Washington's, District of (Goddess) Columbia Flag - (3 stars and the path of 2 ways leading to In-diana-polis?), linking the two capitals forming a star-gate of a god, tower of Ba-Bel. (Built by FreeMason Baal Worshippers)
Altar of sacrifice under their star of destiny In diana War memorial.
IN THE STARS OF 'OUR FLAG' (our god) shines the steadfastness,(rebellion) of the stars in Heaven that lights THE PATH OF MEN (Re) To courage-devotion and patriot-ism...(Beware the ism's in this world!)
- A feast day for Jupiter, promoted by the blue coats / bloods left over from New France? And now the keepers of the records of Tippecanoe County's Historical Association and Prophetstown Indiana, also promote an annual feast to the Hunters Moon? October 10-11,2009 this year. (another 42 and a 17 together and 23 phamphlets for the first airmail delivery 150 years ago?)http://www.tcha.mus.in.us/ Join us at the Lafayette’s Farmer’s Market Saturday, August 15 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon for fun balloon activities and a history lesson. Get a commemorative envelope with a 1959 “Jupiter” stamp to take to the post office for cancellation on August 17th. 42nd Annual Feast of the Hunters' Moon. (Taken right off their website; now what do you suppose Jupiter and a HUNTER (in Orion?) moon has to do with it all?)
- To: Deborah Krekic
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: RE: Fw:RE: Missing papers at Tippecanoe Battlefield Museum?
Dear Ms. Krekic,
Thank you for your interest in one of our sites. I would like to add to Patty's email that if you would like to research the archives and files we have in our collection you can make an appointment and we will pull that information for you. Please be advised there is a registration form and research fee. We do have binders that we have for our docents that provide them with information so they will know about the site however they are not for the public.
I am not sure why you contacted IHS. They, as is TCHA, are private not-for-profits. They do not "oversee" us nor do we have any policy or procedure authority over them, nor does the Indiana History Bureau, Indiana State Museum or any national historical association. If you have a problem with our policies and procedures please write to our Board of Governors about your concerns. Again thank you.
Kathy Atwell
Executive Director
Tippecanoe County Historical Association
1001 South Street
Lafayette, IN 47901
Office: 765.476.8411 Ext: 208
Cell: 765.426.9317
Fax: 765.476.8414
Putting things in perspective.
Three Belt Stars aligned with pyramids at Giza...The Big Secret Revealed...They have trespassed into heaven by traveling on the Path of Re through a forbidden door-way(traveling thru time) on the Washington Road aka 666.
Washington staking claim to the moon in the ongoing battle of the ages...Michael and his angels fought and fight...The War In Heaven includes Earth....Satan and his angels prevailed not being cast down to Earth and, they build their nests in the stars, in pursuit of land, as above so below. Washington hasn't 'changed much now has he? The only thing changed was the proclamation, "life, liberty and pursuit of land to the word "happiness" to conceal their true intent to take the land in the continuing covert battle now revealed! I think not. They can run but they can't hide. It is written already much as they'd like to re-write history. Fear NOT. The 'REAL ' Master of Life has already overcome ...
Washington is FreeMasons(slave-masons) of Lucifer, Allah, Mars The Roman God of War, Most Worshipful Master...in this revived Roman Empire, The US Corporation...Mystery Babylon the Great revealed...
The "Great" Seal of Lucifer Series:
The Discover channel tries to discredit the conspiracy theorist, while admiting the Nations 'Capitol depicts Washington as God. America now has to deal with the FACT that their government has made the final mistake....declaring it's founder as God....Tell your Pastor about this FACT and let the games begin. This series, The "Real Secret" America will reveal the truth of these matters concealed for so long.
- Part 1 The Real Secret, America The Great Seal of Lucifer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syD5f7cIDCc (Best picture ever showing the 3 stars Regulus, Spica, Arcturus with the constellation Virgo anchored to The Washington Monument and revealing the truth about their Great Seal of Authority.)
- Part 2 The Real Secret, American Flag-Banner of The Beast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxViD0VOLm0 (Reference info also Washington Monument Obelisk of Abomination: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scZ3Ow__Np4)
- Part 3 The Real Secret, America's Washington as the Beast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwAryVVF8FE (The Shawnee and Cherokee believed that the founding fathers were actually the offspriing of the Great Serpent, the sons of Pharoh...from their split tailed banners, to their Great Seal, to the design and foundation of the Capitol of the Nation...evidence is coming forward to prove my people were right, and explains why such a genocide occured on this land. Witness how they try to discredit conspiracies and unwittingly expose the truth like Washington's Sirius Connection. )
- *****MAJOR UPDATE ***** Part 5:The REAL Secret, America's 'Son of Perditon' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7IzWlvDpJg
The Secret Way into Heaven, To Give Birth To a New CONSTELLATION!!!!True Power in America and a Secret buried under the Washington Monument… really an Egyptian Obelisk phallus symbol of the all seeing eye of the sun god Ra. Washington is the House of Horus! (Is that a 13th house?) - Update August 14, 2009 Part 4 Whores-R-US [ Horus] Part 4 The REAL Secret America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTj7nD_h0iIIn this video we learn the real secrets about Indiana that 'they' thought would forever be a secret with the destruction of the 'papers' at the Empire State Building 'accident'
- UPDATE September 2, 2009 Pt. 6 REAL Secret America -False Prophets N.W.O Peaceful, non-violent Civil Disobedience to Washington is obedience to Yah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUzQhpdjQ08
- UPDATE July 31, 2009
- Reposts: Freemason's Secret 13 Washington claims heaven and Earth…
Pt 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgCVWm28HKI&feature=channel_page
Pt 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F72PQdZnxZ8&NR=1&feature=fvwp - Update July 17, 2009 5 Epagomenal Days are a 5 degree DOOR way and The Washington Monument Obelisk is an anchoring post making a Sirius connection with the Dog Star sometimes called Anubis the Egyptian God of the Dead?(And they are binary stars...)
- Epagomenal Days – Are considered -Days out of Time?” http://www.rgnpa.org/pdf/Rosicrucian%20Egyptian%20Museum%20epagomenal%20press%20release%202009x.pdf
- Epagomenal Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epagomenal_day (Intercalation is the insertion of a leap day, week or month into some calendar years to make the calendar follow the seasons or moon phases.
- Epagomenal Days are: The birthdays of the 5 Egyptian gods Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Set, and Horus the Elder.” Casting Spells and Witch-crafting on Egyptian Epagomenal Days! http://www.llewellyn.com/free/spell.php?spellid=2217
- Medical Term - Epagomenal Day: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Epagomenal+day
Intercalation- the insertion of certain organic compounds such as aridines and ethidium bromide that possess a planar aromatic ring structure of appropriate size and geometry so as to insert between base pairs in double-stranded DNA. - Epagomenal Days Are Called a 13th Month? http://www.ethio.com/2k7/forum_topic.ethio?TOPIC_ID=17&FORUM_ID=2&CAT_ID=1&Topic_Title=The+Calendar&Forum_Title=About+Ethiopia “ Ethiopian calendar has twelve months of 30 days each plus five or six epagomenal days (usually called a thirteenth month), but with Amharic names. The sixth epagomenal day is added every four years on September 11 in the Gregorian calendar, six months before the Julian leap day. Thus the first day of the Ethiopian year, 1 Mäskäräm, for years between 1901 and 2099 AD (inclusive), is usually September 11 (Gregorian), but is September 12 (Gregorian) six months before the Julian leap day.
- Planets: aka The Wandering Stars and There Were/Are 5 of Them? http://www.definity-systems.net/~apw/astro/stars.html “In contrast to the thousands of fixed stars on the celestial sphere, the ancients closely watched five bright wandering stars that moved about relative to the rest of the stars, trying to discover the secret of their mysterious meanderings. The word planet comes from the Greek word planets meaning "wanderers." Most ancient civilizations thought of them as gods. The names of the planets are the names of Roman gods, and the five original planets, which can be seen with the naked eye, are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.”
- More Supporting Evidence, References and Comments for Consideration: A few more details they forgot to teach us on purpose about the nitty gritty of our servitude in the matrix they've created...in their image? The image of the beast?
- The REAL Secret HISTORY of America and Excerpts below from: http://teamlaw.net/history.htm
"The real problem is in the name. How does one tell the difference between a corporation going by the name, "THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT", and the government of the Unites States of America?What's worse, how do you tell the difference between the "United States" [a Trust and the body of government that represents the Trust, as Trustees], and the "United States" a trademark name for, "The District of Columbia" [a private corporation]? The answer is simple, you can't unless you can tell by the context of what's being done."Where are you going? Answer: Considering the fact that you are at war, you only have two choices on where to go. You must decide whose side you're on. Are you on the side of Liberty, Independence, and the Creator? Are you on the side of the private foreign corporation that has declared that you are its enemy? What is the Enemy doing? Answer: The enemy is usurping control over the people, breaking up families ironically through the use of the Marriage License and "parens patria", public education, and the media (see "Family Ties", this issue). The enemy is usurping "Color of Law" land control over family farms, homes, and land under the guise of Taxes, the Endangered Species Act, and the Wetlands Act. That doesn't take into consideration all of the specious cases brought in courts against land owners. Under the Patriot Act they can call anyone a terrorist and hold them indefinitely without trial and under the Homeland Security Act they can do or take almost anything they want simply because they want to." - UPDATE July 14, 2009 My Question and open letter To Tim Turner is about scripture admonitions:
- Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:12 AM To: Tim Turner c/0 his contact for seminar scheduling, billyray@americacanbefree.com
- Subject: Come out and Be ye Separate vs Staying in the System and using it to our advantage, like they do...Rev 15 states the following: And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. (To conquer is by definition:to carry off the victory, come off victorious of Christ, victorious over all His foes of Christians, that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations and persecutions when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one's cause)
Open Letter: Dear Tim Turner (Hope this reaches you as I don't see a direct email address for you!) RE: the audio info you have at: http://www.moneyonaccount.com/
I've only gotten to the 3rd audio so I might be wrong about my concern here so please bear with me...
I knew about the USA Corporation but did not know it was possible to use their own system against them or that they had large amounts of money deposited and on our account that we could actually tap into and draw from! I woke up this morning having listened to your 1st audio out of order last night and heard you say you didn't pay taxes in the past but now you do...
My concern is that staying in the system is not getting victory over the number yet the definition includes going to law to win the case as you state you have done over and over...Have you looked at our dilemma as slaves born into this system from this perspective? We are called to be separate and come out are we not? Trusting in YHWH God for our provision especially now and not turning back to the ways of Egypt...That is my concern for your consideration as well as my own at this point regarding what is revealed to us in scriptures for our instructions and admonitions.
Deb Krekic aka http://www.wordwarriordebinflorida.blogspot.com/
PS Your descriptions of lawful and lawless regarding what is legal or not and jurisdiction was brilliant, and I haven't read your main site yet: http://americacanbefree.com/
I hope to find out more as I go that will shed some light on this matter.
Apparently this is all about how a legal process to regain/secure our sovereign secured party status and God given authority legally is available...example if taken to court regarding a tax case it can be stated that you are not a taxpayer as your statement and that a pleading of not guilty automaticly goves them jurisdiction. There is a difference between what is legal and what is lawful and that is the deeper issue so cleverly hidden within it all and why it is so difficult for most to see the faulty foundations the so called "legal" system is built upon! So there you have it...Just say NO to the UN religious/political beast from the sea of admiralty mari(time) law and take the time to find out the hidden ways our laws have been changed throughout the history of this country at: http://www.teamlaw.org/ It all makes more sense why the US politicians do what they do...
They work for the corporation which is owned by the UN and the IMF not the American people.
WAR IN HEAVEN with a New 13th CONSTELLATION and Earth is taken prisoner ...
UPDATE July 12, 2009 In reference to the publication "OUR FLAG" -
- Update July 15, 2009
- The New "TEST limited issue" 2009 new WORLD Currency revealed at the G8 meeting...
- The Nato-Russia Council(2+8) 28 Nations or 10 kingdoms? with (2+6) 26 stars around a bright light(emerging sun?) = 8 (a new beginning Constellation?)
- Nato-Russia Council logo,(white stars in a blue background?)Hmm...is that a New constellation I see?(Two counterfeit witness's for the anti-christ agenda just like the two men who stood under the all seeing eye of Ra and gave speeches?)
A few links for reference: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_38_16/ai_66241134/
- Update July 30, 2009
***Lucifer Project: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_luciferproject09.htm -
...the attempt by man to create a small star in our solar system out of one of the gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune?
...a location in the sky known as the accepted location of the famous “Star of Virgo” or “Star of Bethlehem”, seemingly further confirming that something was afoot regarding star-making by the agencies involved.
Equinox Mission?...Cassini’s mission is called the “Equinox Mission” (the reason stated by NASA is that Saturn’s own vernal (spring) equinox occurs during this mission on 08/11/09 with its tilt regarding the Sun).
...the Arcturus-Spica-Regulus triangle as important in secret elite circles in his book entitled “Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital”. 19 For all dates listed here, Saturn is within this triangle. Also Ovason mentions the significance of the equilateral triangle of Arcturus-Denebola-Spica (as noted by A. Pike) which our speculation point for Saturn on 09/09/10 sits centered underneath in the sky near the Celestial Meridian.
...a theory in which foundation stones of several landmark buildings of Washington D.C. were laid aligning with sky events at 23.4°+/- Virgo during construction of prominent Washington D.C. structures as well as important buildings aligned with the horizon rising of fixed stars of Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus. Saturn moves from 23° to 24° Virgo from 09/02/09 to 09/09/09 near a star called Zavijava (meaning, “the point of turning” or “the angle”).
- Update August 15, 2009 Well well wells without water...
- So that's why they need another sun in the heavens above in space...(The sun shall be darkened and unable to cast a shadow!?)
- Amos 5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: YHWH is his name:
- Job 9:9 9:8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south
- Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?38:32 Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth(Zodaic constellations) in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?
- So this is why they need a (Lucifer project in space), they need another sun! To travel the path of Re…?!
Isaiah 13:10 13:9 Behold, the day of YHWH cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.13:10 For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.13:11 And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. - Zodiak means- Degrees or Steps and Pleiades is in the constellation of the bull, Taurus amid newborn hot blue stars?
- The Number 23 and ORION:
- 23 Degrees - 24 Degrees and Saturns assigned orbit?or a wandering orbit?
- 23 Stars in Orion?! How many stars make up the constellation of Orion? 23 stars make up Orion, 3 stars make up the belt – http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_stars_make_up_the_constellation_of_Orion
- 23 Faithful Shepherds… Enoch 90: 1. And I saw till that in this manner thirty-five(unfaithful) shepherds undertook the pasturing (of the sheep), and they severally completed their periods as did the first; and others received them into their hands, to pasture them for their period, each shepherd in his own period. 2. And after that I saw in my vision all the birds of heaven coming, the eagles, the vultures, the kites, the ravens; but the eagles led all the birds; and they began to devour those sheep, and to pick out their eyes and to devour their flesh. 3. And the sheep cried out because their flesh was being devoured by the birds, and as for me I looked and lamented in my sleep over that shepherd who pastured the sheep. 4. And I saw until those sheep were devoured by the dogs and eagles and kites, and they left neither flesh nor skin nor sinew remaining on them till only their bones stood there: and their bones too fell to the earth and the sheep became few. 5. And I saw until that twenty-three(faithful) had undertaken the pasturing and completed in their several periods fifty-eight times. 35 + 23 = 58 (5+8 = 11)
- (#23 basket and #24 completed ahead of time! )
- Orions Belt: A breech in heaven? A new constellation of 3 stars, as above so below as at Giza, the evidence on Earth of the WAR IN HEAVEN? Amirror image of the celestial constellation and a literal graven image? http://www.glyphweb.com/esky/constellations/orionsbelt.html Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. These three prominent stars in the central regions of the constellation of Orion align to form the 'belt' of the Hunter.
