Monday, May 19, 2008

The Impossible Dream ...

Song: The Impossible Dream
From: Man of La Mancha Lyrics by Joe Darion In this song, Quixote explains his quest and the reasons behind it ... in doing so, he captures the essence of the play and its philosophical underpinnings.
To dream ... the impossible dream ...
To fight ... the unbeatable foe ...
To bear ... with unbearable sorrow ...
To run ... where the brave dare not go ...
To right ... the unrightable wrong ...
To love ... pure and chaste from afar ...
To try ... when your arms are too weary ...
To reach ... the unreachable star ...
This is my quest, to follow that star ... No matter how hopeless, no matter how far ... To fight for the right, without question or pause ... To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause ...
And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest, That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm, when I'm laid to my rest ... And the world will be better for this: That one man, scorned and covered with scars, Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach ... the unreachable star ...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Warning to Washington From: Michael...

To whomever may be sitting upon the throne of Washington.
You were warned about this decades ago…….

Now smell the wrath of the Lamb!

It is amazing how history repeats itself, for once again we find ourselves on our own lands, in our own gardens, in our Paradise, given to us by the Master of Life, a land he promised to us to reward our obedience to His Word, the Life of the Great Spirit, and the land sang for with her praise and none had want of any kind. We worshipped the Great Spirit and respected all the creations of the Master of Life.

Now come the swarms of the long knives more numerous than the mosquitoes on the Wabash, slashing and hacking, taking the heads of innocents, women and child alike. Claiming they have a right to our lands, so that they may establish the throne of the ‘true religion’ they claim to come in peace, and come in the name of God, yet they know not justice and do wickedly, using terror to make our people bow to their will, to surrender our lands in exchange for treaties of peace…treaties made by those knowing it is the will of their god to break those treaties, and continue their ‘holy war’ to expand the boundaries of Islamic law…(According to Thomas Jefferson’s Quran) AKA The New World Order….’Haves’ must surrender land in exchange for peace to the ‘Have-Nots’ who are encouraged to rebel and cause disturbances or ‘uprisings’ to force the ‘Haves’ to come to the table to bow to this ‘true religion’ of the ‘crossed long knives’ who speak with ‘forked tongue’ offspring of the serpent, who has followed us into this Promised Land thinking to place us back in their bondage and bowing to their gods will.

While they have a Capitol of their own, they have set their desires upon our Spiritual Capitol, and will not rest until they have taken it by force, and utterly desecrate and pollute the land, to take possession of that which is sacred to us (The Cross and Ten Commandments-sacred symbols of the Saints-those who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of the Only Begotten Son.) and desecrate and profane that which is sacred and belongs to the True and Living God and put it up for public display, like they have done at our destroyed Sacred Capitol here in Indiana.

The reason I know this story so well is because this is not the first time for this conflict, the above stated facts was also the first story that took place here at our Spiritual Capitol when the Masonic longknife William H. Harrison continued Washington’s Masonic Jihad to ‘establish the throne of this ‘true religion’ called the New World Order.

Tecumseh fought valiantly to defend this Spiritual Capitol, but it was written that this beast with great iron teeth would prevail until the time of the end when all things would be fulfilled, and indeed they have and here we stand….this time we will not engage the offspring of the serpent with weapons they have made, but we will simply speak the Word, and watch the mighty wrath of the Lamb, for Moses needed not an army, but spoke forth the Word that brought forth the mighty signs and wrath of YAH that compelled Pharaoh to let my people go, and so shall be the end, and we will no longer refer to YAH as He who delivered us from the bondage of Egypt, but He that delivered us from the bondage of this North Country. For the time of Justice is at hand, and Justice is that sacred habitation of our God, soon to be established once again upon the earth.

So be of good cheer my Indians, for it will be as your Grandfathers and Grandmothers spoke, and the land will once again produce, and the animals will return, and the serpent will no longer have access into the Garden of the Master of Life, and death will be no more

Happy 60th Birthday House of Israel. Let it be known the remnant of the Lost Tribes have not forgotten your time of trouble. Be of good cheer. Be sure to clear all the rubble off the temple mount after the coming great quake, and let Islam take away their sacred stones and place them at their Spiritual Capitol in Mecca, for they all belong within the pit of their Ka’aba..

To the Masonic/Islamic State of Indiana…there is still time to reduce the coming destruction….remove these offensive illegal Masonic monuments giving praise, honor, and glory to those guilty of theft, murder, and genocide of my people, and restore to us our Sacred Capitol.

Praise be to Yah!

