The chosen ones, children of promise,
Tribes of exiled Israelites…
Washington’s 2nd Islamic Inquisition and Jihad upon Native American’s Now
3rd and 4th Generation
The Chosen Ones, Children of Promise,
Tribes of Exiled Israelites…
We the people…
Accomplished slowly over time with seeds sown in stealth by rebellious and lawless founding fathers, whose real worship masters loyalties were and are still today to false gods and idols of Egypt. Babylon is revived in the City of Washington, he who was and is and to come… are now come to bear their fruit upon us all for not being able to discern the truth and deceived into believing a lie and bowing down to their unlawful authority over us which must now end now that we have been made to see by the greater works prophecy that Yahshua spoke into creation so long ago. The authority and command for us to COME FORTH and OUT of Egypt was given long ago. It is our lawful right and obligation of loyalty to our Father whose throne is the most highs PLACE. There is nothing under His creation that will keep us separated from Him no matter who “claims” His authority we are always within our rights to remain obedient to Him no matter who or what claims otherwise. Not the United Nations, Not Washington, Not Rome, Not Greece, Not Allah, Not Islam, Not deceived Sunday keeping Christianity no, nothing shall keep us separated from the love and obedience to YHWH. It is He who shall separate them from us as His heirs and He will have the final WORD over the lawless ones. And that is what they fear. They know history and they know of all the previous civilizations that are buried under the sea and under earth quakes and they know the truth.
There is no defense against the truth. And now we the people know.
Ex 20: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
(1763 till now)
Recorded Scriptural history has shown us that in times past, for lack of knowledge and obedience with respect to YHWH’s law, the people of YHWH perish and go into captivity by evil taskmasters who become strong and powerful. Not being able to recognize an idol or pagan tradition of men like a Christmas tree and what it represents, is just one example of how we have all been led and gone astray by false shepherds and pastors. They are included as false prophets who don’t know their left from their right and lead those who follow into a ditch. Blind leading the blind. Take a look and allow the greater works to be done in your heart and your mind and your eyes may be opened to really begin to see the beginning of knowledge and the fear of the Most High with the reverence and respect that He demands and deserves for continually setting His people free.
1761 Crown Draft to Colonial Governors
Indians are to be secure on their lands and rights,squatters evicted, no sales without Crown approval. To be enforced by all colony governors
· 1763: Treaty of Paris ends French-English conflict -- which included the European 7 Years War. France abandons claims to Rupert's Land, cedes all territory east of Mississippi, and New France, to England. France cedes West Louisiana to Spain, its ally (who lost Florida to England).
· 1763: Pontiac fails to take Detroit, because of informers alerting the English to his plans; as winter approaches, his army of Indians lost faith in victory, and returned to their homes. Aware that England and France had ended both their European and American wars, Pontiac tried to start a second uprising, later counseled peace, and was killed in 1769 in Illinois by a Peoria Indian who was probably an assassin hired by the English
The hidden history of America is one giant agenda and cover-up and a conspiracy that is still unfolding upon the Egyptian tablets of Destiny whose authority is no longer effective over those of us who see the giant deception! History is repeating! The same tactics are being used over and over all over the world to bring in the NWO which is nothing more than the revived Old World Order Dictatorship to enslave and control the people. Causing division among people and convincing them their only choice is to hand over their land in exchange for peace and genocide those who refuse to bow and surrender their land and serve the anti-christ agenda.
There is nothing hidden that remains so and they have no defense against the truth now that we know and will no longer bow to their plans for a second genocide! Exchanging land for peace has been exposed for what it is! The root of all evil and the fruit of a cockatrice egg is that which is hatched by a serpent, in the dark recesses of evil and covetousness where greed and the love of money is king. The real KING needs not anything especially money for by Him are all things. They are found without excuse and there is no defense against the truth of the crimes committed against humanity and they shall be consumed in their own devices. YHWH shall not be mocked nor his name profaned and stolen much longer for the door to repentance is about ready to shut!
Some of the prophets and prophecies of Native Americans that are recorded and handed down are quite similar in doctrinal intent to scriptures. With the varying re-telling and versions handed down among the tribes, there remains a common bond of Truth to be seen and gleaned. The peace pipe represents prayers that ascend to the creator with the smoke inhaled and shared among those gathered together while using both hands. Not much different than a fire pan or censor as what is recorded in scriptures farther back in time. Censors with fire and incense of the smoke were offered up with the prayers of the holy chosen ones, the priests before the brazen altar of the people.
Brings The First Pipe As told by: John Fire Lame Deer, in 1967
White Buffalo Prophetic Testimony: - List of Native American Chiefs:
- Tecumseh (The panther comet) a recent person of significant historical stature who it is recorded that, no man knows his burial place nor what happened to his body at his death, a similar testimony as the man of God Moses and worthy of noting for he is also known to have had the ability(AUTHORITY) to cause a curse on the American Presidency known as the Curse of Tecumseh.
A quick perusal of available information quickly confirms the strong delusion America and her people have been under, especially with regards to our true history. We have been fed lies by kings and rulers who offer strange fire to strange gods and they continue to this day just as all other pagans recorded in scriptures. They are still here and it appears they are planning another genocide evidenced by all the lying signs and wonders we see and all the reports of evil tidings in the Promised Land, the land of the promise. They reveal themselves as they are unwilling to repent and bow down to the Master of Life in repentance or reverence of His mandates or His AUTHORITY as the creator and owner of the Earth. But we as worthy servants and lawful heirs are His and we shall not bow down nor give away our authority to their false claims of divine rights to rule built on sinking sands of treachery and deceit. Kingdoms built on stealing, killing and destroying that which is not yours results in defeat, no matter how long or how many battles the Earth belongs to I AM who is the Father of us all, the True KING and He will reign in His Kingdom as it is written, Thy Kingdom COME, Thy Will BECOME DONE! It is done and NOW we wait in reverent obedience for it to Come to pass and manifest in our sight.
The Church has been calling Washington and the founding fathers good and holy Christian men who built this nation on a Judeo/Christian foundation, when the facts clearly show that they were nothing more than genocidal Masonic pagan Baal worshipers who claimed no need for a Saviour since they were gods themselves. We must remove ourselves from this equation so that the spell is broken, and we can once again see, and realize the enemy is upon us (Washington's Masonic law that all gods are equal and all will submit to his authority and to Baal.) "For there are certain men crept in unawares to The Church, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lustfulness, and denying the only God Yahweh and His Only Begotten Son."
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