exits the building, and then the staged miracles become as a circus with the first five rows being slain by the power of Benny sweaping his arms. You'll know when YAH is presenting His signs and wonders, and it won't be what your seeing on TV.
When the Church believes in these lying signs and wonders or worse, believing that they are justifed by the faith that this deception produces, then their foundation is in believing a lie, and they will be as the Harlot riding upon the back of the Beast that only intends to devour it...loving the Beast, signing the praises of it's murders, giving glory to Washington, pledging their loyalty to his symbol, his banner, the flag of Washington in the sanctuary, and they will not see their own deception, for their foundation was in their belief of a lie, a lying wonder performed by those who claim to be servants of the Most High God, believing that lie that the increase of faith justifies any deception they use to accomplish their goals of becoming prosperous, and since the Church refuses to stand and declare that 'all is not well' they have nothing left to teach the Church except what they have learned about becoming rich...disregarding the fact that the Word said the 'love of money is the root of all evil' so it would be tricky trying to preach prosperity without guiding many down a dark path.
The State of the Church only mirrors the evidence of the truth of the final book, for while the State deceives you by placing Ten Commandment monuments at their Capitols, you've failed to see how they desecrated and profaned that which belongs to God, and rather than protest it, you support and defend it, and give them the permission to do so. Meanwhile the Church is preaching prosperity by snake oil salesmen performing lying signs and wonders as a way of saving lost souls, losing their own souls in the process, all while the sheep are starving.
Our Lord performed many true signs and wonders and before he left he promised us that greater works than these will you do, and some are being blessed to be able to do just that, for the Spiritual is greater than the physical miracles such as making the physically deaf to hear, or the physically blind to see...The greater miracles that he prophesied that we would do, we must do, and that is to make the spiritually deaf ear to hear the spiritual realm, and the spiritual eyes to see the bondage that they are in, via the deception they are under, and give praise to only He who truely sits on the throne, He who is delivering us from out of the bondage of this North Country of deception, murder, and injustice, our 'unfair advantage is our ABBA, that is to say, our DADDY = YWHW!
Hoka-Hey...I've been walking in Grandmothers 'flaming mocasins' all day!
Chief Michael.
* Parable Of The Ten Virgins & Yahweh's Name
Video Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0ucQFuYyEM&feature=channel And my comment:
WOW WOW Double Wow Blessing! You said" The wise love the name of their beloved and as truth about HIS NAME is brought to their attention, they readily recieve it whereas the foolish feel content with the light they had....This is so TRUE!!! What an amazing revelation...in the time of the end when most refuse instruction...Jer 9:4,6,13,24 The time when they refuse to know the truth because they have forsaken the law...yet we glory in knowing(trusting) Him...who shows favor to the unworthy and justice to the oppressed founded on the throne of righteousness...
And Song of Solomen 1:3 is about fleeing together for refuge into the Kings inner chamber!!!Rising together into glory and immortality as first of the first fruits, the BRIDE!
WOW WOW Double Wow Blessing! You said" The wise love the name of their beloved and as truth about HIS NAME is brought to their attention, they readily recieve it whereas the foolish feel content with the light they had....This is so TRUE!!! What an amazing revelation...in the time of the end when most refuse instruction...Jer 9:4,6,13,24 The time when they refuse to know the truth because they have forsaken the law...yet we glory in knowing(trusting) Him...who shows favor to the unworthy and justice to the oppressed founded on the throne of righteousness...
And Song of Solomen 1:3 is about fleeing together for refuge into the Kings inner chamber!!!Rising together into glory and immortality as first of the first fruits, the BRIDE!
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