In His service,

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Nazirite Vow by Gary D. Naler

The Nazirite Vow
By Gary D. Naler

(shortened version)
In Numbers 6:1-8, the institution of the Nazirite vow required three points for fulfillment:
1. They had to abstain from anything whatsoever from the grape,
2. They could not cut their hair, and were to let it grow long, and
3. They could not go near a dead person.
Here in this highly important vow we find in legally representative form the three unique elements of the garden of God. Two of these elements were clearly the two trees located in the middle of the garden – the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. A third element was that Adam and Eve were clothed with the glory of God – they had no clothing as we know it today, but rather were covered with Yahweh’s glory, His splendor. In Psalm 104:1-2 we read: "O Yahweh my God, you are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering Yourself with light as with a cloak.” Before Adam and Eve sinned, Yahweh was their covering, taking full responsibility for them; and whether literally or simply governmentally, they were clothed by His splendor, His light.There were many other things unique to the garden, but these three – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, and the glory of God covering them – were of great judicial significance. Let us now see how the Nazirite vow and the garden of Eden relate.The first requirement for the Nazirite was that they had to abstain from anything whatsoever from the grape. It is clear from the Scriptures that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was a grape tree. Even as the snake was cursed to crawl on its belly, obviously the snake-inhabited grape tree of the knowledge of good and evil was likewise cursed. The second point of this vow – they could not cut their hair, but were to let it grow long – represents the glory of God that clothed Adam and Eve. In 1 Corinthians 11:15 we read that a woman's long hair "is glory to her." Her long hair is a prophetic testimony of the glory the woman (as well as Adam) lost in the garden of God at her temptation, fall, and death via the serpent. Thus we see the second point of identification of the Nazirite with the garden of God – letting the hair grow long represented the glory of God that covered Adam and Eve. Third, they could not go near a dead person. This point of the vow obviously represents the second specifically noted tree in the garden – the tree of life. If Adam and Eve had eaten from that tree, they would have never died. Appropriately, the Nazirite's third and final point of this vow – abstention from contact with death – clearly represented eating from the tree of life and not experiencing death.Here then in this all-important vow were all three elements of the original garden of Eden:
1. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil – abstaining from the grape,2. The glory of Yahweh clothing them – letting the hair grow long, and3. The tree of life – not going among the dead.
And very importantly, any attempt to restore the original garden, “to return [man] to his own property” as afforded in Jubilee (Leviticus 25:10), had to be legally effected through this sole representative touch-point. This vow, we find, was the solitary legal link back to the garden; and anyone who was to restore the corrupted garden had to effect it as a Nazirite. The word "Nazirite" means – "one consecrated, devoted." In truth, the Nazirite was devoted to God for the all-important purpose of restoring the garden.Three Who Tried, and FailedWe find in the Scriptures that Yahweh raised up three men as Nazirites to try to effect this restoration – Samson (Judges 13:4-5), Samuel (1 Samuel 1:11), and John the Baptist (Luke 1:15). These three men bear unique common unifying identities in at least four highly significant ways. First, they are the only individual Adamic men recorded in the Scriptures to have been under this special vow of the Nazirite. Second, each of these three were placed under their vows prior to their conceptions. Third, and very uniquely, they each had miraculous births. All three of their mothers were barren and could not naturally conceive children. Yahweh's miraculous and sovereign intervention was required for each of these women to bring forth these devoted Nazirite vessels. And fourth, they each experienced failure in their lives.Samson failed because of his immorality (Judges 16). Samuel failed because he could not bring forth godly offspring – his sons did not follow in his ways (1 Samuel 8:3). And John the Baptist failed at the end of his life in that he faltered in his belief (Luke 7:19-20). But most importantly, since their vows were life-long, no matter if they had perfectly kept them all their days, their vows were violated at their deaths – they too, in the end, went among the dead, and their vows could not be restored since the grave held them captive! The Law of Restoring the VowWe just noted this critical issue of restoring a Nazirite vow that had been violated. In Numbers 6:9-12 we read the sole legal provision for restoring one’s defiled vow. You will notice that it has only to do with being among the dead, and there is no mention of defiling one’s vow by accidentally eating from the grape or if one’s hair was cut. Quite obviously, this speaks prophetically per this unique and critical vow.
“But if a man dies very suddenly beside him and he defiles his dedicated head of hair, then he shall shave his head on the day when he becomes clean; he shall shave it on the seventh day. Then on the eighth day he shall bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to the priest, to the doorway of the tent of meeting. The priest shall offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering, and make atonement for him concerning his sin because of the dead person. And that same day he shall consecrate his head, and shall dedicate to Yahweh his days as a Nazirite, and shall bring a male lamb a year old for a guilt offering; but the former days will be void because his separation was defiled.”
