Friday, June 27, 2008

Michael Blog Re: Rome is the Beast? 616 or 666 or Both? Updated 6-28-07

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: Babylon America?????
Let me ask you a question wherein your answer will reveal the flaw in you reasoning..

If you really think Rome is the Beast, then why in the end does the Beast devour the Harlot Church?

Remember...there is a 'Spirit' of Antichrist...
A Beast, A false prophet, and the Harlot Church. Rome can't do it all by herself...and American Churches can't judge Rome as the Harlot without first understanding that they are also playing the harlot, just as bad as Rome.

Washington is the Beast that was, and is not, yet is...Mohammed is the False Prophet, and Rome and other 'christian' Churches are the Harlot...Rome the Whore, and America her daughter...soon to be devoured by this beast that includes many nations and religions united in their effort to eradicate Protestant Christianity.

Don't hate, comtemplate.

In the service of my Abba...Yah!

Below are relevant excerpts from: to follow:by Gary Naler
And furthermore, just as kingdom men have been “cut off and (have) died” for “two parts,” or 2,000 years (Zechariah 13:7-9), so the first two sons of Judah were equally cut off and died. And this happened in like representation of Christianity, for they have both been displeasing in the sight of Yahweh.
In John 9 we read a most interesting account where Yahshua healed a man who had been blind from birth, who was then taken to the Pharisees, and upon examination was put out of the synagogue. Yahshua then found him and spoke plainly to him as to who He was. So what might this have to do with Shelah? Let us look at this account more carefully.

As Yahshua passed by, He saw the man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked Him – “Rabbi, who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?” Yahshua said – “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him.” Then He added – “We must work the works of Him who sent Me, as long as it is day; night is coming, when no man can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

Having said this, Yahshua then did something most unusual. “He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and applied it to his eyes, and said to him, ‘Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam’ (which is translated, Sent).” The man went away and washed, and came back seeing.
Though the Remnant are at one time a part of Christianity, they do not remain in it. Even as a bride was taken out of the first Adam, so a bride must be taken out of the body of the last Adam, the body of Christ. At one time the bride is a part of the body - a rib - but in time it is removed from the body to become its own essential and fulfilling separate identity.
In equal testimony, the Jews were in Babylon. Yahweh had commanded that they submit to, pray for, and become a part of Babylon (Jeremiah 29). But when the time became right, they were commanded to come out of Babylon. Even so a remnant must come out of mystery Babylon Christianity to rebuild the temple that has been torn down. With these most revealing parallel prophetic pictures, we equally see why the blind man was taken out of Bethsaida (Christianity, the apostate church built on Peter) to be healed, and why the deaf man was first taken out from among the multitude - because the bride will be taken out of the body. And the healing of this blind man was not just via one touch, but most significantly it was two-part.

"Then again He laid His hands upon his eyes; and he looked intently (or, saw clearly) and was restored, and began to see everything clearly." Such will be the case for the second Remnant - they will see everything clearly with the second touch of Yahshua's hand upon their eyes. This is what Yahshua will do in these last days. He will take many outside of Bethsaida Christianity and touch their eyes, this time His second time, so that they can see what He is actually doing in these last days. Frankly, with the smorgasbord of conflicting, confusing, and perplexing ideas offered by all the sects and denominations of Christianity concerning what will happen in the end times, it will be a long awaited and much needed healing. "Come touch the eyes of your people Lord Yahshua, that we might see all things clearly. We need Your touch! Touch our eyes now."

In John 9 we see a lengthy record concerning Yahshua's healing of a man who was blind from his birth. This man was located specifically in Jerusalem where Yahshua was walking. We see here a testimony of earthly Jerusalem's ineptness from its "birth" (as was this man's blindness) to bring forth a heavenly kingdom. Jerusalem has never in the past, and will not today, bring forth a righteous kingdom - they are blind. It is earthly, and Yahshua's kingdom is heavenly. In fact, one of the reasons Jerusalem is with us today in the hands of the Jews, is to give testimony that the natural can never bring forth the heavenly. In contrast, it will be the new heavenly Jerusalem that will bring forth His kingdom on this earth, built of redeemed people, not earthly stones and violent real estate.

