The flag is the family crest of Washington...his 'coat of arms...with the white and red 'vertical bars' compared to his consort D.C. whose stripes run horizontally...the 5-pointed star was also taken from Washington's crest, but Washington only had 3 stars on his personal banner...just as the three daughters are represented throughout Masonic building. The triple goddess thing....
The flag is the man, the flag is to be considered a sacred and living thing (flag laws) sacred means reserved for honor praise or worship, thus the flag i.e. Washington is to be considered a sacred living thing, and when you cover your heart and pledge allegiance to the flag, you are in fact pledging your allegiance to the Most Worshipful Master of Freemasonry aka Bel worship. They are one and the same, and the patriotic love and admiration you associate with that flag goes to Washington...energy for eternal apotheosis...if they only knew.
Have you bowed your knee to Bel today?
Have you bowed to retrieve a smooth stone?
Stephen Michael Schroeder
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