God's Wisdom is with us and "People" like us....
The Word that came to me upon completion of my latest video...
‘Presidential Prayer Breakfast-No Thanks’
I now break this bread with you.
Wisdom, true wisdom is eternal. True wisdom is not only the genius needed for the moment, or the current crisis, but true wisdom, that which comes only from the Creator who designed our minds, is wisdom that transcends time and is the wisdom needed to solve difficult problems way into the future…this transcending of time is evidence that this wisdom is indeed exclusive to the Creator, and is given to those capable of comprehending it and their origin, and repent, and give thanks for His mercy, which also endures forever.
As advanced as man has become, he still cannot resolve the Middle East wars, all because he does not know what to do about Jerusalem. Both Arab and Jew claiming it as their Capitol, their birthright from Abraham…who should it be given to? To whom does this land belong? Is it not written that this is the private property of Yah? What will be the consequence of giving away that which belongs to the Living God of Israel, to it’s enemies in exchange for peace?
The problem seems eternal and complex, but there is no problem the wisdom of the Living God of Israel AKA the Word of God, cannot solve, and His wisdom is made known, once again to Glorify the King of Kings.
If America is so desperate for ‘change’ then instead of changing from Capitalism to Socialism, why not change from having Presidents to having Kings? Instead of allowing the majority to call the shots (which naturally produces overpopulation of minorities) why not return to the time of a King or Queen, since this practice of dividing and conquering by force, claiming their crimes justified by their ‘Manifesting Destiny’ and the land they obtained by false treaties, terrorism, and genocide is not their sin, but rather the will of God, for it all belongs to him they say, as they pile their dung up into a heap reaching like their sins into the heavens, an appropriate offering to their God Of All Things. The inauguration began by getting Yah’s attention, while they stood on the equinox with their backs turned away from the Living God of Israel, and took their oath facing the graven image of their god of earth, on the path of the two ways, at the place where dark and light are equal in strength, the stairway clogged with those who think to change heaven into a Democracy….and the war in heaven begins.
But back to the solution to prevent the possibility of the reality of this calamity..
I believe in the Word of God 100 percent, just to be clear, and I believe that the Son of David, Solomon had received from the Living God of Israel that which he asked for, the wisdom of God. I believe that the same wisdom that Solomon experienced is the same wisdom available for us to solve our current crisis, in fact it will be the exact wisdom, and will prove for those who doubt to see the reality of the immortality of the wisdom of the Creator, and how His love and mercy endureth forever.
King Solomon’s most notable record of his wisdom is the story wherein he was presented with a baby, placed before him by his royal guards. The courtroom buzzed about the rumors surrounding the case, all amazed to be part of this grand case about to be determined by the one who claimed to have been given the wisdom of God.
The two litigants were escorted into the Kings Court…for the King was also the Judge, and thus a Righteous Judge as it was his responsibility to rule over such matters that no other judges could resolve, to make the same ruling as God would make, in fact it would be the ruling of God, so all were interested to be witness to the reality of God in their midst, and to witness his justice, his mercy, his wisdom.
The Court reporter announced to the King that this child is being claimed by both of these women, and seek the wise judgment of the King, for the Kings ruling was final and not challenged by a divided public like Republicans or Democrats, but were indeed one Nation, and were under God indeed, not just in words as today.
But, back to the ancient wisdom. King Solomon looked upon both women, and both seemed sincere about their claims to ownership of the child. One woman had two other children while the other woman had only one child she claimed was the child before his throne.
Could Solomon determine the true Mother of the child by the outer appearance? Both women looked the same, both obviously descendants of Abraham, one appeared more Arab than Israeli, but the child could belong to either one if judged by the outer appearance.
True judgement from one with the rightful authority to do so must listen to what is being said, not judge by outer appearances, but listen to what is being said, usually a response to a question proposed by the wisdom of God.
Solomon’s wisdom was not for this single solitary situation between two women, but rather the judgement given for our day and age, a time when our so called elected leaders are claiming to have the solution for the Mid-East Crisis, the solution for the age old conflict between the Arab and the Jew, and they believe the best thing to do about Jerusalem is a Two State Solution.
King Solomon asked for his sword. The King declared that the only solution was to cut the baby into two equal halves, giving one half to each woman. One woman buried her face in her hands sobbing, ‘she is all I have’ the other woman, like the majority of the crowd were chatting and bobbing their heads in agreement with the Kings ruling. For various reasons, the other Mother claimed that she would accept the Kings just ruling, for she already had her other daughters, Medina and Mecca, and even though this child would be missed, it was one less mouth to feed, and bottom line is that she had no other choice but to agree to the wisdom of the wisest King on earth.
The King then looked back at the other woman now on her knees pleading, please, all I ask is that you kill me first so that I may not have to behold such a horrific sight as my flesh being cut in two, for she is all I have, she is my only hope for the future of my people, then continues to sob. The King tells the woman to rise and retrieve her child, for it should have been evident to all, but oddly enough like today few see the wisdom, or know the truth of matters, for they have deceived themselves believing themselves to be wise, and depending upon their own wisdom for guidance they blindly stumble along, claiming to see the light.