Enoch 91:7…And the holy Lord will come forth with wrath and chastisement To execute judgement on earth. 8. In those days violence shall be cut off from its roots,And the roots of unrighteousness together with deceit,And they shall be destroyed from under heaven.9. And all the idols of the heathen shall be abandoned,
Enoch 93…8. And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be blinded,And the hearts of all of them shall godlessly forsake wisdom.
And in it a man shall ascend;And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire,And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed.
9. And after that in the seventh week shall an apostate generation arise,And many shall be its deeds,And all its deeds shall be apostate.
10. And at its close shall be elected The elect righteous of the eternal plant of righteousness, To receive sevenfold instruction concerning all His creation.
Psalm 147:4 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
- Seems to me that if a star was wandering(having left its first domain) going where it ought not be, then it could possibly cause the Earth to tilt and experience things it was not 'originally' created for ...like days out of time? and like us, prisoners taken and held captive as spoils of THE war on death...the last enemy of the Crown and our King...90 degrees being the 'angle' of a triangle producing Horus?
- http://www.archive.org/stream/stonehengeotherb00lockuoft/stonehengeotherb00lockuoft_djvu.txt
io STONEHENGE CHAP. place of rising or setting. Stars at the same distance from the celestial pole or equator will rise or set at the same point of the horizon, and if a star does not change its place in the heavens it will always rise or set in the same place. (Like an obedient star returning to it's intended place?)
define points on the horizon by dividing its whole circumference into 360, so that we can have azimuths up to 90 from the north and south points to the east and west points. We also have amplitudes from the east and west points towards the north and south points. We can say, then, that a star of a certain declination, or the sun when it occupies that declination, will rise or set at such an azimuth, or at such an amplitude. This will apply to both north and south declinations. - The angle of obliquity changes! And is that a Japanese Obelisk?
http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/eischao.html - And Isn't it interesting that the axis tilt of Earth is the closest to Mars than any other planets listed? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt
The obliquity of the ecliptic is not a fixed quantity but changing over time in a cycle with a period of 100,000,000 years. It is a very slow effect known as nutation, and at the level of accuracy at which astronomers work, does need to be taken into account on a daily basis. Note that the obliquity and the precession of the equinoxes are calculated from the same theory and are thus related to each other. A smaller ε means a larger p (precession in longitude) and vice versa. Yet the two movements act independent from each other, going in mutually perpendicular directions.the sun's angle above the horizon varies with the seasons. The measured difference between the angles of the Sun above the horizon at noon on the longest and shortest days of the year gives twice the obliquity.To an observer on the equator standing all year long looking above, the sun will be directly overhead at noon in March (Vernal Equinox), then swing north until it is 23° 26’ away from the zenith in June (Summer Solstice). In September (Autumnal Equinox) it will be back overhead, then at the Winter Solstice in December it will be 23° 26’ away from the vertical again - ...· The Equinox mission? 09/09/10 is thirteen days before Earth’s autumnal equinox, sometimes called the Virgo Equinox,18 and is also Rosh Hashanah for 2010 (sundown on the 8th and into the 9th). So a possible speculation at this point is that if a plunge-ignition plan is to be in place at the end of the Equinox Mission of Cassini, it will symbolically occur in the Virgo constellation near RA=12.0, Dec=0.0. This is very near to the Virgo star called Zaniah (meaning “angel” or “harlot”).
*09/09/09 – Last day 23º Virgo? See three inverted 6's pointing down embedded in the date, the 666 mark of the beast trilogy?
- Constellation word definition from: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=constellation configuration, constellation (an arrangement of parts or elements) "the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time", constellation (a configuration of stars as seen from the earth)
- Page 7 of the 2007 Our Flag Edition: (It still reads the same!) "The History of the Stars and Stripes. "The Stars and Stripes originated as a result of a resolution adopted by the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress at Philadelphia on June 14, 1777.
The resolution read:
“Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen
stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen
stars, white in a blue field representing a new constella-
tion " - Aren't there only 12 known constellations in this galaxy? Not 13?
- Just like there were 12 known apostles not 13?(Paul came in his own name/authority)and only 12 foundations to New Jerusalem...
- "A union of 13 stars" aka 13 colonies and 13 states...The number 13, representing a New Constellation and a tower of Babel reaching up to heaven where nothing shall be impossible for them? The war in heaven revealed? And Venus is known as representing the #13 and takes 8 years to make a pentagram cycle in its orbit. "The stars are lined up...just what are they doing up there in space do you suppose in the war in heaven?
- A HISTORY of stars? (and stripes...) Interesting chapter title in the Our Flag book for our USA Freemason foundation and flag symbol of the god, Lucifer now revealed as the unnamed god of this nation found at the head of every stree,t just like in was recorded in the book of acts!!
- Seeing, we are now able to see what has been hidden revealed and witnessing the rebuilt tower of Babylon in the continuing attempt of Lucifers rebellion, the war in heaven both a spiritual and physical battle being waged on many levels and degrees? And his desire to sit in the throne of YHWH by the permanent formation of a new constellation(creation) in space above(YHWH'S creation) including below, the holding of Earths people captives in through and by the many deceptions of this corrupted mortal dimension by the Royal Arch Degree (aka fallen arch-angels) men of Freemasonry who serve their God Lucifer, the light bearer, in the ongoing battle being waged, where time has been stolen, distorted and corrupted by the unlawful use of the Light of Truth and the re-creation of their United Nations rebuilt tower of power, that reaches into heaven through one of their spiritual capitols, Washington, the District of Columbia created through George Washington ? http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=105_cong_documents&docid=f:sd013.105.pdf
- My Review and comments Re: Adonis -Raising by Watchman 33 http://watchman33.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/adonis-raising-2012/
The magnitude of this information when reviewed all together wore me out! JUST LIKE Daniel 7:25 says it would!
1. Obama's do over was 2 days later not one. It was on Jan 22, 2009 not the 21st as stated in this expose. It may be a typo. (I believe the do-over inauguration ritual is more important than most realize in that, it was affecting a "shortening" of the time! 2. Learning that there were 11 days removed from the calendar is also a shortening of the time! 11+2= 13! (correction upon review: The do-over was reported and became known Jan 22, 2009 but we are told it was done on the 21st in the evening but does anyone know the time? ...)It was still a Freemasonic ritual shortening the time...
- Consider: If there are 12 known constellations w 12 planets as members. Wellllllll perhaps the 13 colonies represent the below part of the war in heaven? "As above so below", the Masonic Mantra of Freemasonry and their goal of establishing/creating a 13th constellation???!!! The "GREAT" arctitect of the Universe, Lucifer who wants to steal what is not his and call it a New Creation or CONSTELLATION IN TIME!
- Is this information confirmation that Washington is indeed claiming and "testing" the outcome of the new constellation, (the challenge of being like unto God and that he is God? And taking dominion of the World,(Earth) and separating out this NWO, new constellation as his? I don't think we realized just how big of an idea King George Bush Sr. was referring to when he announced the NWO as a "big" idea! I wonder if he was thinking big dipper or "little" dipper in the Milky WAY (war) Galaxy.
- Original Words to the Pledge: The original Pledge was written in August of 1882. The 23 words read as follows: I pledge allegiance to my Flag(my God) and to the republic. For which it stands one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A change was made to the Pledge in 1923. (The original verse was changed from "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the republic. ." to "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America) http://www.americanflags.org/docs/etiquette.jsp?pageId=0690200091781119362391939
- Question: (If The United States of America is a Corporate Entity which created Washington, DC and was sold to the International Monetary Fund sanctioned by the UN in 1944 then which God are the people of America pledging their allegiance too? )
- Update July 16, 2009 The only worthy choice I see, is in serving only our Abba, YHWH in obedience to the admonition to "come out and be separate and loyal to His divine laws which supercede these lawless treasonous imposters posing as lawgivers. That is the difference between what is considered legal in their courts and true Law by the Lawgiver. I suppose we could file the neccessary paperwork to satisfy the IRS an arm of the NWO beast but then that wouldn't really be separating now would it? We're already considered enemies of the state if we refuse to join their military or support them financially...as explained briefly at these links:
- Trading with the Enemy Act links:
http://www.enotes.com/major-acts-congress/trading-enemy-acthttp://www.apfn.org/apfn/1933.htm - “U.S. enters W.W.I and passes their Trading with the Enemies Act. ..... Remember, Team Law was created to wake up and educate — use us.” www.teamlaw.org/history.htm
1. Historical Outline
“1st: Martial Law is declared by President Lincoln on April 24th, 1863, with General ... Today these Acts address the people of the United States themselves as their enemy." teamlaw.net/HistoryOutline.htm - MORE Secret HISTORY of AMERICA: http://www.barefootsworld.net/admiralty.html "Placing of fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag, and arrangement of the stars are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but within the discretion of the President as Commander-In-Chief of the Army and Navy." - 1925, 34 Op.Atty.Gen. 483. The president as military commander can add a yellow fringe to our flag. When would this be done? During a time of war. Why? A flag with a fringe is an ensign, a military flag. Read the following.
"Pursuant to U.S.C. Chapter 1, 2, and 3; Executive Order No. 10834, August 21, 1959, 24 F.R. 6865, a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOW FRINGE, bordered on three sides. The President of the United states designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Armed forces." - July 17, 2009 Update: WE THE Slaves don't own any land: The Big Lie about Real Estate Transactions. Quote http://www.barefootsworld.net/admiralty.html
"The main problem I have with the yellow fringe is that by its use our Constitutional Republic is no more. Our system of law was changed without the public's knowledge. It was kept secret. This is fraud. The American people were allowed to believe this was just a decoration. Because the law changed from Common Law (God's Law) to Admiralty Law (the kings law) your status also changed from sovereign to subject. From being able to own property (allodial title) to not owning property (tenet on the land). If you think you own your property, stop paying taxes, it will be taken under the prize law.
"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the state; individual so-called `ownership' is only by virtue of government, i.e., law, amounting to a mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." - Senate Document No. 43, "Contracts payable in Gold" written in 1933. "
- ...and the Truth shall make us free for those who believe in the son having already crossed over from death to life and we are free indeed from those who worship the Egyptian god of the dead who seek to keep us in bondage...(Jo 8:31..."If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 5:24 He that hears and believes on the Son of YHWH God that sent Him has ever lasting life and shall not come into judgment/condemnation but is passed from death to life...)
- We shall in no way be harmed by the second death...
- Rev 20: (To the Church at Smyrna no mention of getting victory over the number of the name...could that be our generation and those with SS numbers?) They had not worshiped(revered in obedience and bowing down to its unlawful demands) the beast or his image,(Washington) and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years..This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
- Rev 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death. (It won't even hurt if we fall in battle! One day when I was still being tested in a wilderness and walking alone with the LORD, " ok if I have to lose my head in the battle I'm willing, but isn't there anything else I can do more than that? I remember now that it then occurred to me that it wouldn't even hurt should that occur! And now I see how I have been granted my request to do more and help others to see what I see. Perfect love and obedience does cast down fear just like the scriptures teach us. We're in a war zone in the heat of battle. Be of Good Cheer for The Master of Life has already overcome this beast and the NWO they think to establish ...It's already finished, He said so Himself..."
- *MAJOR MAJOR Update August 2, 2009
THE 'Real History' of the Real Secret America and the Tribes, in the promised land on the other side of the sea, where the land provided milk and honey without the curse of slavery.. ..Quote: ”the Shawanoe’s(Shawnee) alone claim, that their ancestors once inhabited a foreign land; but having determined to leave it, they assembled their people and marched to the sea shore. Here, under the guidance of a leader of the Turtle tribe, one of their twelve original subdivisions, they walked into the sea, the waters of which immediately parted, and they passed in safety along the bottom of the ocean, until they reached this island.” http://ia331303.us.archive.org/3/items/lifeoftecumsehan15581gut/15581-h/15581-h.htm
- “Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our lands, and if it is his will, we wish to leave our bones upon them.”- Tecumseh at Fort Walden, Sept. 1813 http://www.galafilm.com/1812/e/people/tecumseh.html
- The Conflict Continues: http://www.in.gov/history/files/7011.pdf
More reference books: http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=tecumseh%20AND%20collection%3Aamericana - Panther Across the Sky and New Madrid Earthquake: http://www.ratical.org/ratville/Tecumseh.html
- Comet Lulin Update Aug 4, 2009: Traveling Backwards? Not coming around for another 50 Million years? Talk about signs in the heavens... http://www.examiner.com/x-504-Space-News-Examiner~y2009m2d23-Comet-Lulin-going-green-once-in-50-million-years In the jurisdictional area of Orion, Sirius and Virgo, imagine that! See for yourself at: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.areavoices.com/astrobob/images/Lulin_map_2_all.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.areavoices.com/astrobob/%3Fblog%3D43339&usg=__e5F2rwvsqnK0V7-q4XfldIl6VXc=&h=500&w=482&sz=74&hl=en&start=9&sig2=HRtY9VrWxqPOCnLMFaGUXg&um=1&tbnid=ql1zm7SFEL58_M:&tbnh=130&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcomet%2Blulin%2Bstar%2Bmap%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=21x4SrSwCoWrmQe7sPTTBg
- Indianapolis News: In-Diana–polis Oct 9, 1900 “A ritual performed by an actor not unlike the performances we see today by politicians! Excerpt:” …a parade to the State House, and the arrival of an actor dressed as Chief Tecumseh. City representatives presented Tecumseh with a wooden key, and the "freedom of the city."
http://www.indianahistory.org/library/manuscripts/collection_guides/P0323.html - *To know the Spirit and power of Eliyah, you must listen and hear and eat the hidden manna ...
Update August 3, 2009 This is the true history of this kingdom called Washington:
- Chapter 1 Red Justice by Protestant Separatist Stephen Michael Schroeder: None of it makes any sense…until you start putting it all together.
Here are some current events that didn’t make any sense at the time, but now it does.
First we have to hear how the State is broke and can’t afford schools or fix the roads. This after compromising our beliefs and believing that by legislating gambling we could have better schools and safer roads. What happened to all those benefits promised?
We’ve already received the negative effects of gambling here in Indiana, (always a sure bet) higher crime, money that could have been spent on durable goods assisting both the employee and the business instead is squandered on a chance for easy money, income wasted on a fantasy instead of spent on their family.
Unfortunately all that money vanished thanks to the Governor who like Mayor Goldsmith paved the way for George W. to declare that all religions are to be considered equal and will be financed by the taxation of the citizens labor, that all gods and goddesses are good and beneficial to the welfare of the State. In other words that Polytheism is the preferred religious establishment of the State, the capstone declaration of the New World Order.
In other words the Governor had the Presidents blessing to funnel money to religious organizations in Indiana, of course there were legal checks and balances to keep everything on the up and up, you know laws, but the fact is those laws that were established to prevent a tragedy like that which occurred at the Capitol were never obeyed.
Even fellow lawmakers warned the Governor to comply with the laws involved yet the Governor refused and the money vanished. Once some lawmakers discovered that money was up for grabs without any accountability, the corruption became a flood. The reason they couldn’t keep records was that could be used as evidence that a certain religious establishment had been given financial preferences by the State.
The F.B.I investigated the matter but determined there was no wrong doing, however the I.C.L.U. and the Indianapolis Star both said its very plain to see that the State is in violation of it’s own laws, and so the program was shut down.