The 3rd Time Yahushuah spat…The third time Yahshua spat was recorded in John. You may wonder - "Why John? Isn't John supposed to be a heavenly book? Why would Yahshua spit in the face of heaven?" Well, He didn't. What we find is Him spitting precisely in the face of earthly Jerusalem - a fitting contrast with John which represents the "new" Jerusalem. Let us examine this account.
In John 9 we see a lengthy record concerning Yahshua's healing of a man who was blind from his birth. This man was located specifically in Jerusalem where Yahshua was walking. We see here a testimony of earthly Jerusalem's ineptness from its "birth" (as was this man's blindness) to bring forth a heavenly kingdom. Jerusalem has never in the past, and will not today, bring forth a righteous kingdom - they are blind. It is earthly, and Yahshua's kingdom is heavenly. In fact, one of the reasons Jerusalem is with us today in the hands of the Jews, is to give testimony that the natural can never bring forth the heavenly. In contrast, it will be the new heavenly Jerusalem that will bring forth His kingdom on this earth, built of redeemed people, not earthly stones and violent real estate. Thus we find in verse six Yahshua once again spitting, this time in the face of Jerusalem, somewhere outside the temple.
There the disciples pointed out a blind man. Yahshua, at this very place (He did not remove him as in the other two cases found in Mark), "spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and applied the clay to his eyes, and said to him, 'Go, wash in the pool of Siloam' (which is translated, Sent). And so he went away and washed, and came back seeing." Yahshua spat on Jerusalem, affirming its like failure to bring forth the kingdom; but in amazing symbolism also took the very clay thereof and used it to begin the miracle provision for the blind man. Who did the man represent at this point? The first Remnant. Why? Once again we see in this account a two-part work, here a two-part contact Yahshua had with this man - once at the beginning and once at the end, separated by the council of the Jews. This first contact in which Yahshua healed the man's eyes with clay reveals the healing of the first Remnant. Yahweh will use this Remnant, along with the latter, as a part of His new Jerusalem work; but first, the bodies of the first Remnant had to return to dust, and He will bring them back from the dust by His life to live again.
The man as the first Remnant did not fare too well within the religious system (Christianity). In fact, they kicked him out because they could not understand what had happened to him. Thus Christianity will reject the Remnant truth. What happened to the man? After being "called" out of the existing religious system with the "left foot of fellowship," even as David was "called out" of Saul's house by the "left spear of fellowship" (specifically two separate spears for the two Remnants), the man was sought out by Yahshua - "Jesus heard that they had put him out; and finding him, He said, 'Do you believe in the Son of Man?'" Here we now have the testimony of the second Remnant, preceded by the first Remnant and Christianity. This man's second encounter with Yahshua represents His return, in which He will first seek out the second Remnant, and encounter them face to face. While the blind man was healed during the first contact with Yahshua, there was still something lacking - he did not truly know the identity of the one who healed him. This revelation was reserved for the second occasion of Yahshua's encounter with him. On this second occasion when Yahshua sought him out, He forthrightly revealed to him specifically who He was. While on this earth, Yahshua revealed His true identity to very few people. This poor, helpless, and rejected man, representing both the first and second Remnant, was very significantly one of them, here representing Yahshua 's full revelation of Himself to the second Remnant, the Remnant that receives the second-part healing so as to see all things clearly.
The two-part Remnant reigning with Yahshua will not be the product of an earthly Jerusalem - a fleshly effort (Galatians 4:21f). But they will be the result of Yahshua's redemption and cleansing in the pool of Siloam (built by Hezekiah, which is also very significant), having their citizenship in Jerusalem above - the "John" citizenship.

666 or 616?
If Satan/Christianity says that 666 is the mark of the beast, then look for it to be just the opposite! When Satan calls "evil good, and good evil," then what good is there in this number 666? Satan/Christianity says that it is a mark of a beast; what is it then?
To start with, the number 666 used in Revelation 13:18 can also be the number 616. If you have a New American Standard Bible, for example, you will notice in the margin a reference to this number stating - "Some manuscripts read 616."
In Del Washburn's comprehensive book, Theomatics II, he states at the beginning of Chapter 20 on the subject of 666 - "This chapter may be the most revealing chapter of this book." His is a 643 page book, and indeed, the evidence he gives in this chapter supporting that 616 is the number of the beast and not 666, is in his own words "overwhelming"! He goes on to say regarding his first book he wrote on theomatics - "I have in a certain sense regretted that I ever put the chapter on 666 in my first book. At the time I felt compelled to 'say something' about this number because of its popularity." He goes on to say - "I found virtually no pattern of 666 in all the references from the Bible that could in any way relate to Revelation chapter 13." To the contrary though, he discovered an overwhelming amount of evidence that 616 is the number given for the beast in Revelation. "It is one of the most consistent designs I have ever discovered from the Old Testament." And from the New Testament, there is this kind of striking evidence - "the beast" (Revelation 13:2), "the harlot" (1 Corinthians 6:16), "evil" or "wickedness" (Matthew 12:45), and "deceived" (1 Timothy 2:14), all have a numeric value of 616. "Mystery Babylon" has a numeric value of 616 x 3. "The great harlot sitting upon" has a numeric value of 616 x 2. And the impressive list goes on, and is very extensive! Clearly, 616 is the number that identifies the beast, a number Satan has concealed with his deceptive and misleading replacement with the number 666.

