Tuesday, November 4, 2008

REMEMBER, Voting = giving permission to Washington = giving AUTHORITY

Not saying the Church will ever have the opportunity to vote again, but if they do they should remember,

To vote
To give permission
To give authority to
Regardless of Republican or Democrat, your still giving 'permission' to Washington to rule over you. Your still giving your 'authority' to Washington, your bowing to him, and your serving Washington, which might not be so bad unless Washington was given his power and authority from the Serpent, and not from God. so where does the Serpent get the authority to rule over us? From us. That is what Satan wants from us, the authority that God gave to us when Christ said it is finished.
I'm keeping my authority, for it belongs to God, and not for me to surrender to man in exchange for peace.
For He has taken unto himself, His Great Authority and reigns! The Great Seal of Authority of Washington says it all, and I for one will not bow.

In the service of YAH!
Stephen Michael Schroeder

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