I find it odd that the current Governor instructs the lawmakers that they need not waste time on property tax relief, because the State is in such a financial crisis, yet a couple of days later he enlightens app. 900 religious leaders of the available funds they should apply for.
Is the State really broke, or is that their excuse for increased taxation and claim of eminent domain of foreign authorities, toll roads that will charge your account (bar code) as you pass thru without having to stop. Sure they can track where your going and who you are, all the while taxing your ‘freedom to travel’, which is no big deal, until you understand it will be a foreign country that’s doing this tracking you your movements and the taxation for your use of their roads, or their bridges, flying their banners of their hostile countries. (Hostile as in religions that teach terrorism acceptable)
Meanwhile Bush claims a victory and makes an Executive Order that would allow him to do what no other President in America’s history had been able to do, payroll the Church.
Meanwhile back in Indy the lost revenue must be made up, so here it comes…
First we have our property taxed an increase of 300%.
Then we have to hear about the Governments new and improved Eminent Domain, which means your land is always available to the highest bidder.
Then the Governor begins selling our roads and bridges to outsiders just as fast as he is trying to sell off our woodlands (to make more roads and generate more money, from us.)
Suddenly politicians are selling what is not theirs to sell. Doing things that don’t make any sense.
Now the Commander in Chief, currently in charge of troops in a time of war is claiming there is no discussing his decision to the selling of key ports to an Arab empire. Here we are at war with terrorist, (who we understand are those who have no problem killing and terrorizing innocents in order to accomplish their goals), which seems to be those who ascribe to the teachings of Mohammed, who claimed its an unforgivable sin to say that God begat a son, a crime worthy of execution, that Christianity is a monstrous thing, and non-believers of Islam should be terrorized until they submit to Islamic law by surrendering land in exchange for peace (like ‘protection’ payments)
Islam’s goal is world domination. Islam’s goal is to acquire land and expand their empires borders. This has been accomplished through Islamic law, namely the Jihad. A war instigated and waged on non-believers until they agree to sit at the bargaining table to negotiate the surrender of their land.
The front page of the 2/22/06 Indianapolis Star printed the Presidents request, “I want those who are questioning it to explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard that a great British company.”
OK, here goes. A great British company never assisted Islamic terrorists in attacking America, nor has the British ever claimed it wants to destroy us, nor has the British ever ascribed to theological nonsense that instructs its followers to terrorize non-believers until they submit to Islamic law by surrendering land in exchange for peace. (This unfortunately has been adopted by the United Nations as the only way for peace…for the haves to surrender land to the have-nots in exchange for peace from their terrorism.)
And how about this concern that nobody is even talking about. The most important point missed that does make this a matter of National Security is the fact that this Arab country running American ports does not have to answer our questions, does not keep its paper trail in this country, but rather in their own country where their shipping and receiving manifests are kept confidential and out of the jurisdiction of any ‘homeland security.’
Not only does this U.N. peace plan produce terrorists, it rewards terrorism as can be seen by the newly democratically elected terrorist organization who refuses to denounce their goal of destroying Israel, yet still expects more land to be surrendered.
So why is America supporting and defending this U.N. mandate which is extortion, and incites Jihads and encourages terrorism as an effective way to acquire the land. Surely the President can see what everybody else is shocked about. Why can’t he see the problem? Is America so broke it can’t wait till after the war to sell our ports of entry?
Now they try to justify their tragic decision as…”Well Britain is doing it too? Why can they do this and we can’t?” Suddenly the Americans war for their Declaration of Independence seems like all just a waste of good ink and precious blood.
Britain’s bowing to the same international U.N. eminent domain to establish order only confirms the suggestion that the same secret society currently has control over the White House is also in control in the House of Commons, and it is no secret that the leaders of both of these kingdoms are elite members of a secret society, a covert government set on ruling the world, and restoring the rule of the Neters on earth.
The Masonic infection of London, was felt in the wars with Washington, wherein British Officers, more loyal to the Craft than to the Crown, intentionally lost conflicts for the cause of Freemasonry, and in obedience to their Most Worshipful Master, (1st in War, then in 1st in Peace, then 1st in the hearts of his country men, ‘his servants’)
This Masonic connection between the U.S. and the British, goes way back to the time they (Masonic Longknives) conspired to take the land that did not belong to either of them and divide it between themselves, a Masonic conspiracy to convince Officers to disobey, and overthrow the Crown, to take the land by force, and death to the red ‘savages, these dirty, primitive, stone-age tribes of beasts’
It is as the Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich called the deal, an “overly secretive process at the federal level.”
Bush said that protesting lawmakers should understand his approval of the deal is final. So what should protesting citizens understand? That more sacrifice is needed in your war on terrorism, when the terrorist have already won? That the reason we have not been attacked lately is not because of our ability to prevent attack, but rather America has bowed to this Islamic Law adopted by the United Nations as the New World Order, and like Israel has surrendered prime land in exchange for peace from their Jihad.
Americans have willing surrendered their rights and freedoms in exchange for protection from these Jihads of terrorism, thinking their country can protect them. We need to realize the reason the surrender of our ports to the Arabs is in compliance to the Islamic law of surrendering land for peace from Jihad.
The President claims to be worried how it will look if we don’t let the Arab nation control our ports…as if we may be perceived as ‘discriminating’. I think all parties involved can understand if the American people are not comfortable with the portals to the country being controlled by those who worked with, affiliated with, sympathized, or helped financed terrorist attacks against America.
The President should be concerned how it looks to make such a foolish decision, unwilling to talk about it, and if the will of the people is in opposition he will veto them. This is a done deal, which confirms this decision did not come from him, but is a mandate of the N.W.O. and the submission of America to Islamic law. It’s not up for debate.
In WWII the U.S. placed all Japanese citizens in segregated camps, which is going a little overboard by today’s standards however it is understandable that during a time of war, the enemy has blood ties with those citizens who may very well be good citizens however it’s not worth taking the chance in hoping that a citizens loyalty to their State is greater than the loyalty to their own kind.
Could you imagine if during WWII the US sold its ports to the Germans or the Japanese?
What is a dead giveaway about this being a U.N. mandate rather than a Presidential decision is the fact that the President doesn’t understand, what’s the difference who owns our strategic ports of entry, our roads, our bridges that we don’t want to look like we’re the types to discriminate.
Since the U.S. cannot identify the enemy, and since the U.S. has already bowed to the U.N. sponsored Islamic law of Jihad, (using terrorism until land is surrendered in exchange for peace and security from their terror), as well as forcing Israel to surrender its lands to a democratically elected terrorist organization who refuses to stop calling on the destruction of Israel, then end the bloodshed, the terrorist have won. The Arabs proudly declare they will continue to finance the terrorist in Israel. (Especially now that, they have the money coming in from running our ports, and charging us for driving on ‘their’ roads or using ‘their’ bridges.)
The Presidents State of the Union address claimed that he was going to reduce our dependency on the Arabs oil, (much to the pleasure and relief of true American’s who understand the consequences of not being able to discriminate when decisions are vital.)
What he didn’t say during the State of the Union address was that a deal was underway that the Arabs wouldn’t need oil to continue to live like Kings, that thanks to the United Nations World Peace Plan, all we need to do is give them our land, and then we won’t have to worry about them using terrorism against us anymore.
Just because the U.S. has bowed to a U.N. mandate (Islamic Law) and doesn’t have to worry about any more terrorist attacks (so they would like you to believe) doesn’t mean they will mothball homeland security for the simple reason this ‘homeland security’ is set up for those Americans who will not give up their Constitutional rights, just because a U.N. council tells them to, will not give up their American lifestyle to accommodate ‘them’.
Fear is how mind control is accomplished. Rather than declare the facts, that the U.N. had declared that we must sell our ports, and must sell our lands to the enemy, and that we must give up our freedoms, like speech, or the press, (or printing ‘cartoons of mass destruction’) they used the fear of terrorism to convince citizens to willingly and voluntarily surrender their rights and freedoms in exchange for security from these types.
Americans have bowed to this Islamic Jihad, just like the President has. Americans surrendered their rights and freedoms, just as the President is surrendering our land in exchange for peace, and the appearance of being globally politically correct, not realizing that it’s not just the politicians that are bewildered, not just the citizens who are shocked, but the whole world now can see just how pathetic and powerless the U.S. really is.
Mr. President, stop the daily sacrificing of our children. The war is over. You lost because you could not, would not properly identify the enemy, (they looked to much like your business partners I guess.) You may not have a problem doing business with those who think this violent lawlessness is acceptable (just like Bush Sr. who illegally did business with Hitler) but we will not be incorporated with serpents.
‘We shouldn’t do business with those we have no business doing business with’ or as a great Indian chief once said, “Good and evil cannot dwell together in the same heart” or as the Word of God says, “Be ye separate, come out from among them my people, do not assist *them in any way, or you will become partakers of their evil deeds and suffer their same fate.” (*them – those who believe that God begets not, those who believe it’s a crime worthy of death to say that God begat a son. ‘Antichrists’)
The time has come.
Port manifests not under our jurisdiction…kept in the Middle East
Not about oil..about soil….land
The President claims he’s working to reduce our dependency on ‘foreign oil’…what he didn’t tell the people is that their homelands are now considered foreign soil.’ He claims he found out about it while reading the newspaper…yet he claims we don’t have to worry about security (it’s not our job) Intelligence failures cannot excuse every catastrophe, sooner or later they’re going to have to come up with some other excuse.
You can’t sell what you don’t own. It’s illegal to sell what doesn’t belong to you. This land does not belong to you. It was given to those chosen of God, and stolen from these Lost Tribes of Israel, the ones that were murdered by Washington’s Masonic Jihad. Genocide does not make you rightful owners of the land. This was the Capitol of the Confederation of these lost tribes until it was obtained thru the genocide of Gods chosen people.
This land must be returned to those it belongs, not sold to our enemies. This was the Capitol of a people who have yet to see justice.
The President acts as if we don’t exist, as if he only has to answer to politicians. Did he forget about our opinions, and us you know, ‘We the People’? If George W. does not care about the will of American citizens but seems more concerned about Arab money, then he needs to chose between his unsavory business partners or the people he is suppose to be working for. If they don’t want to sell their land, who are you to veto the will of the American people, then what good is a democracy?
If a terrorist organization convinces the majority it would be in their best interest to vote for them, and as a result become a democratically elected government does that change the fact that it was, and still is a terrorist organization, and should not be receiving any kind of aid until it agrees to act like a civilized nation and not threaten to exterminate its those around them, or justify terrorism in order to obtain land. That is not Justice.
If an American President bows to United Nations mandates, then what good is voting for an American President, why don’t we lease out the White House to another Nation, let the Arab emirates run the White House?
I’ve got an idea…put Hussein back in control of Iraq, and bring our children home, where they want to be. The war on terrorism was lost when the President declared a New World Order in the United Nations, but now that he’s ‘aiding’ the enemy (‘terrorism’ and ‘terrorist organizations’) then there is no longer a war against terrorism, but a public bowing low before the authority of the United Nations with its establishing of Islamic law upon our lands. And this cannot be allowed, for this land does not belong to those who hate the Laws of the Creator, and seek to destroy His creations, and persecute his beloved, and to devour His children, his chosen ones, who were made from this soil you think to sell.
The President tells us not to worry about security…. they’ve done their homework and there is no threat to our National security. That is not very comforting when you consider the amount of death and destruction that has already resulted from their numerous ‘intelligence failures’
One smell of death was all I needed. Something had to be done. Truth must be known.
United nations is now exercising their ‘eminent domain’ over the US.
Russia says it will side with the Arabs in financing the democratically elected terrorist organization demanding the destruction of Israel, while living on Israeli soil, and demanding more land in accordance with the U.N’s, New World Order, and roadmap for Peace in the middle east. Islam is supposed to be the Arabic word for peace, yet it is why we are entering Armageddon.
“Though peace, he will bring much destruction. He will say peace, peace, then comes sudden destruction.” The United Nations Peace Plan is the establishment of Islamic law as the new law of the universal jungle.
How iron-ic …history is proving once again that what comes around goes around, or as the Bible says, He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. It was through this same Islamic Jihad (Islamic, because the god of Washington was, and is, Allah (the supreme pagan deity of pre-Islamic Arabia, according to Life’s World Library – The Arab World page 28.)
According to the President, George W. of the Brotherhood of Death, Allah is the same god of the Bible. And that Allah speaks through him, and tells him to make war and destroy, for he can’t help it, he is the war President, making decisions with war on his mind, unable to discriminate between us and the enemy. A dangerous time indeed.
FACT: the foundation of the Bible is the belief in the only begotten Son of God, who paid for our redemption, to die that we may not have to, to pay our price, for the wages of sin is indeed death, but the gift of God is eternal life through the only begotten of the Father.
Fact: the foundation of Islam is the denial of the only begotten son of God, that Allah would never begat a son (yet it was ok for Allah to have 3 daughters?!) and that the mere profession ‘that God begat a son’ is punishable by death. In other words freedom of speech does not include saying inflammatory things like ‘God begat a son’
Now maybe you can understand why the name of Christ is being romoved from the public forum, and why Indiana is once again being the testing grounds of Washington’s illegal agendas, to see if they can get away with it first in Indiana.
Just like Mayor Goldsmith and Governor Obannon, leading the way, making it ok, showing the President how it could be accomplished, to get the Christian majority in the nation to support his agenda, which is to cater to his anti-Christ (according to 1 John 2:22) business partners of the Islamic world/Bush who illegally did business with Hitler?
Just as Indiana has become the testing ground once again, to see if they can get away with selling the land beneath our feet to our enemies a land of a Masonic Islamic confederation with the same goal of eradicating those who know the true Master of Life. I’m disappointed in The Indianapolis Star not publishing the truth of two very important matters concerning the citizens of Indiana as well as all Americans.
1.) The story on the selling of our ports. There has been no mention of the most important issue in this matter, and that is the fact that the Arabs Emirates does not have to keep any paperwork, bills of lading, load manifests, any documents of what they receive or what they ship, that all this vital information will be keep in the foreign country out of the jurisdiction of ‘homeland security’ and will not have any access to this most vital of all shipping information. This is what makes this an interest of National Security.
2.) The controversy of the name of the Only Begotten Son being banned in the Indiana House Chambers. The fact that has yet to been published in this matter is that there is a connection with all this giving away our lands to foreign nations, as well as selling off our roads, bridges, and national forests on a State level.
The real reason why the Only Begotten of the Father is being banned from the House Chambers is due to the fact that it is offensive to Muslims as it is a violation of Islamic Law.
Such a declaration is called a ‘Monstrous Thing’ in the 19:88 verse of the Koran, a declaration evil enough to cause destruction to the earth and skies it goes on. Muslims (those who follow the teachings of Mohammed, are obligated to obey Islamic law, lest they are not truly Muslims, their declaration of faith is that ‘God begets not, nor is begotten’
Therefore the declaring of a Son of God from the pulpit of the House Chambers is not only offensive to a true Muslim, but it is an unforgivable sin according to Islamic law, a crime worthy of execution by the Islamic State.
That is the real reason they had to pass legislation, but the academy award should go to the House Speaker for having ‘tent revival’ type church services in the House Chambers so the ICLU would have no choice but to challenge this obvious preference given to the ‘Only Begotten’ Son of God in the House Chambers, and thus pass a law that would prevent any mention of the Son of God from the Muslim minority at the Capitol.
The double standard being that the name Allah (the supreme pagan deity of pre-Islamic Arabia) can be spoken in the House Chambers yet nobody claims it offends them to hear the name of a Pagan deity being spoken of from the pulpit of the House Chambers, by those who believe that those who profess belief in the Son of God are evil, wicked, and worthy of death by the State.