Citing further from Theomatics II, we read the following statement from a publication titled, The Book of Revelation, A Key to Christian Origins, published in 1932:
The figure 616 is given in one of the two best manuscripts., C (Codex Ephraemi Rescripttus, Paris), by the Latin version of Tyconius (DCXVI. Ed. Souter in the Journal of Theo., SE, April, 1913), and by an ancient Armenian version(ed. Conybeare, 1907). Irenaeus knew about it [the 616 reading], but did not adopt it (Haer. V, 30,3); Jerome adopted it (De Monogramm., ed. Dom G. Morin in the Rev. Benedictine, 1903). It is probably original. The number 666 has been substituted for 616 either by analogy with 888, the number of Jesus (Deissmann), or because it is a triangular number, the sum of the first 36 numbers (1+2+3+4+5+6... +36 = 666).
There are two other numbers that are most striking - 153 and 666. 153 is the number of the Remnant. For example, there were 153 fish caught by the disciples after fishing all night and catching no fish (the night period of Christianity), until Yahshua came onto the shore and directed them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat (the right side was the side of a man that was anointed in order to enter into priesthood). 153 is also the numeric value of Lazarus' name, the second Remnant man who was brought out from his own darkness of death. And the list goes on.
When are you ever going to get angry for being so lied to and deceived? And this is only the part of it. It is absolutely amazing how much Satan has corrupted the truth and altered Yahweh's word. This corruption of His word is in fact the "abomination of desolation" of the temple.

Modification of ISHTAR? . On May 31, 2004, the writing,
A Lesson From Intercession
This writing looks at the account of Esther and the marvelous testimony of the interceding Bride. Esther stood in the intercessoral place between the King, who had the authority to kill her and her people, and her people, who were destined for death. You must read that writing to understand its great and timely importance.

Then, only eight days after its publication, wholly unknown to this writer until the day before the event, a heavenly testimony took place which spoke precisely to what is spiritually occurring at this time and was revealed in that writing. On June 8, Venus crossed in front of the sun, taking a position directly between the earth and the sun. This event last occurred in 1882, will reoccur in eight years in 2012, but then not again until 2117.

In A Lesson From Intercession, we saw how significant the testimony of Esther is to our time. Esther means “star.” But she is not just any star. We find that Esther is specifically identified with the planet Venus. Esther is a modification of Ishtar, the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility and of the planet Venus. Reference materials all associate Esther directly with Venus.

And while Esther is Venus, equally significant Mordecai actually means “dedicated to Mars.” It is quite timely that on August 27, 2003, Mars was the closest to the earth that it has come in nearly 60,000 years. Therefore, in 2003 we had the marvelous and outstanding celestial testimony of Mordecai, followed in 2004 by the marvelous and outstanding testimony of Esther.

When one considers what happened on June 8 with regard to Venus, it is precisely what we have been addressing and what is spiritually taking place at this time. Esther was the intercessor between the king with his golden rod, and the people who were cursed by Ham-man to certain death; or the Bride between the Father with the Son, and the church that has died for 2,000 years, and will die for another 1,000 years unless mercy is extended; or as revealed in the heavenlies, Venus between the sun and the earth. June 8 was in fact a heavenly scene/testimony of precisely what we have been learning – the intercession of the Bride, who stands between the God-head and the perishing. Along with the Mars testimony last year, it seems quite evident that Yahweh is indeed attesting in the heavenlies that which He is performing among man at this time – the provision of the interceding Bride and the extension of His second golden rod!

Quite interestingly, Venus, the morning-star, sheds its light after all the other stars have ceased to shine, and while the sun still delays to rise. Thus we see the work of Esther just before the break of day, the coming of the Light of the whole earth as the other stars cease to shine. Esther, as the morning star, is the Elijah work that prepares His way, shining just before His return. And by the way, “Esther” is my last daughter’s middle name. Grace Esther was our final child for whom Yahweh repaired the breach in order for her birth to take place.

