Washington DC National Capital Building
Goddess of FREEDOM
Indianapolis State Capital ObeliskIndianapolis at the Crossroads a Soldiers and Sailors Obelisk
Comments in Blue by Stephen Michael Schroeder who offers more detailed info at:
nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith Yahuah.
Babylonian Goddess of
Love, Fertility, and War
Ishtar the Keeper of the Tablets of Destiny
Ruler of Heaven and Earth
Personified Deity of Venus
Riding in the Chariot of Time
In Washington, DC
The City Built in the Image of the Beast
Babylon, the Fourth Kingdom of the Beast
The iron chariot of Washington and Ishtar traveling in time together...
Princes and powers of the air... Building nests in the heavens...A Tower of Babel...A stargate into the North Country of the heavens...George Washington the man, is the goat boat of Capricorn...transporting the girl…Washington the man...Washington the City...Washington the Chariot into the North Country of Heaven...In the District of “The Goddess” Columbia...The North Country... Towers of Babel the Gateways of God ascending to the heavens and bringing the heavens down...Mystery Babylon...Revealed
The City of Washington is in the Country of the District of Columbia:
George Washington a Masonic High Priest of Bel (Baal Worshipers)
THE NORTH COUNTRY that the Most High God of this universe will once more and for all time free HIS PEOPLE from!
City of Sodom (A city of Sodomites) = “burning” Sodom so named because it was burned by
What was the sin to cause such wrath and destruction
The connection between Washington and Indiana is that Washington was the doorway from the physical to the celestial, and Indiana was the doorway from the underworld into the physical realm. Thus the god of earth, Washington, would be forever united with the Queen of Heaven in the Nations Capitol, just as the sun god and moon goddess would be forever united at the sacred crossroads at Indiana. The crossroads at Indianapolis is an intersection of the sun's zenith and the moons meridian. The Babylonians had this type of a crossroads where sun and moon unite in 'fertilizing union', which they called the 'Crossroads of Ishtar'. Such intersections of 'roads' would be circled with a 'Magic Circle' ( See photo of monument called a 'Magic Circle') From ancient times through the middle Ages, the intersection of roads was a customary site of religious and magical ritual. Sorcerers and witches were said to frequent crossroads to conjure the devil or his demons or make sacrifices to them. Magic Squares were also used to conjure these 'beings' from the underworld. It is not coincidental that this 'sacred union' is at once a crossroads as well as a Magic Square. The crossroads is a place of flux and change, it corresponds to the emphasis placed on the Mother goddess in neo-Pagan witchcraft. However, the claim is that Indianapolis is the 'crossroads of America' because of it being a hub of transportation.
So far we have a 'sacred union' of sun and moon, the crossroads, a magic circle, built on the magic square of Mars. All this built upon the foundation of the National Road, which leads to Washington. So the question now should be: Why is the sun so important,
The symbol, which represents the Mason, personally, is the sun symbol, a circle with a dot in the center. According to Manly Hall, the sun symbol represents the "wisdom" which "radiates" from every Mason. It is symbolic of the belief of Masons that God lives with, and speaks through the mouths of "Illuminated" Masons: "The Master Mason is in truth a sun, a great reflector of light, who radiates through his organism, purified by ages of preparation, the glorious power which is the light of the Lodge. He, in truth, has become the spokesman of the Most High". The Master Mason is in truth a sun, therefore the reason why Washington as well as the National Road was built for the sun, or the Master Mason to travel with the sun, as the sun. In this manner, with the Master Mason as the sun, he could travel with the sun on the road he made (the National Road) so that he could be immortal like the sun being reborn with each sunrise. If the sun was to follow the path of rising in Washington (in conjunction with Venus) and following this road, it would set in Indianapolis and travel down into the underworld, or in other words, he, the Master Mason (like the sun) would have access in all three realms. Not only would the Master Mason have access to, the celestial, physical, and underworld, but he would also have access to the past, present, and future. Which is why the Master Mason George Washington’s image is on the 'time chariot' of the goddess who records history (at the Nations Capitol), for Washington is traveling thru time with this goddess (Venus) who has the 'tablets of Destiny' in her hands.
This immortality and ability to therefore travel thru time would explain their belief that the Master Mason was in truth, a sun, as well as explain why they would build an empire on this sacred geometry.
The City of Washington, is where the man Washington wished to become a god and have sexual intercourse with a spiritual celestial being known as: the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar, Liberty, Freedom, Victory and many other names.
Abominations that make desolate...
Idolatry = fornication with a harlot like Ishtar. GRAVEN Images of them and their phallic symbols like; Obelisks that are symbolic of fertility and these pillars are erected and hidden in plain sight all over the earth, which is the garden of God! The Earth is the Garden of God and it is for MANKIND. It is "Not" the garden of Lucifer or Ishtar or Washington or Nero or Pharoah, or Nimrod or Julius Caesar or a revived Roman Empire with a Masonic little "g" god named George Washington who rebulit Babylon Egypt in the image of the beast!
Obelisk in Rome, Statue of Liberty, Statue of Freedom, Washington Monument
Statue of Victory (I.N.).
pic s soon here..
There is a 5 day window that is, a necessary variable in August 10-15 for when, the 3 bright stars of Virgo, rising in Orion's belt are in position over the Federal Triangle when the stargate, portal into the heavens opens and functions as Jacobs Ladder.
The Babylonian Calendar has added 5 Days to the original calendar of 360 days. Egyptians called them the 5 Neters...and they are depicted as traveling in boats across the universe and why a circle is made with 360 degrees, yet our yearly calendar 'cycle' consists of 365 rather than 360, because the Egyptians left open a 5 degree doorway. The Neter or shems, are their chariots, made in the physical realm for use in the afterlife, i.e. spiritual realm of imortality...
Vernal Equinoxes: (Equinox means equal night on both northern and southern hemisphere because of the suns position relative to the North Pole and tilt of earth)
Spring Equinox is March 21st and Fall Equinox is Sept 21st
Historically, March is when the wars historically have started and coincides with the astral impregnation and conception of the virgin goddess Columbia, a new name for a new land formed on the North East corner of Mary land and Virgin ia a goddess who delivers a son of god on December 25th nine months later in the Tropic of Capricorn.
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