Protestants should be protesting that the whole Pagan Pantheon is painted on the House Chambers wall that politicians face, images of their gods of heaven, and goddesses of earth projecting their will into minds of lawmakers, their images immediately bringing the names of these Netters to their minds, putting them in tune with their communications, while so called Christian politicians disobey the Word of God and make their prayers loud and public in lofty places like the Capitol, just like the Pharisees the names of the many pagan gods and goddesses whose images and presence is giving a place of honor in the House Chambers 24-7, 365.
They want us to give up our freedoms and rights, and encourage citizens to do this voluntarily in exchange for protection from terrorism. They convinced you through deception that the sacrifice of your children was necessary to defeat terrorism.
Now they want us to give up our National security and turn our ports over to those who hate the gospel of Christianity. They plan to sell our bridges, roads, and woodlands to those who claim to be American but whose loyalty is to their religion, and will prove it once their numbers and strength are great enough to implement their new Islamic laws upon our land through a revival of their Jihad if necessary.
That is the real reason for the controversy at the Capitol concerning the declaration of the belief in a Son of God; they want us to stop our inflammatory speech, our public declarations of a belief in our King. Just as we want an end to the name of Allah being mentioned are given acknowledgement in public places by public officials.
For saying that Islam is good is to say Christianity is evil, for only one can be the truth, and the other a lie. Islam declares God begat not, nor is begotten, while the Bibles foundation is on the birth of the Only begotten Son of God, and calls those who deny this fact ‘anti-Christ’
These secret societies are united in their goal to eliminate once and for all the chosen ones of the Creator. The enemies have gained access into our land, the gates being swung wide open as they pour in; with one goal in mind…expand the borders of Islam.
The President has no problem doing business with those that hate us, and seek to destroy us we understand, (since he comes from a family that obtained its wealth by its illegal business dealings with Hitler) however don’t expect us to do the same.
The bottom line is that it is unlawful to sell or attempt to sell that which does not belong to you. If George W. wants to sell the U.S. (the 68 square miles called the District of Columbia he may feel free to do so) but he nor his brotherhood of death will sell our sacred lands to those who seek to destroy us and extinguish our faith.
While the war against the terrorist is still going on, while our children are being shot at, blown apart, and killed, the President thinks its ok to not only do business with the financiers of terrorist, but to let them declare that their Country now owns what was yesterday called American soil will henceforth be called foreign soil.
Land that once belonged to us has now become the property of our enemy (those who justify terrorism to obtain land, and hate the truth of the gospel of Christ) They are not only our enemy, but are even the enemy against the Creator Himself.
March 11, 2006 The Indianapolis Star Editorial
March 7, 2006 Indianapolis Star Editorial…The Indianapolis Star portrays Indiana Citizens as toothless old lady backseat drivers who have no idea what they want, and the combined editorial claims citizens should not be surprised by what the Governor is doing, as if we should have expected our Governor to sell Indiana to foreign countries.
The argument is that there is a lot of foreign businesses in Indiana making durable goods for consumers, but that is not the same as foreign countries owning or leasing (all the same in the tax game) the land that the citizens rely on for their freedom of mobility (like roads and bridges) or that citizens count on for their safety and national security (like sea ports and air ports) should not be controlled by a foreign country.
March 10, 2006 Indianapolis Star once again portraying the complaints of the citizens who oppose this selling out our lands to other countries as a bunch of crying babies throwing a tantrum, claiming that the reason we have to move so fast is so that some other state doesn’t take this opportunity for fast cash away from Indiana.
Is that why no other States are doing this? We does Indiana always have to be first to commit these illegal actions that would allow the President to repeat them on a global scale.
Nobody seems to realize that all of this selling of our land to foreign entities is in compliance with the United Nations Eminent Domain called the New World Order.
Nor the fact that this is ‘taxation without representation’ taxing us and sending that money to foreign countries in which we have no say in their matters.
March 13, 2006 Indianapolis Star claims Indianapolis Airport was First of its kind to be run by a foreign firm. Not only the First, but only. I wonder why that is? Once again we see Goldsmith was very busy in Indianapolis doing Washington’s bidding.
Not only was he carefully maneuvering around ‘constitutional landmines’ as he called them to start cutting checks to religious organizations, he was also making the way for other countries to own our property without being Americans, as if America belongs to all Countries, friendly or hostile.
And why are we just now learning about this story? What about these future deals…nobody is talking about what happens when London wants to sell out our airport to Islamic governments (Islamic governments are not bad because they are Muslim dominated, but rather because Islamic governments are anti-democracy.
Selling out the country is one thing…to sell it to our enemies is another, and where most citizens draw the line. They are not backseat drivers, or crybabies, but rather citizens justified in their concerns about what is going on.
I’m sure there is a dollar reason for the Indianapolis Star not only failing to understand the concern that most everyone else understands, but to depict Indiana Citizens as they have only proves once again the claim that Indiana does not have a free press.
Washington and Islam are fatally connected. Both rejected the need for our Lord. Both considered the belief in a Son of God a monstrous thing, and used religion to disguise their evil deeds. Both lived by the sword, and shall thereof die by that sword.
Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it. That is why this story must be told, for it is not a matter of not remembering what has happened here on this soil in the past, but rather never being told the truth of what happened here in Indiana, and how Washington came to be.
What comes around goes around, as you plant so shall you reap, life’s a delicate balance. It’s just a Universal truth that is proven true over and over again. As is the case with America, it’s beginning and its end. We must learn from the past to prevent a reoccurrence of the crimes that bring forth destruction (Abominations that produce Desolation [death & destruction])
Just as Washington did to the original landowners here, it will happen to Washington and to those who own land here now. Just as this land was taken by force from those who were the true owners and husbands of the land, so shall this land that you so love be taken from you and divided against those who take kingdoms by force.
Just as the British had made the mistake of allowing these Masonic Europeans the rights to run their ports in the Northeast, Bush is making the same mistake by giving up our ports to a known enemy that was involved in the terrorist attacks against us on 911, a known accomplice of the terror that was used as the just cause to ask for the sacrificing of the children, to go to war to defeat this evil called terrorism, while at the same time doing business with those assisting terrorists, and letting them take over our lands [not only is Bush giving our ports of National Security to the enemy, the Governor of Indiana, the ‘Blade’ is giving away our roads, bridges, and our sacred woodlands, (once again, an Indiana Politician setting the precedent, making the way for the President to say he can because it was done in Indiana without challenge or controversy, like funneling tax dollars to religious organizations…so they could start transferring money to religious terrorist organizations legally, and you ‘helped’)
These foreign toll booths will be electronic recording usage and billing those who travel on ‘their’ roads, thus the need for ‘tagging’ the issuing of a identification number for those who plan to use their roads, bridges, or ports, which is a major concern to those who believe the sign that the prophesied ‘beast’ of Revelation will make all citizens receive a mark in order to buy or sell, (function in society)
The reason for this message is to educate those who do not deserve what is coming. The true history of Washington must be told, for if we do not know our history, we will repeat it, and it will be just as tragic,
The reason nobody knows the true history of this State and the Nation is because the government cannot tell the story without revealing itself the monster it is. Thus the purpose of this book is to tell the true history, so that we may no have to repeat it.
It is a sad fact that it is the red man who is the hardest to share the gospel of Christ with thanks to the wicked evil deeds done by these Masonic long-knives who claimed to be Christian, sort of like Bush, a Brotherhood of Death Mason who hired an Assembly of God minister to teach him how to sound like a Protestant evangelical.
The telling of the true story of this State and Nation will educate the citizens as to why these things are taking place, and how they confirm the fact that history is indeed in the process of repeating itself.
The hope of this story is to stop the unintentional sins of these good citizens who give praise, honor, and glory (that which belongs to God) to wicked men with their crimes against humanity, or those who blindly pledge their allegiance to they know not what.
To make them understand the urgency to comply with the final warning of the Word of God, to be separate and come out from among them’
This giving unto man that which belongs to God is what is perpetuating the racism, lawlessness, and murder long after these ‘great men’ have expired. We must seek Justice, and ensure Justice dwells among us, for a government that has no need of Justice is evidence that their authority is a counterfeit, and their kingdom targeted for destruction by ‘Universal Justice’ i.e. Natural disasters.
We are warned not to assist these anti-Christ in any way, not even bid them god-speed lest we become partakers of their evil deeds and suffer their same fate. Yet the President says we can’t discriminate or it will look bad. It won’t look any worse than a government at war with terrorism, dong business, and giving the assistant of assassins our land during a time of war against terrorism.
The times are evident that something is wrong. It would seem the Nature is joining mankind in the extermination of man. Things are happening that don’t make any sense. Everybody is looking for answers as to what is happening and why. This story should clear things up for you.
You know a State has something to hide when you can get a copyright of the History of the State, because it is a story that has yet to be told, as if the story never existed or would never be told. Be sure your sins will find you out.
The time has come for the truth to come out. The time has come for the truth to set you free. The time has come for you to stand and separate ourselves from those who hate the Laws of God, and seek to destroy us and take our land. Our instructions from God are clear. We will not become business partners with those we are not allowed to assist.
The Bush dynasty was built upon the financial gains made by doing illegal business with Hitler, and like his grandson George W. has no problem doing business with the likes of the Bin Laden’s and those who assisted the 911 terrorists while still at war, but when he starts declaring he has eminent domain over our lands so that he can give it away to our enemies, then when we need to remind him that he may want to do business with evil tribes, but we will do no business with the likes of him.
When our means of freedom of movement are at risk being controlled by a foreign power who believes our declaration of faith is a crime worthy of capitol punishment then the time has come to remind this counterfeit government that it is We the People who call the shots, and just as this government was founded on the rebellion of those who had complaints that pale in comparison to today’s justifications for independence, history can and will repeat itself unless changes are made immediately.
Giving our ports and our means of free travel on land to hostile nations is the final straw. The Presidents business dealings with terrorist financiers and his aiding of known terrorist organizations (humanitarian or otherwise…besides humanitarian aid is not needed with Russia, Iran, and the rest of the Arab league funneling them billions) is one thing, however taking that which does not belong to him to surrender to our enemies in exchange for peace, or in compliance to U.N. mandates is where the dividing line is clearly made in the sand. We see it clearly….we drew it in the sand.
Many are no doubt asking how it is even possible for something like this to happen. It already happened here on this soil, yet you do not know about it because your 13 years of State education did not tell you the truth of America’s history.
The reason we have a foreign people in our lands and controlling our ports, and desiring to buy our lands, and will inevitably declare a Jihad against the non-believers until they are willing to surrender their lands in exchange for peace, because that it a duty that all followers of Islamic law (Muslims) must perform sooner or later.
It has worked so well for the Islamic terrorists in the Middle East thanks to the United Nations declaring Islamic law as the only plan for peace in the world, and the United States for supporting and defending this global law of eminent domain.
There is a certain piece of land here in America that is not under the jurisdiction of the United States eminent domain, just like the District of Columbia (68 square miles) known, as the U.S. is separate and independent from any eminent domain.
The reason this piece of Indiana property is not up for sale or trade in exchange for green paper, precious metal, or pretended peace is that this land does not belong to Washington nor did it ever.
It is illegal to sell or attempt to sell that which does not belong to you. The land does not belong to you, because nobody gave it to you, and you were not occupying the land, but another civilization more advanced than your own claimed that it was their land because the Creator had given them this promised land for being obedient to his will and laws (concerning iron and brass) and that this Paradise was not for sale, as it was not theirs to sell, but belonged to God to give to those he desired (just as Jerusalem is declared to belong to God, this garden in the midst of Paradise belonged to God and given to these Lost Tribes of Israel, whom this government utterly destroyed by deception, alcohol, germ warfare, starvation, murder, death marches, and finally genocide, thinking nothing of it, repenting not, only demanding honor.
Nobody has been brought to justice for these crimes against humanity, no not one. To the contrary those who violated Royal Proclamations, Federal, and State laws, in order to steal, kill and destroy, in order to obtain wealth and power have been given titles of honor and prestige that belong to God alone.
Thus the crimes of these wicked perverted Masonic long-knives, such as racism, hatred, war, murder, and unrest continues even in our technological modern times because of this sin committed by those blinded to the truth by patriotism.
The shores of this North Country have seen this story and controversy over her ports of entry. History is indeed repeating itself. It was the British who made the mistake of allowing European Freemasons to run the ports of the colonies, for that is how they began to make their wealth i.e. power necessary to resist the authority of the Crown.
Now that the Masonic businessmen controlled the ports they could coordinate the wealthy ships of the King to bump into their brothers of death “Skull and Bones”
who would split the booty with the Masonic brotherhood, as well as get in on the insurance business. Combine this mass influx of wealth with the money to be made by the shipping of opium to China, to make this inferior yellow race addicted to what these Masonic businessmen were dealing.
It is ironic that this Masonic organization claims a brotherhood of man, yet has no problem addicting, enslaving, and destroying the yellow, the black, and the red man.
It was pretty obvious that’ if you wanted to do business in the colonies you’d better have Masonic connections, for it is as they proclaim, “We own everything.” It was this infusion of Freemasonry encouraged by enlightened members of secret societies of Rome, willing to share the esoteric knowledge their colleges of artificers had obtained through their conquest of Egypt.
It was these foreign influences using the Masonic organization to establish its power base along the Northeastern ports, to gain control of the shipping and receiving of goods and controlling access to the inner reaches of the continent.
The organized crimes of these wealthy Masonic merchants and officers of the British Crown degenerated into a declaration of Independence from the authority of the crown or face hanging for their high crime of treason, for their crimes against the Crown, and for crimes not only against humanity, but against the ‘chosen ones.’..
Besides the mass wealth accumulated by these illegal ‘port’ activities, as well as the money to be made by selling black slaves, (as Benjamin Franklin did by advertising young girls in his newspapers) there was even more wealth to be made, more power to obtain.
One of these ‘mass- moneymakers’ was the whiskey business, for whiskey could be exchanged for just about anything, and was the perfect chemical to put the red man in the same degenerated state as the yellow man with the opium, so that they could become servants like the black man to these white superior Freemasons who so enlightened considered themselves Kings, and Lords of the land, those who preached the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man were to be called the worshipful Masters of these ignorant and obedient ‘stone age’ servants.
The Shawnee claimed that when they experienced the drink of these people (whiskey) it was then prophesied that this drink was poison to them (‘chosen ones’) and would become the cause of much destruction upon their people.
But none of these illegal and offensive business adventures could compare to the amount of wealth one could obtain so quickly than through the business of land speculating’’ (grabbing land, clearing it, and selling it) thus it was open for the taking and many British officers invested in ‘Land Business’
The land was what it has always been about. To whom does it truly belong? Did the Governor think about that before he decided to take it upon himself to set the precedent so that the President could sell out the Ports, which time will tell, but could make you a very guilty man in this ‘future’ you refer on those who disagree with your selling of their State called Indiana.
These wealthy owners of Land Companies, (as most of the ‘founding fathers’ were) believed that the land, they so coveted on the other side of the Appalachians, didn’t belong to anybody, just a few tribes of ignorant stone age savages, and if they didn’t have a deed (a measurement of the land, that image being drawn on paper, then patented, and thus considered proper title or deed to the land) then it was not theirs.
A Shawnee chief, Kekewepellethe, explained, “God gave us this Country. We do not understand measuring the land. It is all ours.” For indeed the Master of Life had obviously given them the land, for they were already a Confederation of Tribes long before Rome or Spain’s claims of ‘discovering this land’ and their claims that it all belonged to them.
