Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Midwives of Exodus 1 and Servants are Those who are called and chosen and,

Those who Respect, Revere and Obey
The Authority of YHWH
Exodus = The Way OUT of BONDAGE
The 1st Exodus PassOver: NOAH meaning a long lived repose of rest and comfort in an ark of wood he made with his sons to carry the 8 righteous souls over the waters of death upon the whole Earth...
The 2nd Exodus Passover: Mose's 1st Remnant Exodus the Way Out of Egypt on foot, a PassOver through the literal Water of the Red Sea (of death) carrying an ark made of wood .
And Now
The 2nd Remnant Bride, Now separating and coming out in the Second Exodus over dry ground and through the sea of literal and spiritual death.
But it is also the 3rd Exodus: the Way Out of The North Country USA , Mystery Babylon and Egypt in arks made of yielded obedient flesh, the living temple of YHWH in men. They are the sons of YHWH that hold the Spirit of the Presence of the Covenant of the Testimony of the WORD and the Law is written on their hearts as yielded vessels of honor. They are yielded to the AUTHORITY of YHWH and His eternal laws and they are His possession. We are they who seek the eternal long lived rest and repose within the redemptive high tower of Yah built on the rock of His son Yah shua, Father saves.
We are the Saints…
We are like midwives helping to bring the children to the birth as the bond servants of the living temple of YHWH. And like the lively temple bodies of the Hebrew mothers who brought forth the children of promise who came before us. We now seek the spiritual sons and daughters of the kingdom who have been led astray and deceived as we all were in times past.

In Mose’s (water saved) day they revered YHWH and were obedient to His AUTHORITY… not to an evil King who stood up and increased oppression and affliction and commanded the males who would be heir be killed.
They are they, who received, a home, a place, a dwelling of habitation within His family. We seek the same and we have found the way out. There is always a way out…

And like them we too are lively and delivered by REDEMPTION which is in the deliverer and His Name. His name of Authority is Yah.
We are delivered before we even come to the birth of our current 2nd Exodus which means THE WAY OUT, by not bowing to false authority and those who are lawless.

And we, like Peter whom Satan desired to sift and test. (Peter the rock of faith the 1st remnant is built upon, he who walked on water 1st after Yahshuah had opened the way, went walking in the spirit of resurrection life, was a type and shadow in the flesh, a testimony and a legal intercession by the physical body first before the redemption of the spiritual body, 2nd.)

We all must continue with clear seeing eyes of faith and stay focused straight ahead and in OBEDIENCE to the command to COME forth out of the boat. And like Lazarus we too shall come forth from deaths grip.

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