This ruling of King Solomon revealed the wisdom of the Creator, its ability to transcend time to resolve the problem facing the world today and is even more evidence that the wisdom of the Creator is down here with us, and can be found in His Only Begotten Word.
The solution for Peace in the Middle East is simple; the ruling was already handed down thousands of years ago. Jerusalem must not be divided, for should there be a rebellion to the Kings ruling, there will be major conflict as a result. You may not like the ruling but it is just and fair and true, and that is the way that it is. Now you must decide for yourself which side of the true law you stand. Will you acknowledge the wisdom of the King of Kings, or rebel against the King and claim that Jerusalem must be divided?
Will you bow to those who claim it is your duty to assist Antichrist? That you must have for your neighbors those who seek to steal your land, and declare that they have the right to kill you because of your faith in Christ? Obama says we will help them, yet the Word of God says not to assist them in any way, not even bid them god-speed lest we will become partakers of their evil rebellion and suffer their same fate.
I don’t know about you, but my response to President Obama’s, ‘prayer’ that we disobey the Word of God and obey his plan for world peace…
I’ll put it in terms he seems to understand deep within….
In the service of Yah
UPDATE FEB 19, 2009 COMMENTS from a man named Dave AND Michaels Reply:
Deb....I'm not sure who this guy is, but I feel compelled to respond...he sounds like he deserves at least that much.
Dave writes; TO all who have wasted their time reading this drivel, go back to school and remember that your ability to speak as you speak is your right, but be very careful to get your facts right. Obama didn't start this crap, so don't blame Obama our president. Right, wrong, or indifferent. I wonder if you, who puts this crap out either forwarded or drunkenly thought through your smoke induced fervor, even participate as a true citizen of God, America, or the human race. You need to pray, vote, and perhaps mind your own damn business. If you don't like what is going on leave America, go to Iraq, Iran, Afgnaistan, Saudi Arabia, Eygpt, or any other country,, but please just go away.
Dave Olmstead "An American who loves his country right or wrong."
I respond. Dave, I'm sorry you that you were exposed to information that made you feel uncomfortable. The reason I write, is to remove your doubts about my participation as a citizen of God, America, or the human race as you stated.
I understand clearly your strong feelings about duty, loyalty, and honor, and that in order to be a good American citizen you have to love your country, but you lost me on that 'right or wrong' thing.
For like you, I also believed in this country, and was willing to give my life to defend the rights and freedoms I took an oath to defend, against 'all' enemies foreign or DOMESTIC, when I joined the United States Air Force, and served overseas at Incirlik AFB Turkey during the Iran hostage Crisis, and this law goes on to say that it is your duty that when the government no longer obeys these laws that it is the citizens right, and duty (you understand that word don't you?) to rise up and throw off said lawless government...but that will never happen if your of the opinion that you gotta love it or leave it, that blind trust, faith, or apathy or whatever you wanna call it is not a true American according to your own guidelines.
Let me explain in a parable, as it seems parables make the point more clearly to those intellectually inclined as you seem to be. Imagine you grew up in a small town, raised right, fell in love with your highschool sweetheart, worked hard, built a nice home, then found out she was expecting a child, but it wasn't yours....would you still love her right or wrong?
For the moment, let's say you say yes, and you continue to live with her, and she takes your sweetness for a weakness, so naturally you have caught her several times entertaining strangers in your own home while you were away at work. Would you still love her right or wrong? Even if she told you that if you don't like the situation you should move out of the very house you built with you own hands, so some stranger can enjoy your wife and domain? You may still love her right or wrong, but I doubt if you could convince the neighbors that your a 'good' husband...like your claiming to be a 'good citizen' Now let's go way out there and say that this same wife of yours was also the one that had murdered your Parents by setting their house of fire...would you still love her right or wrong, and protect her from justice? Stand up to defend her 'honor' when someone speaks critical of her?
What I'm trying to do here is to show you that even though your declaration of love for Country no doubt tickles your ear as well as makes others stand and applaud...you don't really believe that, but only doing what years of indoctrination has told you is the right thing to do, not realizing that your inability to question, criticize, or challenge is the very thing that caused the situation to worsen. It seems 'Patriotism' has poisoned your perception.
It is my opinion that a good citizen, like a good husband, has boundaries around his domain, and will not tolerate that which seeks to destroy our pursuit of happiness.
No hard feelings I understand and respect your stand for what you love, I'm just trying to show you what true love is. Believe me, I'd leave this target of Yah if I could, but I can't since this is my land, and I took an oath to defend the laws protecting our freedoms, our God given rights, which are quickly being mothballed by the United Nations and it's adoption of Islamic law as the solution for world peace, for it promotes terrorism and rewards violence to accomplish it's goal of forcing or extorting the 'haves' to surrender land or wealth in exchange for peace, and bow to the authority of Islamic law.
And that, for the record is what Schroeder is really trying to do. I should know. Hopefully now you have a better understanding the reality of the complexity of the deception down here before we judge others wrongly.
I understand you, now understand me. If I didn't care I wouldn't take the time.
St. Michael.