A fellow officer of the British Crown, and the last British Governor of Virginia wrote, “In this colony they do not conceive that Government has any right to forbid their taking possessions of a Vast tract of Country, either uninhabited, or which serves only as a Shelter for a few scattered Tribes of Indians. Nor can they easily be brought to entertain any belief of the permanent obligation of the Treaties made with those People, whom they consider but little removed from the brute Creation.”
The land that was coveted to the point that genocide resulted in order to obtain it was a Paradise in the midst of this Northwest territories originally known as the Indian territories, and then called the Indiana territories (consisting of five states –Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin which are ironically the five worst states in the nation for having its citizens leave due to a lack of providence. The five states that was once called Paradise, the land that everyone coveted has now become a desolate wasteland, with the vast fresh water supplies of this paradise polluted and the land raped and torn, the iron removed from the earth and the trees cut and burned to make their cities that are rusting and crumbling and its citizens leaving their rubbish behind.
Excuse me for a moment….I have to send the Governor a dispatch about this matter. We will get back to this story in a moment. - Open Letter to Indiana Governor February 28, 2006
Governor Daniels, please do not make the same mistake that the late Governor of Indiana made. Do not continue to break the laws of this land for the President (to make the way for the President to continue Indiana’s lawlessness on a National scale)
It is an odd coincidence that while your claiming that the cure for Indiana’s financial crisis is to sell our roads, our bridges, and our remaining woodlands to ‘foreign lands’ outside Nations, and even countries involved in financing the terrorist who attacked us on 911, like the President did to our ports, during war time with those with terrorist ‘ties’.
The State of Indiana is selling its freedom of travel, while Washington is selling our ports, as if the United Nations has declared ‘Eminent Domain’ upon America. Is this the case, or has Washington bowed before the pressure from the Jihad and like Israel has begun the process of surrendering land in exchange for peace from their Islamic Jihad (a peace plan adopted by the United Nations, supported and enforced by the U.S.)
If the President or yourself have no problem selling out our country to foreign governments, even those who financially assisted the terrorist who attacked us, the same terrorism that you claim justifies your demand that more sacrifice is needed to win the war against terrorism and to establish Democracy (freedom in the Mid East)...
Like the progress made in Israel who has bowed to the U.N. peace plan of Islam, to surrender land in exchange for peace. Now we have a Democratically elected terrorist organization on Israeli soil demanding more land to be surrendered, or they will be justified in fulfilling their goal of destroying Israel.
How would you like that to happen here? It seems that it has already begun. And that is where we draw a line to the lawlessness? First, since Washington has already lost the war on terrorism, since he has business conflicts of interest, failed to properly identify the enemy (calling them militant groups when their official title was ‘a terrorist organization’) failed to ‘discriminate’ [to make a distinction between] Americans and the enemy, and the final evidence of our loss, besides our lands, was Washington’s claim that it would still give our tax dollars to this terrorist organization of Palestine (humanitarian aid of course, for who could oppose that?
How about those who realize that with the Russians declaration of financial assistance as well as Iran and the other Arab nations, I doubt too much ‘humanitarian aid’ is needed, (at least not as bad as the citizens who have been made homeless by the wrath of nature.) Why would we give terrorist any assistance while they refuse to denounce their ambitions of killing us?
I’m sure you’re aware that Presidents family made their wealth from their illegal business dealings with Hitler, just as George W. is doing with the Bin Laden family and other Arab entities, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do it and take Indiana down with you.
The late Governor of Indiana was the stand in proxy of the President and opened the door for the President to start funneling tax dollars and gambling revenue for spiritual endorsements from the Church and support for his Skull and Bones agenda. The President won, but the governor lost, and paid the price, but that doesn’t mean that you have to, nor the citizens of this State.
As you may or may not be aware of; there is this thing called the ‘Curse of Heaven’ first proclaimed upon the 1st Governor of Indiana, (for disobeying his instructions, [his law] and being ambushed, and defeated by the ‘heathen savages’) this ‘curse of heaven’ was first proclaimed on the Governor of Indiana by George Washington.
This curse was later pronounced against the first American Governor of Indiana, William Henry Harrison by an Indiana Prophet, a curse that this government and all its sophistication cannot prevent from being fulfilled at each appointed time.
It is known as the ‘Curse of the Presidents’ or ‘The Curse of the Prophet’, and can be substantiated on several web searches. The curse was declared against the Governor of Indiana so that every time a President would die while in office, the people of that government hopefully would remember what had been done to the ‘chosen ones’ the people, the murder of their women and children, the theft of their land, and the genocide of their people, a special people, the chosen ones, the Lost Tribes of Israel, put to the sword by Masonic land speculators, and justice remains extinct, not even an apology (‘and they repented not’) to the contrary, those who are guilty are given praise, honor, and glory that belongs to God alone.
And so the time has come once again, the President selected in a year that ended with a ‘0’ the twenty year cycle when Saturn and Jupiter come together and the King of the empire built in replication of this astral procession is killed by assassination or by natural causes. The odds currently are at 86% that George W. is follow as the rest has.
The reason it’s not 100% is because Ronald Reagan sold his soul like Saul and consulted with Astrologers daily and took his oath facing the erect penis of his god, as all Presidents since have as well, but will that make George so lucky?
Could it be possible that the President can have somebody stand in his stead, being a proxy, doing the dirty work, (getting around the legal landmines as Mayor Goldsmith put it) and having them pay the price when the grime reaper comes to find who is in charge of this empire of the Brotherhood of Death.
Maybe the price of the curse of the President has already been paid by the late Governor of Indiana, and neither the President nor his proxy have to worry about the curse, but something you do have to worry about is this crime you are trying to commit so that the President can do the same, and that is to sell what does not belong to you. It is illegally to sell or attempt to sell property that does not lawfully belong to you.
You as well as the President can do business with whomever you choose, but you have no right to try to sell to our enemies, that which does not belong to you. You cannot declare eminent domain on Gods property. It is God who has eminent domain over the whole earth, but especially the property that God has declared for himself exclusively.
It would be in everybody’s best interest to remember what happened to the people of this Indiana Prophet who decreed this curse of heaven upon the Governor of Indiana and the continued Presidency of the United States.
The people are not here to tell their story, yet still cry out for justice from the land. A noble people, called the ‘chosen ones’ who had been given this paradise from God who had given them this promised land in obedience to his instructions not to put iron to stone, that iron and brass are corrupters of men, making men servants to elements.
Thus these chosen ones were looked upon as ignorant stone age mongoloids slightly higher than a beast by the enlightened Masonic Europeans, not realizing how much more advanced they were than themselves, had no problem killing them like vermin and taking their lands.
These crimes against humanity, from the original crime of disobeying Royal Proclamation to the death that resulted from Washington’s criminal activities, to having no other option than to try to overthrow the Crown (or be convicted by it) to the invasion, murder, germ warfare, destruction of wildlife, alcoholism, credit, and forced removal and genocide have never been addressed, as if justice had died along with all the murdered ‘chosen ones’ here in Indiana, yet the President claims it might look bad if we discriminate against Islamist wanting to buy our ports, our country!!
This land is not yours to sell, no more than Israel is land that man can make deals with, especially something as sorry as for the purchase of peace! Since Washington has determined to sell this land that does not belong to him, especially to those whose theological foundation is to make war with us, we have no other option but to remind you that it is indeed illegal to attempt to sell that which does not belong to you.
The land that Washington had obtained through genocide and crimes against humanity is not his to sell. To try to sell it is a crime in and of itself and unacceptable to most if not all true Americans. If we are that hard up for money, maybe the State should stop illegally funneling tax dollars to religious organizations that already enjoy tax exemption.
To sell our land to the enemy, (those who share the same theological belief that we are ‘monstrous things’ deserving termination. Koran 19:88) during a time of war, is not only unacceptable, it is grounds for denouncing our citizenship, and declaring our Independence from a government that cares nothing about the safety or well being of its citizens, who shuns justice, and is accountable to none, while declaring itself to be a democracy, a government of We the people, a land of laws. It’s all one big joke.
On this very land that was given to these ‘chosen ones’ these ‘lost tribes of Israel’ the State has given land to the Islamic Society of North America for the National Headquarters of those who seek to destroy us, and take our lands, just as the beginning when these Masonic Jihadist, these long-knives first invaded these lands.
America is rewarding the use of terrorism to accomplish the enemies’ goal of obtaining land, just as the United Nations has been doing, just as George Washington and his co-conspirators had done with his Masonic Jihad against the ‘chosen ones’ of God to take their land and give them genocide in return. Justice must be served! Those guilty of this genocide (that makes the Holocaust pale in comparison) must be condemned for their crimes, not be given honor as ‘Great Men’ worshipped for their ‘great’ deeds.
Justice must be preserved! Justice must be given to those noble people who were murdered by these wealthy Masonic long-knives whose coveting of this ‘Paradise’ which had been given to the ‘chosen ones’ leading to the genocide of the ‘chosen ones’ and endless bloodshed on this land ever since.
This is due to the fact that when wicked men are given praise, honor, or glory (that which belongs to God) their evil deeds continue long after their burials. That is why we still have racism, theft, murder, and war, because we give honor to those who were wicked, calling them Great, and even their Most Worshipful Master as all Freemasons call George Washington.
This land belonged to a Confederation of Tribes that included the ‘chosen ones’ who had been given this land by the Master of Life for their obedience to stay away from iron, not to put iron to stone, for iron and brass are corrupters of men, and they had need of nothing.
For indeed this land that is currently called Indianapolis was indeed the Capitol of the Indian Confederation, but the Capitol the Masons built will not be able to stand because it was built upon a very faulty foundation. (Babylonian sorcery).
FEMA claims to be ready for the coming earthquake, but they are not. The fact that the most deadly toxin known to mankind is being stored on faulty ground is not a good thing. Since it seems impossible to get rid of the VX our only hope is to have those who could foretell the earthquakes in this area, (the original tribes) assist us in our ’forecasting’ in order to evacuate these areas, and save lives and property.
They might do this for you if you show them that this country really does believe in Justice for all. Give us back our Capitol at Prophetstown, and prove that you are truly sorry for the crimes of Washington, remove the offensive monuments and tributes to these murdering cowards you call heroes from off their sacred Capitol at Prophetstown, and give this land back to the remnant of the ‘chosen ones’ so they may once again celebrate their ‘Passover’ on the prairie, and set up their Counsel houses, and restore their rightful honor and give them the hope that this country and its people are worth saving.
For it was the prophecy of this Mighty Prophet Chief, this High Priest of the Ten Lost Tribes that declared the Curse of Heaven was indeed upon this government, but that it’s destruction would not be at their hands, but would be destroyed by ‘Natural’ causes.
Then the land would be given back to those who God had originally given it to, his ‘chosen ones’ his children. But this does not have to be. If the State would repent, and stop calling wicked righteousness and giving unto man that which belongs to God, if the State would prove it has authority by establishing justice in this matter, then the curse of heaven could be removed from the land, for God is willing and able to heal the land, but only if they but repent, and take a stand for Justice.
If this cannot be done, then it proves the claim that their authority is false, null and void, and never existed. The only authority they ever had was the authority that belonged to you that you surrendered over to them.
Even though we could justify demanding the whole Northwest Territories all we are asking for is that the Capitol of the Confederation, Prophetstown be returned to its rightful owners, as a sovereign land for these ‘chosen ones’ who have been so wrongfully done, to restore their honor, and prove your interest to preserve Justice.
Your motivation should be public safety and the hope that by restoring Justice you may restore peace to this land and prevent the inevitable destruction that comes upon kingdoms that have no room for Justice.
Another motivating factor is giving Prophetstown back and repenting for the genocide of the original occupants is the possibility that should you recall what you did to their people, and try to correct that, then possibly the curse against the President would be broken once and for all.
If the lives of citizens living in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee are not important enough, nor the possibility that the curse could be removed from the President, then we will have no other choice but to use the United Nations, who seems to be in the business of wrestling free land from countries to return them to their proper owners.
And if all this fails we still can use the United Nations peace plan which allows for terrorism to be used to accomplish forcing the ‘haves’ to the table to discuss the terms of surrender of the land to the ‘have nots’ in exchange for peace from their attacks (like the terrorist government of Palestine).
However you want to go down in history, this land will be returned to the people that God had originally given it to. All we want is Prophetstown, the Capitol of these chosen people to be returned so that we may live in peace, but separate from those who seek to destroy us and do us harm and erase our faith in the Master of Life. We desire to be separate from those who hate justice and serve a cruel Master indeed.
For good and evil cannot dwell in the same heart, nor can the good live among the evil, for they cannot co-exist together, and why it was God himself who separated mankind when they were already United as One,(with the lofty goal of building a city that reached into the heavens, so they could gain access back into their celestial domain and to rebel and make war in heaven by disobedience to the Creators authority).
We will be awaiting your official reply as to your intentions of returning the land, Prophetstown State Park, to it original owners, the Confederation of Tribes who stood up against the tyranny and murder of its people by the hands of Masonic devils.
We are requesting that you coordinate efforts with the DNR to stop blacktopping the sacred prairie and its building projects upon this disputed land until a lawful resolution is passed, and that arrangements can be made to accommodate the tribes making pilgrimage to their Capitol this spring to celebrate the Master of Life giving them this land, and being freed from the bondage of Egyptian slavery, and to discuss matters of grave importance. One thing is for sure, there is no more time to waste.
Tecumseh Speaks
Please send all correspondence and questions to:
Protestant Separatist
P.O. Box 17671
Indianapolis, IN. 46277
Or contact us at Protestantsep@yahoo.com
This letter was hand delivered to the Governors office on March 1, 2006 before posting myself at the Northeast of the Capitol with a sign that read, “They’re selling you out.” A copy was also hand delivered to the House Chambers main office.
March 3rd the Governor announces a State award with a new Indian name.
March 5th, the Indianapolis Star’s front page shows the effects of the challenge.
The Governors office never replied to this letter. Maybe because they don’t believe Tecumseh can speak. They hope he can’t, for his speech is their Judgement. - The Governor of Indiana recently ran a television commercial in support of his Major Moves plan (a plan coordinated with the Presidents to sell strategic properties to foreign countries in compliance with the United Nations mandated peace plan of the ‘haves’ surrendering land to the ‘have-nots’ in exchange for peace.)
The Governors claim was a lie…spoken by a ‘fellow citizen’ at the Capitol who claimed that yes, there are protestors outside, but they don’t have any reasons why they object to the Governor’s Major Moves plan.”
That is just not true. The reasons for the citizens (2-1) opposition for the Governors Major Moves plan are numerous as well as obvious, and should make citizens wonder how a Governor (as well as the President) cannot understand their citizens concerns.
We therefore would like equal time to present to the citizens the reasons why there is indeed loud and clear opposition to this Major Move, but is being silenced, once again by the State’s only major newspaper who has jumped on the Governors bandwagon, and has insulted its readers by claiming that one of the main faults of Indiana, is its eroding economy, which is the fault of Hoosiers who are afraid of change, as well as claiming that we all knew what Mitch (the Blade) was about before they elected him, but I seriously doubt that anybody voting ever considered that he would sell strategic parts of the State to foreign countries, to make the way for the President to make ‘the fatal mistake’ of selling our ports to an accomplice of those terrorist who attacked on 911.
Here are just a few of the ‘objections’ to the Governor’s Major Moves plan.
1.) In this government of We the people, a land of laws, a government that derives its power and authority to rule from the consent of We the people, it becomes troubling to the citizens when ‘their’ government lies to them, or misleads them, or intentionally deceives them, or worse, when they try to do something behind their backs, especially something as big as selling the land out from under their feet, and to top it off to sell it to our enemies (those who support killing those who believe that God begat a Son. i.e. Islamic law)
You cannot claim to be the legitimate government of the United States if you do these things without the knowledge or consent of We the people. That would be ‘taxation without proper representation.’ Making deals with those this government has no right doing business with is why the public is not made aware of these deals done in the dark without the consent or knowledge of We the people.
