Monday, November 3, 2008

Michaels Challenge and MINE...Angel Don't provoke him...It's all about AUTHORITY.

For it is indeed all about authority.

Authority is that child the Serpent wants to devour. It is our Authority that Satan seeks to obtain. He cares nothing about the torment of lost souls, he only wants that Authority that belongs to YAH. And there is only one way he can get it...not from God, but from mankind.

As you know I've stopped filing taxes (cause nobody can escape taxes on every aspect of their lives) but stopped 'participating' in 'co-operating' with this agency that claims to have authority over me, as if I was their property, and must serve them with my labor.
We have been given the authority that Christ obtained by paying our price, and has given us this authority, that we should guard above all, for it is the only way we can do anything down here, including miracles.

It's all about having the authority, and we all have the ability to have this authority, and that is simply by taking it back from whatever you gave that authority to.
If the government wants to put their gods graven image on their currency that's one's Ceasars, but when they put that pagan graven image on that which belongs to God (like the Ten Commandments) that is where we draw the line and say, enough! For they do not own the Ten Commandments, no more than they own me, for we are the property of YAH, and not wicked men who seek to force us to bow to their authority, and to serve them with offerings of our bread, and even expect us to pay tithe to those hostile religions like Islam whose religious obligation is to terrorize us and make war against us until we submit to their Islamic law, and surrender land or wealth in exchange for peace!
I don't know about anyone else, but I have the authority to challenge, I have the authority to stand, I have the authority to speak because it was given to me by my King, the King of Kings, because our authority comes from above, and not from below...Satans authority is weak because it came from man, the serpents authority came from below, not from God. Our heel, his head. That's authority.

I hope I can get this through to those thinking to give me a hard way to go, while allowing Anti-Christian, Anti-American pro-Islamic Pastors to endorse Political Candidates from the Pulpit unchallenged and without consequences for their violation of IRS tax laws, while Protestant Churches like the Baptist Temple, my son's school/Church is seized by force and bulldozed for 'tax-law violations' in the same State that was caught illegally funneling gambling and taxdollars to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese. Yet they want to threaten me, that they have no choice but to enforce their 'tax laws ? And they wonder why we separated from them!

I never signed up to be a socialist bowing to Islamic let those who claim to have authority over me step up and find out if it was worth exposing their 'selective enforcement' of their laws...all the while not having the lawful authority to do so.

In the service of YAH



Michael and The Saints Stand with you for we were all called and chosen for a time such as this. We are now come forth at the command, "COME" out and be ye separate." We choose life.


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