A purported to be un-tampered with version of the New Testament by the original apostles vs the current bible in circulation now.
Condensed from my notes the 12 commandments:
- Not to take life of any creature for pleasure, profit or torment.
- Not steal (beyond need or use)
- Not eat flesh or blood or anything bad for healthy living.
- No impure marriages.(love, health or corrupt creatures)
- Not bear false witness.
- Do Not to others as you want not done to you.
- Worship one Mother-Father Eternal
- Revere Father -Mother and Teacher of Righteousness.
- Cherish and protect all creatures oppressed and suffering.
- Till the Land.
- Pure Daily and Rest on Sabbath.
- Do unto others as you want done to yourself.
*Summary is: The New Law of Love- add not nor subtract not, obey for salvation...same as the Old Law. (Reminds me of a resurrection!)
I spent a day(7 hours) reading the Gospel of 12 commandments (which is the perfected governmental number of YHWH and makes sense especially as it went from 10 commandments in Mose's time before the advent of our Messiah. 10+2=12) I listened to audio's and his discoveries and evidence presented very clearly on the main web page and I have no trouble agreeing with him that the scriptures have been tampered with most likely and that there is more than one GOD referred to in the OT. I suspected it for some time but could never figure it out specifically and couple that with all the controversy and confusion surrounding the accounts of the genesis 1 and 2 creations of mankind well, he does a beautiful job of highlighting the scriptures that have been profaned relating to Marduk...Clearly a mixing of the holy with the profane and the same old tactics of the usurper who steals the "name" and authority of the true GOD our Creator. It is a very worthy work and I respect him for tackling these issues.
I also have no problem believing that the eating of meat and sacrificing animals is very likely the work of the fallen angels and their influence upon mankind and only one more way we have all been led astray for centuries by them and Lucifer's plan. Even the book of Enoch refers to the wickedness of the Earth and how we all began devouring ourselves...not realizing that included the currently acceptable practice of eating flesh of all kinds. It provides another clue as to why the wicked ones have been Genetically Modifying everything even a coca cola by adding bht from swine's...causing us to sin continually even to the point of cannibalism, without even knowing it as when they take human stem cells for all their mixing of the species. I mean what can we eat anymore that they haven't tainted?
- Another most interesting point in this discovered work is the fact that the age factor of the Messiah was 49? not the Freemasonic number of 33 where they also turn men into gods...not sons of GOD...49 is very believable and makes sense for many reasons associated with the feasts that tell the simple story of mans redemption and harvest times...I think the scriptures refer to the wandering in the wilderness as 39 or 40 years not 49 which is divergent info as well..
- God is referred to as God many times and that in those days was generic and not used for the Most High God and Jova twice and I find that pretty suspect for a supposedly original work from ages ago...also using the name Jesus throughout also is suspect and adds confusion to the legitimacy for a supposedly untampered with by Rome book...
- The part about Miriam(rebellion a type of Mary) a virgin being espoused as Jesus wife for 7 years having no children while He was here the first time and then being taken by GOD,like Enoch, so He could begin His work was MOST interesting and believable, as a type of intercession of the elect Bride in the flesh and having no children well that is most noteworthy as he had only disciples at that time . p 192(NOT MARY MAGDALENA A KNOWN WHORE of Babylon? Another type of intercession? A whore who was healed of seven demons? Seven ages? Seven Cycles? Seve demons who did not come back as she continued on following the Master of life being totally separated from the corruption of righteousness leaving no room for the demons to re-enter being full of the TRUE Bread of Life?) THINK ABOUT IT!
- Refrence to chanting on page 288 is also a red flag. (We are admonished against vain repetitions.)
- Cycle to cycle purification of souls issue also makes perfect sense page 296
p 359 "Truth is revealed acording to capacity to understand" and #9 many wanderings into all truth as a ladder"( as in DNA ladder?) p366 Death is the door to life to them that believe to obey.... (Too believe is too understand and To believe not, is to understand not p 279) - Levitical priesthood blood sacrifices apostate(no problem agreeing to this for it is clearly stated in scriptures YHWH takes no pleasure in the blood of animals) And that Obedience is better than sacrifice. And it is the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving He seeks.
- Paul was a murderer before during and after his ministry? That was interesting info if true talk about a coverup if true!
- Gospel of 12 hidden with Tibeta Monks? hmmm red flag but I have heard Yahushua may have studied there...
The entire read was a mind stretcher well worth the time to ponder but without more info it is very difficult to discern where this work is also flawed BUT like the corrupted bibles in use now a days there is still enough TRUTH to get everyone on the Narrow Path to Life...It's all about the Law of Love and obedience through the baptism of REPENTANCE as we all grow from glorious knowledge to more LIGHT of Understanding of the Truth in all things. another quote*No Cloak or(covering for sin apart from the Law) is the same as scripture, "Faith without works is dead.." And many more interesting things if you endur to the end of the read...
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