To make matters worse, once the citizens discover these deals made in the dark, the ‘elected official’ claims that it is not up for debate, that no matter what the will of the people is he will veto, (so much for a democracy)
The President says National Security is not our concern, that he has things under control, yet that doesn’t make citizens feel any more secure knowing the track record of intelligence failures that have resulted in such death and destruction of this leader.
2.) There are many foreign countries doing business even here in Indiana, companies that produce durable goods like fine cars and electronic equipment and such and that is good for the State, employment, and consumers, and poses only the slight threat of replacing others less competent or competitive, which is also good for the consumer and business in general.
But the selling of strategic land, such as Ports, or bridges, roads, or airports is a whole different story. There is a big difference between global business, and global government, and those things vital to our freedom or Independence cannot and must not be allowed sold.
3.) It seems that Indiana is the testing ground for Washington. First it was Mayor Goldsmith, and then Governor Frank Obannon who did the Presidents bidding and began funneling tax dollars to religious organizations in the Presidents bid to buy the Church and its ‘spiritual endorsements’ of his policies. It was due to this experiment that Indiana economy began to erode and corruption flourishes due to the fact that there were no checks and balances (paper trail /evidence) that would prove Roman Catholics received 75% of tax dollars while Protestants and others split the remaining 25%, and thus the corruption of lawmakers was unstoppable until they pulled the plug.
Once again the Indiana Governor is to make the way for the President to do likewise having the ‘precedent’ successfully being set in Indiana ‘without challenge or controversy’ thanks to a biased newspaper, and the suppression of those with the reasons why this Major Moves is a Major Mistake.
It is not the citizens of Indiana fault that the economy fell, nor is it a fault of Hoosiers to resist change. Did they not change their minds and voted for gambling as a cure to fix the schools and roads? How come schools are closing and laying off teachers and we now have to sell our roads to keep them maintained. Is the money for our infrastructure going overseas to build theirs?
When the government believes it doesn’t have to discuss things with the citizens and that it can do what it wants behind their backs, and that they have no say in the matter, and that their land is being sold to other countries who do not share the same values will be calling the shots, on foreign lands upon on State charging our children and their children for access onto ‘their’ roads or into ‘their’ ports.
The greatest concern is the claim that there are no real reasons being given as to the opposition of the Governors Major Moves, where there is, or the fact that these ‘leaders’ cannot grasp our concerns, nor do they care about them. This is a done deal.
You might as well sell the land, you have already sold us as the slaves, to pay these foreign countries for the next seven decades, for the use of land that we once freely enjoyed, land that once belonged to us.
And the final reason why the Governor cannot sell this land…is because it is illegal to sell or attempt to sell that which does not belong to you. The land that he considers his to sell does not now, nor did it ever belong to this government of Washington, but rather lawfully belonged to the Confederation of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the ‘chosen ones’ who God had originally given this land to but was taken by force, by Washington’s Masonic Jihad, and the worst genocide in the history of man was committed by an Indiana Governor and others who today are called heroes and great men, and Justice is thrown out of their courts.
Not one person has been condemned for this genocide of ‘the chosen ones’, only praise, honor, and glory, given to these wicked servants of the Destroyer. The Chief, a great Prophet and leader of this Confederation of the Lost Tribes of Israel placed a curse of death upon the Presidency for its crimes against humanity and a reminder of the evil that happened here in Indiana and across the Country, and there is a curse upon this land. Will it continue? The decision is yours. The land is not.
Will prophecy be fulfilled and this land destroyed by Natural Disasters so that the remnant of this ‘special people’ will once again occupy their land, or will the State repent and condemn those who shed the innocent blood, and restore the land, at least the Capitol back to the Confederation of Tribes who only desired to be separate from the government of Washington who they considered, and rightly so, the offspring of the Serpent.
These are the legitimate reasons why the Governors Major Moves cannot go forward. The future of Indiana is the Curse of Heaven unless something is done to preserve Justice, for as Justice goes, so goes the human race.
If the State is so broke, stop illegally funneling money to the States ‘preferred religious establishment’ and use your ill-gotten gains from gambling on that which you claimed they would be used for…roads and schools.
And stop blaming the citizens for the crimes committed by these self serving lawmakers, and politicians who consider themselves above the law, and the citizens simply ignorant slaves doing their masters bidding, without complaint.
And this is how the State handles legitimate complaints such as ours, protesting the public display of State desecration of that which is considered sacred by our people, namely the Cross, the Commandments. This in and of itself is justification for this resistance, this challenge of their authority, this declaration of our separation, to enter into the ‘final reformation’ the refining by fire, during the destruction of the New World.
So the challenge must begin, the challenge to prove those who claim to be in authority have no right to do so, for they have no authority proving that they care nothing for law, for they have nothing to do with Justice.
Their deeds are their foundations, as faulty as their library, and any house built upon these mountains of sin will not stand in ‘that day’. This documentation of the actual beginnings of the final battle is to be used as evidence to prove this case, this judgement presented against these Sons of the Serpent, these Polytheistic Pagans who currently have us in bondage, under their spell of strong delusion, believing the lie that the god of Washington is the god to be served.
*Original Letter of intent to sue not included here. - Here is the official reply to our official protest of State desecration of that which is sacred and other violations of the laws and rights of We the People. "We have no comment at this time."
How’s that for a speedy reply to such a legitimate complaint as State desecration of that which is sacred and illegal preference (financial assistance) to promote Pagan Polytheism, 6 months, and 1 week, for a reply of “no comment”. Talk about your taxation without representation!
(Also Not included pictures and original correspondence) And here is their unofficial response to my letter that they should reconsider, and if they fail to repent (turn from their ways) the least they could expect was civil disobedience, but the most likely event should they fulfill ancient prophecy and refuse to repent of these sins, they will witness signs of death and destruction, via the wrath of man (violence) of the wrath of God (natural disasters) but one thing would be for sure…destruction would come as judgment upon the city, State or Nation in defiance to the Creator.
Shortly after the States official response of ‘no comment’ (or in other words refused to repent) Indianapolis fell under a curse of violence…13 dead in 7 days, and climbing to 15 dead in 10 days.
The front page was a quote from my old boss, Frank Anderson, “We are at war!” nobody had the answers. The politicians in typical manner think the answer is to throw money at the problem.
You cannot tell people that violence is not the answer and violence doesn’t solve anything, yet do just the opposite deceiving the public into supporting using violence so the ‘war President’ can continue making decisions, manifesting the destiny of man, with ‘war on his mind’.
There will never be peace as long as we serve the god of Washington, the god of war. (Mars-who has received special accommodation [preference] by his image being placed in the Capitol, as well as his consort, the goddess of war, Ishtar.)
The President has publicly proclaimed that God speaks through him, and instructed him to go to war, to attack and destroy with ‘shock and awe’ to attack them before they attack us. The President claims to be a war President, making decisions with war on his mind.
The President is sincere when he claims a god speaks to and through him, for it is the god of Washington, the god of war, death and destruction. For, the President is possessed with the same spirit that possessed Washington, the spirit of Antichrist.
This kingdom is cursed with violence because violence is given honor, and those who commit violence in obedience to Washington’s voice of authority are called heroes. Violence is given honor as long as it is the will of Washington, who the President has made the mistake of giving credit of his crimes to the living God of Israel.
Thus the reason for signs like the recent plague of homicides in Indiana, after the State refused to comment on Protestants complaints of State desecration of that which is sacred and illegally promoting and giving preference to pagan Polytheism.
As long as you serve the god of war, obeying the voice of the serpent you will do the will of the destroyer, as long as you give honor to violence your citizens will do violence. The days of Jefferson, when the President is the Father and the citizens his children who would not only obey their Father, but trust that he will make decisions without the consent or knowledge of the people.
This was Jefferson’s idea of Democracy, but today not all citizens consider the President their Father, nor should he be allowed to violate the law lamely justifying his criminal activity as doing what he felt was best for his children.
The President claims his violation of Constitutional laws (like wire taps without warrants) was necessary as the most effective tool in the war against terrorism. Why try to fight a war to preserve the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Americans if we no longer have those rights? Has not the war already been lost?
If the President sets the example that sometimes laws must be broken in order to accomplish obtaining what you want, what makes him think that the common citizen with a lot less money or morals will not do the same?
If citizens show support by yard signs and bumper stickers that they support the troops doing the will of the War President, that violence is sometimes necessary to obtain your objective then homicides will increase and those committing the crimes will consider their actions honorable.
When the State gives praise, honor, and glory to those guilty of crimes against humanity, then the State is the one who is perpetuating the evil, and crime is evidence of this fact. This is why the State must repent if it is to survive the coming judgments, for it is the State that is guilty of perpetuating crime by allowing criminal activity to be justified, and giving honor to those who had no respect for the law.
Justice must be established, which would mean that those guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity be tried for their crimes and their many monuments of honor removed. Without this type of repentance the State cannot hope to survive the coming violence of man and finally the violence of nature.
And now, back to the story…
Today’s ‘Capitol of the Indians’ called Indianapolis, is designed to give honor to the Roman god and goddess of war, complete with temples dedicated to the Babylonian version, Ishtar, built upon ancient secret knowledge capable of opening doorways.
These bluecoats or long-knives were different from the Spanish, French, German, or British, according to the original occupants of this land. The bluecoats were not totally human, but a combination of reptile and human, offspring of the serpent, the children of the Egyptians who had finally made it across the oceans that had before engulfed their chariots of iron.
The Shawnee had a history that included crossing the Atlantic Ocean, by the waters opening and crossing on into the Promised Land upon dry sand. Whether this is the story of the original tribes coming out of Egypt and escaping the armies of Pharaoh by the waters being parted, that was part of their history when their ancestors arrived on these shores with the assistance of the Phoenician vessels.
Could it be that some of the tribes became lost during the trek across the ocean, that when the waters were parted that some tribes came to a fork in the road and became lost occupying the lower region while the rest of the tribes populated the Northern half.
That this land was the location of the original promised land, the land of the Neters who had left their first estate to contaminate Gods creation and make servants out of this latest creation of God, his ‘chosen ones’.
The destruction of the earth was to destroy this contaminated combination of the Watchers and earth women, to destroy the doorway that allowed them access to this physical realm, to make servants of men to clear away Gods creation and build them a kingdom in replication of the celestial, a stairway to heaven.
They survived the flood and began their next building project in Babylon, a gateway to God, with plenty of clay around they began building the tower that would reach into the heavens, a primitive structure that was dangerous enough for God to get involved and confuse their languages to where they could not communicate, their speech had been confounded, and different empires began which spoke different languages, man was separated so they could not unite in such a common cause as try to trespass into heaven, to make war on the Saints, and establish their goat god in the throne of God.
The Egyptians found the right spot for the next netter building project, to replicate the three stars of Orion’s belt, built upon the magic square of Mercury (Thoth) a 7X7 square designed on 13 acres, they built all of this as a living eternal testimony that the Neters had indeed restored once again their communications with man through the introduction of picture words or hieroglyphs, where graven images produced the thought without words having to be spoken, like telecommunications, and since light is the transporter of these images that create sounds, they were capable of traveling thru time. Which is the big secret behind the Great Seal, the All seeing Eye of the Kingdom of the Watcher, the Neter, the God of Egypt and Babylon.
It was these followers of Re, the god of Egypt who would once again desire to find those who had escaped their bondage, and the Shawnee spoke of their history of seeing the boats coming towards the shores of the Northeast of this continent and they considered them the fulfillment of prophecy that the armies would someday find a way to cross the waters and invade the promised land and put them back into bondage.
What gave them away was their split tailed ‘double-standard’, a flag flying from their boat that resembled the tongue of the serpent. This flag was the hieroglyph for Neter, the Watcher, who left heaven to come to earth and begin his own lineage, those who worshipped the sun.
[Page 38 D. God gave us this country] The Shawnee immediately mistrusted them. According to Shawnee oral historians, the first contact with Europeans had been made by a band of their people camped on an Atlantic beach. One day they sighted a huge misshapen canoe, driven by sails attached to the trucks of trees. From one of these trees flew a forked pennant which the Shawnee took to be the insignia (symbol) of the Great Serpent, which they had long understood as the embodiment of evil. The craft landed and as foretold out of it cam,e white men. The Shawnee advanced to meet these repugnant beings who, pacifically, opened a keg of strong drink and offered to share it. Fearing neither men nor devils, the Shawnee drank the liquor, which brought tears to their eyes. When they had recovered, an old man acquainted with the ancient lore, concluded that the drink was a poison like the venom of the Serpent. He prophesied, “This is what is to destroy our young men”.
The reports of De Soto’s 1540 expedition to Georgia, as well as those from the Roanoke colonists in Virginia in 1585 attest to the Shawnee being the first natives encountered along the beaches.
The reason why the Shawnee recognized the forked banner as the symbol of the Great Serpent was due to the fact that the Egyptians and Babylonians used this banner as the representation of their god, called a Netter.
This was why the Shawnee identified these people as the children of the serpent, the offspring of their Egyptian taskmasters, who had found a way to the promised land, to continue the pursuit of the children of Israel, to place them back in bondage as they had been in Babylon, Egypt, and Rome, when these kingdoms also worshipped the Serpent.
Another interesting yet untold connection between these invaders in boats and the original inhabitants of this paradise is the story on how they obtained the land originally.
This Shawnee history was relayed to Joab Spencer, a Methodist Minister[Stephen A. Warren, The cement of their Union, American Expansion and the limits of Pan Indianism at Prophetstown 1808-1811, a Grant project-The Indian participants in its battle of Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe County Historical Society 22 March 1995]
Joab Spencer claimed the oral history of the Shawnee included many interesting comparisons to the original history of Hebrew man, the most interesting story to me was the story of how those who landed upon their shores and obtained land thru the deception of the ‘ox hide’.
The story is that those who landed upon the ‘chosen ones’ land had asked for a small piece of land, a piece of land so small that it could be covered by the hide of a bull. The Shawnee inquired how the occupants of the ship could dwell on such a small piece of land, as regardless of how large the bull was its hide could only cover enough land for maybe one or two dwellings at most.
The visitors explained that the hide would be cut into strips to be put end to end to enclose the land, which made more sense to the Shawnee and agreed to give them this amount of land to dwell on.
The Shawnee account, according to Joab Spencer was that the Shawnee were shocked and sickened when they saw that the hide of the bull had been cut into threadlike strands (it may have well been thread) and the land they obtained was vast engulfing even the very lands of the Shawnee.
I haven’t read about anybody making the connection between this oral history of the Shawnee concerning the original loss of land to those coming to the shores in big boats with split tailed banners, and the same exact story of this same deception being used to obtain the land the Phoenicians built Carthage on, the Capitol of Bel Astoroth worship.
This same story of obtaining land thru the deception of the hide of the bull was the historic account of the founding of Carthage, a Phoenician kingdom that was subdued during the Punic wars with Rome.
It seems highly likely now that it was indeed the Phoenicians who sailed here first and obtained their land the same way they did in North Africa by the deception of the amount of land that could be taken by the string cut from the hide of the bull.
These Phoenicians escaping the Roman clutches apparently had set up their second attempt on the shores of this North Country and could very well be the mound builders who displayed their knowledge of the heavens in mounds and images made upon the earth…in typical Canaanite manner.