We note that Yahweh told Moses to strike the first rock, and that He would stand there with him. But on this latter occasion, he was told to only speak to the rock. Why? The answer is because the first Rock, Yahshua, took the wrath; and this would avert wrath from coming on the body of Christ, the second rock. Therefore, while Moses struck the first Rock, Yahshua, he was to speak to the second rock, the body of Christ.

But what does the body of Christ truly deserve? Prophesied by Moses’ anger, we clearly see that they deserve wrath. And this is the wrath they would receive, except that Yahweh is indeed going to have mercy. He has raised up a Moses, and more particularly an Elijah work, that is given eyes to see and will avert Yahweh’s wrath (Malachi 4:5-6). This work will obey Yahweh and speak to the rock and call out a Bride – the abundant waters that come forth from the body. Yahweh will not carry out His wrath on Christianity, the wrath they deserve; but He will have mercy and speak to the body in order to bring forth the Bride.

How is it we know that this latter Moses work will avert the wrath? Very importantly, because Yahweh has already brought this work into the land west of the Jordan, which Moses was not allowed to enter because he struck the rock. Therefore, we know by this that Yahweh will not act in wrath, but in mercy, letting His wrath fall on the Rebekah work instead.

This should give us GREAT hope and confidence. Since we have already entered into the land west of the Jordan, we can be confident that Yahweh will give us this authority to speak to the rock of the body of Christ and bring forth the Bride! The water that comes from the rock is the Bride, even the Spirit and the Bride. And what is the purpose of this latter rain Bride?

In Revelation 22:17 we read – “And the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life as a gift.” Again, it says – “And the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’” What is the Bride? She is the Elijah who prepares the way for Yahshua. Thus, it is actually the formation of the Bride that effects this call to Him – “Come”! It is the establishment of the second Remnant Bride whereby the call goes out to Him that brings Him forth. She alone has the right to sound this beckoning call. Thus we see once again that the Spirit and the Bride are one workthe water that comes from Meribah, the body of Christ, when spoken to by an obedient Moses. The second benefit of intercession is that it is revelatory. By going through an intercession, not only does one gain authority, but they gain divine insight as well. By identifying with the works and ways of Yahweh that one walks through in an intercession, one gains new insight or confirmation of that which Yahweh is doing and will do.

These two benefits are most important. One, is to gain the authority for something to come to pass, and the other is somewhat related, and that is to have the truth and the light to see what He is doing. Truth gained is critical for being set free from the natural limitations of this world. Truth is critical for receiving that which is from above. Authority is winning the battle first by intercession, and then walking out that which has already been won.

Authority is winning the battle first by intercession, and then walking out that which has already been won
When a price is paid that is high, whether it be in obedience or in “failure,” there are yet higher rewards. Upon realizing how all of this has been carried out, it became evident that this did not take place and me come to this awareness, just for my own personal understanding. In other words, as an intercessor, surely there was a higher purpose for it. In the end, Pai’s experience does indeed restore the people to the ways in which they had departed, and she says that they would keep going forth, all together, with all their strength. While this movie deals with a tribe and its own difficulties in facing the future, its message is true to the state of the church. The church is in darkness and needs a work that will lead it into the light, return it to the ways in which it was begun by Yahshua, and go forth, all together, undivided with one strength and one mind. This movie uniquely tells us of our hope for this – the whale and its ascending rider, Pai.
keep going forth, all together, with all their strength

Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future.” This is a true description of a Koro work. It is something from the past, stranded in the present which fails to match up, wanting
Why is it critical that Satan repent, and why should we rejoice for him? Because Satan is a part of every one of us. And he is equally a part of the church. The fact is, he is so much us, or we are so much him, that if Yahweh did not have mercy on Satan, then He could not have mercy on us, for we are just as guilty.

Updaded, My Comments: The deceptions and layers of deceit are many...As legion said. He is many...
I felt led to send this and post it to you all ...
I am also one, of many...
My child in the flesh, Mary when in the womb of flesh and ready for birth was a breach for whom Yahweh repaired the breach by the hands of a man, in order for her birth to take place. I look to the day when she is born from above through intercourse of intercession. Halleluyah, whose arm is not short, He works all things for the good of those who are obedient in Love...For He is Love...He who is in me and He who is in the Father holds all within Himself where we have our beeing...nothing is lost only waiting to be found and redeemed, and born again from above, in order,...and returned to their proper borders,...The bride and the Spirit say, Come...

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