Barge House Restaurant
Came in to the Ark...
Two by two,
So it would seem...
And this reminds me of something I saw at: http://www.remnantbride.com/Joab/joab.09.html
The Following are Excerpts: By Gary Naler at www.remnantbride.com/Joab/joab.09.html
In The Conflict, we note that:
The purpose for which law and mercy come together is to bring forth offspring.
What is bringing forth offspring? Clearly, as spoken to Adam and Eve after their creation (Genesis 1:28), and repeated to Noah regarding the animals after the flood (Genesis 8:17), it is to be fruitful and multiply. Thus that which we see here is quite evident - Joab law united with the David mercy in order to multiply! = Procreation!
But here again is really the BIG question - When can this legally take place? When can I come together with my daughters to once again bring forth spiritual "offspring" in a united relationship? The answer of course is in the testimony of the natural union of a man and his wife.
What was it that took place between Micah and I as the truths presented herein unfolded? We were having "intercourse," in the original sense of the use of this word - literally, "a running or passing between," or communication, connection by reciprocal dealings between persons. From the very beginning when I said to Micah, "I wish I understood David and Joab," and he responded, "If you understood them, you would understand God," this has been an intercourse or exchange between the two of us, a union that has multiplied and brought forth the spiritual offspring of divine truth.
And most importantly, why is it that this has taken place between Micah and I? Because he has become one with me, which is the testimony of marriage.
When two become one in marriage, the product is offspring, or multiplication. Likewise, in the case of that which Yahweh is showing us here between Joab and David at Rabbah, when law and mercy come together, the result is multiplication, and mercy receives its crown. But once again it must be said here (as too many mercy types will demand the putting away of Joab), mercy cannot have this union until it learns to die. In every regard here the testimony is that mercy must die to itself in order for law to unite with it. This is true in the kingdom with the death of Yahshua, it is thus equally true with the death of the body of Yahshua (Christianity), and this will be true in my home and in your home
Deb's Added comment: So while we are still out to sea...Our life is preserved and we cling to it... This is the faith and patience of the saints...
The Word of Life, He who is, and was, and is coming again soon, the Master Preserver, of Life...
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