The oral history of the Shawnee, their claim of being the ‘chosen ones’ who came across the ocean on dry sand, and given this promised land, this paradise to all his children (those who obey his voice) who properly identified the Masonic longknives for what they really were, the offspring of the serpent, to their history of the original land grab by those arriving in big ships (Phoenicians, who used the same trick they did in the Middle East), all confirms the fact that it was indeed the Phoenicians had escaped and came to this North Country, and identified special places of power upon the earth (Indiana and Washington DC) and suddenly vanished, either captured and sold as slaves or they migrated into South America to oversee the construction of the pyramids like those found in Egypt.
There are a lot of gaps needing filled, but one thing for certain, Rome has no claim to this land because of Christopher Columbus, and America was inhabited long before his arrival, which would explain all the artifacts found on this continent that had information only found in the Middle East inscribed upon it.
And since the Shawnee were the original ones on this North Country long before the arrival of the Phoenicians, that would make accounting of the Shawnees claim of coming here by crossing on dry land to be around the time of the first exodus from Egypt.
The arrival of the white Europeans in ships was not the first encounter in the oral history of the Shawnee, but a later one, an invasion by those created by a different spirit, the offspring of the serpent.
The Shawnee headed inland to escape these invading children of the serpent, and crossed over into Paradise, the promised land of the Lost Tribes of Israel, homeland of the Cherokee and the other tribes of Israeli origin.
The Shawnee’s knowledge of the meaning behind the forked banner is just another piece of evidence proving their oral history of recalling the crossing an ocean on dry land points to the conclusion that the Shawnee were in fact descendants from those who had come out of the bondage of Egypt, and were given possession of these lands long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, in fourteen hundred, ninety-two.
This oral history of the Shawnee could be troublesome to those who wished history to declare they were the ones who had discovered this land and therefore the rightful owners of the land, to do with it as they saw fit.
According to page 36 ‘God gave us this land’ the history of the Shawnee began with the story of the Great Spirit opening a door of heaven allowing the first people to peer down (watchers) at His works. They saw what he had described, but also a grotesque creature, somewhat in their own shape but different, they had been created by another spirit who made and governed them, [the ‘longknives’ and He had no control over them since they had in fact declared their ‘Independence’ from His rule and authority and had left their first estate to corrupt His creations upon the earth, and to make war on earth as they have in heaven]
‘However these difficulties lay in the future and the immediate purpose of the ‘first twelve reds was to become “comfortably situated” and was lowered in a Basket (bowl or ‘saucer’ to the earth) a story which sounds very familiar to the stories of Enoch.
The Shawnee history goes on….They wandered about for a time and came to the Edge of a Great Ocean. There they made prayers and was advised by the Great Spirit that it was His wish that they cross the sea dn go to a northern land. To accomplish this He temporarily parted the waters, making a smooth path of sand.
No other woodland natives had this belief.
Their history was also that of Israel. Which explains why they celebrated ‘Passover’ as they were instructed to do, so that they would remember who had delivered them, from the bondage of Egypt.
They would celebrate these three days to remember their freedom from the slavery of Egypt and recall their exodus from under the rule of Pharaoh and his gods. These were indeed the Lost Tribes of Israel, occupying their ‘promised land’ given to them in return for their obedience to the Great Spirit, the Master of Life, not to put the iron to the stone.
These were the tribes who unlike the tribes that remained in the Middle East, did not desire to be like the other nations, did not have a need for Senators, or Kings, had no desire to be ‘under the curse’ on the outside of Paradise, working by the sweat of your brow for your sustenance to be extracted from the earth, while those inside paradise do nothing but lay around and enjoy the fruits of the earth given up to them freely and without cost, as if they do not have to obey the laws of ‘nature’.
This was the jealousy of Cain. That he had to remove trees and stones, to plow the field, to plant, to water, to weed, to sacrifice to the fertility gods and goddesses to produce their yield, and hope for the best that you will be taken care of, while his ‘brother’ the nomadic ‘wandering’ shepherd does nothing yet is always taken care of, always provided for as if he was no longer under a curse that Cain was still currently under.
It was this jealousy that caused Cain to make a Jihad upon his own brother. The offering of the vegetation never belonged to the Living God of Israel, but rather it was the offering of the Egyptians and Babylonians to their reptilian master, to their god of war, who unlike the Hebrew God accepted Cain’s offering and now only needed one more thing to enter into the physical realm and live….human blood.
The Canaanites include all those who descended from Cain, who still today hear and obey the same voice that Cain had become obedient to and served, making that which once a beautiful creation of God into a weapon of war, death and destruction, those who made the iron.
The reformation that caused the division of empires in Europe between those loyal to the Pope and those who desired to be separate from the authority of the Pope came to this North Country, and another reformation was taking place, the reformation of the Protestant Separatist, who had found the lost tribes and gave them the answer as to why they were being forsaken by the Master of Life, for they had forsaken the old ways, and have become partakers of the evil, bowing to the false authority of the wicked one, and serving a cruel master they called the Most Worshipful Master.
Thus the Red Reformation began thanks to the missionary efforts of the Protestant Germans and thus the threat to Washington’s Masonic Empire had to be eliminated completely and totally, and that is how the Masonic Jihad began against the reds.
These ‘lost’ tribes had to be eliminated because…1.) Christopher Columbus would be an invader rather than a discover. 2.) George Washington would be executed as a murdering terrorist, and hanged for treason, and conspiracy to overthrow the King.
The red man of earth had to be eliminated so that the red god of earth would be served, and so it is Mars, the Roman god of War is given official honor and public praise, in violation of its own constitutional laws it built temples to their pagan gods with money that did not belong to them, but was supposed to go to the widows and orphans of the vets.
Downtown Indianapolis is fully detailed in the 1st book of Michael and shows the illegal, offensive, and consistent preference given to the pagans god and goddesses, while declaring there has always been a wall of separation between the Church and State, when the fact is there has never been any wall of separation between the Church and the State, for the State has declared itself to be a ‘goddesses’ having been ‘Apotheosized in her temple, the Indiana State Capitol.
Idea…Passover at Prophetstown…’Indy Penance Day’
This claim of the Shawnee had to be silenced, especially since it was these ‘enlightened’ founding frauders’ who were presenting themselves as the children of Israel, and the Indians the Canaanites. (The original idea of Franklin for a great seal was a depiction of a group of people crossing the sea upon dry land, depicting the incoming Europeans as the tribes of Israel coming to these shores, to this land of milk and honey, this land of promise, and all that was needed was to eliminate the Canaanites that currently occupied the land).
?Curious why in the end the King of the earth rules with a rod of iron, if iron was such a bad thing to use down here. Why is that?
It was written that Iron and Brass are corrupters of men, and indeed the mining of the ore, the slave labor that it involves to extract from the earth, to the processing and transmuting it into the imagination or will of man, to make that which God created into a weapon of war, death and destruction. To pervert or profane that which God made perfect, to change it into that which destroys what God really cared for…Life.
The reason the King rules with a rod of Iron is because he and he alone can for iron is indeed a corruptor yet does not corrupt our Lord for it is written he was incorruptible, showing us the way to remove our corruptible flesh and put on incorruptible immortality. He is the one who was not corruptible, but a perfect and acceptable sacrifice, acceptable to pay the price of the fall of man.
Chapter 2, The Founding Frauder’s from: Stephen Michael Schroeder’s work REDJUSTICE. It is the ‘King’s Matter’ of which I write, for I was sent with the message for them to repent, and to make straight the way of our Kings return. Yet they refused to repent, unfortunately most would repent and with sincere urgency fall on their knees and beg for repentance if only they had known what they were indeed guilty of.
“I thank thee and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us ‘the king’s matter.’
There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh know what shall be in the latter days, the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: for iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things and bruise. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people (leased to other nations) but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, (Babylon, Egypt, Rome, and Washington) and it shall stand forever.”
So be it.
Weapons of iron and brass to kill more effectively, they could also build sacred superstructures that opened doors to spiritual realms.
The speculative side of farming was the growing of the Neters. Just as the Creator was able to make a living thing from this planet called earth, these ‘speculative’ farmers (also called Canaanites, followers of Cain) realized that they could also create spiritual beings from this earth, by scarification of the earth in special secret patterns, like a tattoo on the back of mother earth, they could bring forth living beings, giants, beings that had left their first station in the heavens and had come down to the earth, into the physical realm to be acknowledged and served as Gods.
These special patterns were called the tablets of the planets, or planetary tables, as well as Magic Squares or talisman. Each planet had a ‘magic square’ assigned it, as well as specific metals, colors, sounds, days etc. (All this information about magic squares can be found in detail in the 1st book of Michael or see utubes at: http://www.youtube.com/user/protestantsep )
By scaring the back of mother earth with these magic squares, they were in effect bringing that planet down to earth and declaring it to be a god and building a sanctuary there upon in honor of that god or goddess whether it be to the Sun, or Moon, or Mars, or Venus, or Mercury, or Saturn or a combination of stars in certain groupings.
These kingdoms built upon these magic squares looked like cities built upon the clearings that use to be farmland, but there is a side that you don’t see, a reality only revealed to a Babylonian King through a dream that could only be interpreted properly through a Prophet of the Creator named Daniel.
The horrible vision was of this image of a man, yet made from metals, terrible indeed, it was a vision of the Netters, those who came from the earth yet rule in the heavens supreme forcing their influence upon those below.
These speculative farmers (also Freemasons) realized that just as God had made man from the earth, they could not only make men into gods, but could make gods from the earth, to make the creation of god into obedient servants to join them in their rebellion against their own Creator, to turn Gods creation against him.
‘Queen of heaven’, the goddess of the crossroads, that would be the location for this special doorway, this special sacred union of the Queen of Heaven and the God of Earth.
Upon this Donation from the Corporation (the 2X2 square [part of the 6X6 sun square] the State of Indiana designed the ‘Philosophers Stone’ the ‘Tablet of Destiny’ an ancient Babylonian astrological chart also known as a 13 house ‘Birthchart’ of the planets.
In the center square of this Babylonian design, at the ‘house of the god’ square #13, center square, the ‘dwelling place’ of the god of the ‘tablet’ the State inscribed at this sacred spot the Magic Square of Mars, a 5X5 square, and on this sacred spot, they built his Shem, the erect penis of the god of war, and on top is his consort Victory, the Mars goddess of war in her sexually superior position on top of Mars erect shaft, inside the Magic Circle, on top the magic square, the physical evidence that even though they claim a separation of church and state, the State has given honor to the god and goddess of war, and have used this sacred spot of earth, to ‘open the earth’ to give birth to the god and goddess of War, right here in Indiana.
This is the real ‘smoking gun’ the fact that the god of Washington is the same god of his Father Augustus, the Roman god (and goddess) of war, and that this Capitol of the Land of the Indian’s was taken by force and built to give honor to this pagan god and goddess.
Was the bloodshed worth it? The American and French Revolutions, and the blood that was shed upon this earth was not for some new type of government, or some noble idea, but rather a fatal consequence that had happened when Washington disobeyed a Royal Proclamation by the King and went where he should not have gone (or rather he sent another to do it for him, which resulted in the first death due to Washington’s crimes.)
It is indeed odd how these stories of major consequence have their reflections in the heavenly matters, especially when you consider the fall of the angels in heaven, and the fall of man on earth, or when you consider the rebellion in heaven against the king and the rebellion on earth against the King.
This is the true story of the Founding Frauder’s, and the motivation behind the Nation,THE FOUNDING FRAUDERS. We are all very well aware of the history of America that we were taught in school. Of the noble cause of George Washington and the other ‘great men’ who put their all on the line to establish a new form of government, a Democracy, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, a government that receives its authority from We the People.
These were the tribes that concerned the King and Queen of Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, wherein they learned of a ‘Paradise’ across the waters, the fabled Garden of Eden, and of certain tribes of Jews who had obtained this promise land of milk and honey.
Christopher Columbus was credited for discovering this New World, and the Spanish wasted no time, nor did other European Nations in staking their claim to this land that did not belong to them, but to the Master of Life who had given this paradise to his ‘chosen ones’
The genocide of these Lost Tribes was perpetuated by those whose claims to discovering (and hence owning this land) was threatened by these ‘savages’ claiming to have arrived on this land thousands of years prior. Thus the story of these ‘Orientals coming to this North Country via the Bering straight, rather than the truth that these were the ‘Lost Tribes of Israel, and indeed ‘the chosen ones’ of ancient prophecy, and had been given this land by the Master of Life.
God’s property could not be sold, but it could be stolen.
The ancient battles between the Canaanites and Israelites could now resume with deception on the side of the Bel worshippers, the Canaanites, with their weapons of iron would invade the promised land and make war on those ‘primitive stone-age savages’ who refused to make metal and had to do battle with the Masonic long-knives with sticks and stones.
The civilized verses the savage, and the kingdom would be taken by force. That which belonged to God was to become that which belonged to Washington, the Most Worshipful Master, and Commander in Chief of the United States (Masonic) Military.
Iron, the metal of the god of War, (Mars) could be transformed into anything necessary for the job of killing, from the long-knives, to the cannon balls, to the rifled barrels of Masonic Militia snipers, from shackles for slaves, to the chain of Gunter, iron became the lawgiver, the god of earth, just as they consider Mars to be the god of heaven.
At the Capitol of the Confederation of the Lost Tribes of Israel, the ‘chosen ones’ who were murdered by a Masonic Jihad, a Holy War of Washington, and the place where their Capitol once stood now stands a monument to honor not only the genocide and crimes committed against humanity on this land, but to illegally honor this Roman god and goddess of war, in such shameless and obscene fashion (the war goddess (Ishtar) in her typically sexually superior position (13-center square) on top the erect penis of the god of earth (Obelisk) of Mars (5X5 Magic Square of Mars) in sexual fertilizing union.
The ancient Bel worshipping Canaanites have gotten out of control, and have been allowed to practice their Craft, and have bewitched you, that you should believe a lie, and have you trusting and obeying that which you were warned to remain separate from.
They have you calling evil good, and good evil. You obey Washington and disobey God. You have been trapped in a snare of deception (they’ve been combining the pure and profane again producing the spell of strong delusion) and you give praise, honor, and glory to wicked evil servants of the serpent, and call their deeds ‘glorious’.
The god of war has become the god of earth, the god of Washington, the reason why there is no peace on earth…because the god they serve, is the god of War, Mars.
Be it French or English blood, it all tastes the same to the god of War. Through the warfare of man, and the shedding of blood, the god of earth ascends into the heavens to make war with He who sits on the throne, to make war in Heaven, his eyes fixed on the Northeast ‘portal’ (Notice the banner of Mars…it’s a ‘double standard’ a split tail ‘forked tongue’ the same ‘Netter’ (god) of the Egyptians, the same Netter of Washington (See Great Seal) the same god of the Egyptians, the enemy of the Tribes.
The Egyptian word for these celestial beings were called the Neters, “One who Watches” and the hieroglyph for these celestial ‘watchers’ was what we call today a flag or banner.
(Notice the same split tailed banner declaring the New World Order.)
Q. What will be the sign of the End?
A. It will be as in the days of Noah. (In the days of Noah, in the time before the flood, the Great Grandfather of Noah [the 7th from Adam] Enoch had been transported into another realm and saw the mysteries of how there were indeed other paths leading into the heavens, portals and doorways going up and down into the earth.
The age-old battle between the builder/farmers and the Nomad/shepherds continues to this day, as seen in this 1904 poster of Teddy Roosevelt as the Apostle ‘farmer’.
Great shalt thou be through peasant toil. This was the jealousy of Cain, the jealousy that the Indians did not toil by the sweat of their brow, but rather had time to play, hunt, fish, and enjoy family and friends, things reserved for the royal and wealthy class of Europeans, always being provided for as if a ‘chosen people’ not under the curse of the fall of man from Paradise, for they had never left Paradise, and such was the jealousy of Cain, the farmer against Abel, his brother the shepherd, and was alive and well repeating the story of the farmer/builder blue blood who murdered his brother, for he coveted the life of ease (just like back in the garden) his brother enjoyed, while he labored hard in the field to force the earth to produce, while it seemed as if God always accepted Abel’s offerings of thanksgiving, it seemed Cain’s vegetation offering was rejected.
But Cain’s offering was not rejected by all, it was gladly accepted (as it had always done in the past histories of Babylon and Egypt.) by the serpent, the official offering to the god/king the male/female city/state god of war, and so Cain slew his brother, just as Washington committed genocide against these ‘chosen ones’ of the Master of Life.
For it was the spirit of Cain, the jealousy of Cain that his brother seemed to be provided for and blessed, having all things provided him without the sweat of his brow, that he enjoyed the free time to enjoy his family and creation, while he had to toil hard as if in bondage to compel the earth to provide for him.
It is not by chance that the Freemasonic Founders were all slave owners, for even though they spoke of the nobility of work and the sin of doing nothing, they themselves were above doing the labor they felt the Indians should be doing for them.
Indianapolis is named such for it was at one time the Capitol of the Confederation of Tribes, the ‘chosen ones’ the Lost Tribes of Israel, mostly Shawnee and Cherokee, but numerous other tribes united in their religious belief…that the long-knives were not like the others (Spanish, French, or British) but were the very sons of the serpent, doing the will of the serpent, for it is ‘his’ voice they hear and obey, it is the voice of their ‘Father’ (The Father of Lies - Lucifer.)
Indiana, the Land of the Indians, the Capitol of the Confederation, taken by force, the Confederation defeated in battle by William Henry Harrison, the first Governor of the Indiana Territories (also called the Northwest Territories) and who would later become the 9th President of the United States, for his accomplishment of taking possession of a land, a land that belonged to the Master of Life and had given to his children, ‘his chosen ones’ this Land of the Indian, and destroyed the Capitol of; a religious movement that identified Washington and his associates as fallen angels and anti-christs.
We must recall, we must remember, lest how shall we repent? What shall we repent of so that this destruction may be avoided? This story will reveal the crimes committed against humanity and its creator.
Washington had to be the leader in the war, for it was his original idea to rebel against the Royal Proclamation made by the King that resulted in the death of a British officer and sealed Washington’s destiny. Washington had no choice but to declare war against the Crown, for Washington had been revealed as a traitor and would be punished accordingly.
Jefferson (Whose land acquisitions were greater than the rest combined) thought it not prudent to include such an obvious statement of motivation as it might become difficult to get the commoner to fight a war knowing he is fighting for the interests of wealthy greedy land companies, thus the opening of the declaration was changed from its original ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of land’ to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’
Even though the original intent for the declaration of Independence was indeed and without a doubt motivated by the coveting of land by wealthy land speculators and businessmen, the wording of the Constitution must not make it so obvious that the common man would not feel compelled to support a cause that benefits him not, for the cold hard fact was that while not everyone had money to buy land, everybody did desire to be happy.
A German Cherokee with a ‘touch’ of Shawnee, his Indian name was ‘Tecumseh- Speaks’, and was considered the ‘White Buffalo’ the Spiritual leader (Prophet) of the remnant tribes of Israel, who restored to his people the memory of the old ways that the Master of Life smiled upon, and insisted that we perform (the Passover) to remember who it was that brought us out of the land of bondage, as well as who it was, and is, who had us in their bondage, and who it was who restored to us our freedom, and indeed gave us this promised land, this Paradise, the very garden of the Creator, the Master of Life.
This land belongs to the Master of Life, and had given it to his ‘chosen ones’ who pleased him by acknowledging their dependence upon Him alone, and obeyed His instructions, and heeded His warnings, (like ‘brass and iron are corruptors of men’) and had separated themselves from those who hate the laws of the Creator and obey the will of the serpent.
These ‘chosen ones’ who had separated themselves from the other nations, (the tribes who did not want to be like all the other Nations – having a King, a physical representation of God on earth) wandering the earth, just passing through, these nomadic shepherds, these chosen ones, who had crossed the bodies of water on dry land, had come into this land which God had promised to give them.
The land is not, was not, nor ever shall be the possession of any Governor or Government, for this land belongs God, and to those he had originally given it to, His ‘chosen ones’ those who refused to surrender their ‘sacred land’ that held the bones of their ‘great ones’ for even if they wanted to sell the land, they could not, because it was not theirs to sell, for it is as they claimed, God had given them the land, and they indeed were the ‘chosen ones’ who would be ‘justified’ in the defense of the Jihad of Washington’s Masonic Militias, who were called by my people, the ‘Long Knives’.
This is the meaning of the vision, of the earth crying out for justice, the history of Indiana, is a story that could not be told without convicting the Founding Frauder’s of crimes against humanity, crimes that make Hitler look like a cub scout in comparison.
Here is the meaning of the vision…this land is indeed crying out for justice. The earth is petitioning the Creator to destroy these ‘alien invaders’ who seek to destroy her, and devour her flesh, the earth is crying out for Justice, sending a ‘signal’ to the Universal White Blood Cells to come to the assistance of God’s creation and rid that which is not of the body, but a parasitic plague that seeks to destroy the body, and turn the Creations (like planets and stars) of God against him, to join in the rebellion against the Creator.
The land is indeed crying out for justice, for on this land, impressed upon this soil called Indiana is a path, a trail that began here in Indiana, a trail of the original occupants who were marched off their lands at bayonet point, called the trail of death.
Similar to the famous Trail of Tears, (the history of the forced exile of the original occupants, the Cherokee from their homelands, down a trail of tears into forced extinction, i.e. genocide) the Trail of Death is the path my people had to walk during the winter months, forced to march or die, as so many did along the way, it is called the Trail of Death, a trail that began here in Indiana, where all those of Indian blood was to be expelled at gunpoint out of the Indiana territories, also called the Northwest territories.
This is the petition of one of those voices still crying out for Justice, the voice of one targeted for destruction by Washington’s Holy War (Jihad). The voice of the spiritual ‘High Priest’ the Prophet and Chief of the Lost Tribes of Israel (called the ‘Confederation’). It is this voice that got my attention, and you will see, as I have seen for myself, the validity of his petition, and of his claim that this government of Washington is indeed the government of the servants of the serpent.
Nobody talks about the 1st Civil War, wherein the ‘International’ Masonic Brotherhood took to arms against its own King, an armed insurrection and civil war, wherein brother would be killing brother, yet justified as a War of Independence, to establish a New Government that derives its authority from the people rather than authority that is declared by some British Protestant King, while in reality nothing could be further from the truth.
The reasons given to justify this armed overthrow of the British Crown are petty and trifling at best when compared to that which is taking place today, and if the justification was that the King George was an incompetent idiot, then the same claim could stand today. It is indeed interesting how history repeats itself, and the doomed are those who can’t remember what they should have learned from the experience.
Let’s get right to the facts. This is the story that I had never heard in my 13 years of education, and even today if you look up the reasons given for the War of Independence the real reason for the bloodshed is not even mentioned. When you review old school textbooks nothing is mentioned of the ‘original’ rebellion, and the cause of the Revolution against the Crown.
The early colonies had been infected by wealthy, ‘enlightened’ merchants and business men who had joined the secret society of Freemasonry, whose only true loyalty was not to the King or their Country, but rather to the fraternity and their own financial interests.
It is no secret of the influence the Roman College of Artificers had on the founders, and the assistance given to the Freemasons in America by the Roman Catholic French and other enemies of the Protestant British Empire, who also desired the land to revive the Pagan Roman Empire in this North Country, a kingdom of, by, and for Freemasonry.
The catalyst, the main reason for the rebellion of Washington and the other founders were the common denominator that they made their vast wealth from their business in land speculation, (that is to say, to measure the land, then patent the map, so it could be bought or sold as a proper deed or title to the land, as evidence of who ‘legally’ owned the land).
1756- John William de Brahm a surveyor sent to build a fort (trading post) on the Little Tennessee River (in Cherokee country) reported “Their valley’s are of the richest soil, equal to manure itself, impossible in appearance ever to wear out…Should this country once come into the hands of the Europeans, they may with propriety call it the American Canaan” he goes on, This country seems longing for the hands of industry to receive its hidden treasures, which nature has been collecting since the beginning ready to deliver them up.”
It became a common belief that the Indians were the Canaanites while the Masonic Europeans were depicted (as on Benjamin Franklin’s proposal for the Great Seal) as the ‘chosen ones’ coming across the Atlantic via parted walls of water like the early Israelites
France had control over the lands west of the Appalachians as England had the colonies and Spain had the south gulf port areas. The French forbid any Protestants from settling in these lands that belonged to the Indian Tribes, however it did allow certain land businesses to go into these lands to set up ‘trading posts’ or forts and certain people made considerable amounts of wealth by speculating on lands, measuring them and claiming a patent on the map of the land that could then be sold as easily as handing the map over for currency.
When Britain won control over this Northwest Territory, the King issued a Royal Proclamation forbidding any further land speculations in this area as not to molest or disturb the Indian tribes who dwelt there, and the previous ‘settlements’ of these land businesses had to remove themselves from this land that was not lawfully theirs.
It was this Royal Proclamation that caused Washington and the other land speculators to conspire others to join in their rebellion to the crown and declare their Independence from the Crown and go into the Indian Territories and take the land by force.
The idea that the Protestant Crown now in control of Canada and the Northwest territories combined with the Confederation of Tribes now embracing the Protestants view of Washington, became a threat to both Rome and Freemasonry.
Washington and others (who would later be called the founding fathers) who were to lose money by this royal proclamation were encouraged by Washington to join him in his conspiracy to overthrow the Crown.
The French, who Washington had originally fought against as a British officer, now would offer their assistance to Washington, as Rome would in its financing of his overthrow of the British Crown, since all three had the same enemy, the Protestants and the Confederation of Tribes.
The King of England declared a Royal Proclamation that there would be no further encroachment upon the Tribes and forbid any land speculation, surveying or mapping of this land.
Washington was the first to be recorded to rebel against the authority of the Crown and the original conspirator who convinced a fellow officer (though ‘secret’ correspondence) to join him in his ‘daring undertaking’ to rebel against the King and to go into the Kings Paradise and force His ‘chosen ones’ to bow and serve him, to take the kingdoms by force and to utterly destroy the ‘chosen ones’.
Then there is Benjamin Franklin, which many surprisingly believe was one of Americas Presidents. Benjamin Franklin is on the currency as all the other ‘dead’ Presidents yet he was never President. So why is Franklin so important?
Franklin was England’s Postmaster to the colonies, which meant he had access to all the mail correspondence. Combine this information gathering monopoly with the fact that Franklin had the media market as well, being the printer of the newspapers; Franklin had the power to not only have access to information, but also the distribution thereof.
Franklin was ordered to appear in court (the Privy Council) brought up on charges of attempting to cause disorder and chaos publishing propaganda against the authority of the Crown and inciting rebellion against the Crown [this happening as a result of the Boston Tea Party]
Franklin was stripped of his office as postmaster as a result of the evidence presented. While Franklin was busy reading other peoples mail, Franklins mail was also being opened and read, and Franklin was found guilty of formulating acts of treason.
Knowing it was only a matter of time before the whole scope of the conspiracy would be exposed [that a revolution was being formulated by wealthy land speculators and those who desired the wealth of the land in the timber industry, the agriculture, and the mines.]
And that he would surely be hung as a traitor, Franklin fled to his safe-haven, France, and established the Revolutionary War headquarters in Paris. [Note: Ninety percent of the gunpowder used by Washington’s army was supplied by France]
Both Franklin and Jefferson urged the use of physical violence (terrorism) in rebellion to authority they perceived and claimed as unjust, and physical violence became the norm in Europe and bloodshed and anarchy became rampant, the time of the Kings was coming to an end. Now man would be governed by the consent of the people, democracy would be established upon the earth, a New World Order, or so the people would believe.
As you will see, those who claimed their lawlessness was justified in order that Democracy could be established were the very ones who had no need for Democracy could care less about the will of the people, and some founding frauder’s like Hamilton would go as far as call Democracy a curse.
Democracy is their justification for their crimes against humanity, yet Democracy to these founding frauder’s was necessary only for the deception of the masses, the servants who would fight for what they perceived as freedom, and Liberty, and that they had a say in matters, and were getting something out of their servitude.
Spain had lost its supremacy of the seas, and Rome was feeling the pinch. The British defeated the Spanish Armada in physical battle, and the remaining retreating fleet was destroyed by a ‘Natural’ disaster, a divine wind.
The French was the last hope of the Pope, and with the help of Freemasonry, and Islam the Protestant Crown could be defeated. The Freemasons owned the seas and Franklin went forth joining every lodge he could to unite them all under the cause of overthrowing the British Crown and establishing a Masonic empire, a rebuilt Roman Empire where their pagan pantheon could once again be the law of the land.
It’s important to remember that what today is called Freemasonry was once called Bel Ashtoreth, worship, that these wealthy elite were the Canaanites of old, the arch enemy of Israel. If you keep this fact in mind you will more easily understand the motivation behind this rebellion of wealthy land speculators to the Kings Royal Proclamation.
Franklins suggestion of the Great Seal of Authority was an engraving of the red sea crossing symbolizing the coming of Masonic Europeans as the ‘chosen ones’ of God claiming their promised land, (thus making the current inhabitants of this land the founders so coveted the savage Canaanites that must be eradicated from the land) was accepted as the duty of good Christians to support the troops.
Just as the Boston Tea Party was a group of Freemasons disguised as Indians to send a message to the King about how they felt about his Royal Proclamation to protect the Indians, this practice of Masons disguising themselves as Indians to commit crimes against colonist [especially colonists who opposed Freemasonry or their causes] became common practice and was quite effective is silencing the opposition while at the same time motivating the citizens to call for action against the Indian savages. This terrorism was so effective the name Husher was given to those in this area who were effective in silencing those who had something critical to say about how their fellow man was being treated.
The Empire would be built in compliance to the Serpents voice and once established, once born its birth would be celebrated throughout the ages. July 4th is a very sacred day to Freemasons for it is the birth or rising of the star Sirius, associated with the Egyptian god of secret or forbidden knowledge Thoth [which may be why the delusional Thomas Jefferson always signed his name THO Jefferson, using only the first three letters to symbolize his role] and this star Sirius was also considered the guardian and consort of the goddess Isis, also called Ishtar by the Babylonians.
Not only would July 4th be a national holiday signifying the birth of the nation that was to be considered the god of enlightenment, but the city itself would be built as the city of their celestial god/goddess.
The cornerstone of the Capitol or temple to this Masonic god was laid in typical Canaanite Bel worshipping tradition of wine oil and grain. The Capitol was positioned on the east-west axis to correspond with the arc of the sun, and the Capitol itself placed where the equinoctial and solstice points meet, a place where light and darkness are equal in strength, the doorway the Babylonians called the gate of God, the stairway from the heavens.
The ‘Path of Re’ would come from this Capitol and run west to another sacred spot, a place where the sun and moon unite, the Meridian and this east-west ‘Path of Re’ today called the National Road, or what Indiana calls Washington street.
At this sacred union of sun and moon a foundation would be laid, one magic square upon another like the tower of Babel, and a Masonic monument would be placed to honor their Roman god/goddess of War, and thus the doorway would be complete, and the apotheosis of the Founder and his followers could be completed.
First the Freemasons had to throw off the authority of the Protestant King of England, as well as the Protestant Germans who were being embraced by the Indians as lost brothers, then this sacred promised land could be taken by force and the kingdom of Freemasonry established and once again the gods and goddesses of old could once again rule the earth.