Thus we see that the restoration of one’s vow was specifically an eight day process; and once completed, the former days were void. All of this has been laid out thus far for one purpose – to point to the only one who would come and fulfill this vital vow and thereby make Jubilee possible, legally restoring man back to the garden of God, the garden of Eden. Who was that one?The Fourth Nazirite,Yahshua. Like His predecessors, He was the fourth man to have come under this vow. We will examine this shortly. But unlike His three predecessors, Yahshua did not take this vow until the end of His life. But certainly, before His conception by the Holy Spirit, it too was determined that He would become a Nazirite. And per His conception, like the preceding three, very significantly, He too was a miracle birth. Yahweh's miraculous and sovereign intervention was required once again in order to bring forth this fourth Nazirite vessel devoted to His redeeming purposes. But unlike the three, this Nazirite was without sin and would accomplish what the others failed to perform.At His last Passover meal with His disciples, just before His crucifixion, Yahshua declared and entered into His Nazirite vow. Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:25, and Luke 22:18 record Yahshua's vow to not drink from the fruit of the vine. From the account in Mark we read:
"Truly I tell you – no more by no means will I drink of the fruit of the vine until I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
At this pivotal point, Yahshua entered into the all-important Nazirite vow, even as His cousin John had been under it for life. Yahshua came to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17), and as you will see, it was vitally important that He fulfill the Law concerning the Nazirite. Upon making this highly important vow, very significantly, He then removed Himself into a garden (John 18:1). Only in John is it stated that Yahshua went into a garden, and the specific identity of that garden is not stated; it only identifies it to be "a garden." While we read in these accounts the drama that took place at a natural level, a far more important, much higher level intercession was taking place. Intercessorally and governmentally, as a Nazirite, Yahshua was in the garden of Eden – alone. Having taken this vow, three times in the garden Yahshua cried out to His Father: "if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will" (Matthew 26:36-46). “This cup” was the cup of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And making His abstention even more significant, equally three times in the course of His crucifixion He resolutely rejected drinking from the cup possessing this same fruit of the cursed tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Mark 15:23, Matthew 27:34, and Luke 23:36).Why did He continually reject the cup? Because to drink from it would have been to take upon Himself all the sins of man, from Adam onward, and to die.Truly, and most surely, through the vow of the Nazirite and His garden experiences, Yahshua entered a place of intercession, and therein returned to the garden of Eden to legally redeem the sins of all men and restore the defiled garden! In "time travel" reality, Yahshua, by intercession, was in fact slain as a Nazirite "from the foundation of the world," legally taking the cross within the original garden! “I Am Thirsty”John enlighteningly records the significance of this moment: "Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled, said 'I am thirsty'" (John 19:28). What "scripture might be fulfilled"? The scripture being fulfilled at this critical end of His life was clearly Numbers 6 – the vow of the Nazirite! In order to restore the garden of Eden/the kingdom of God, Yahshua had to take the vow of the Nazirite and then partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which effected the death of all men. By partaking of the vine as a Nazirite, Yahshua legally went all the way back to the garden and identified with "dead" man and the corrupted kingdom. By taking the Nazirite vow, He had in legal type reentered the garden. By drinking of the cup of the cursed vine, He identified with all the sins of fallen man from its very source – the garden tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By taking the Nazirite vow, He was “slain from the foundation of the world”!Thus, at the culmination of this entire drama, at the final request of the Son of God, sour wine was lifted up to Him in a sponge upon a branch of hyssop, and as His final act, as a Nazirite He drank from the cup of the fruit of the vine! All things now completed, it was written: "When Jesus therefore had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!' And He bowed His head, and gave up His spirit." As a Nazirite, His final identification with the cursed garden of God and cursed man by drinking the cup of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was completed, and He died. His vow had come to its crescendo, and His life’s work was thereby complete.Restoring the GardenDid this final act now restore the garden, the kingdom? Not at all. At this point, the kingdom was still as corrupted as it remained when the three preceding Nazirites had died. It would take more than the identifying commitment of a Nazirite to restore the garden. In order to restore the garden, the defiled Nazirite, according to the Law of God, had to return to the tent of meeting (the place of Yahweh’s presence), offer sacrifices, and restore His vow (Numbers 6:9-12). Neither Samson, Samuel, nor John had the power to accomplish that. Death held them in the grave and forbade the restoration of their vows. Only One, this fourth Nazirite, had the power to lay His life down, and the power to pick it up again (John 10:18)! After rising from the dead, Yahshua departed for the heavenly "tent of meeting" and restored His vow, thereby, after 4,000 years, restoring the corrupted garden of God!How do we know that this was indeed what Yahshua performed while in heaven? Numbers 6:9-12 tells us that the atoning process in the restoration of the Nazirite's vow, when defiled specifically by being among the dead, was an eight day process through which "the former days" were made "void." How long was Yahshua in heaven? John 20:26 clearly states: "And after eight days again His disciples were inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors having been shut, and stood in their midst, and said, 'Peace be with you.'" What was Yahshua doing for eight days in heaven? The answer is clear – He was (among other things) legally restoring His vow as a Nazirite, and thus restoring the garden of God, "the former days" of the corruption of the garden being made "void"! Though this phrase – "the former days shall be void" – might be thought to simply apply to the days of a Nazirite's vow, prophetically and intercessorally it speaks far more! For it was through this all-important vow that all the "former days" of cursed man and the cursed kingdom were made legally "void" by Yahshua. Therefore, by Yahshua taking the vow of the Nazirite at the Passover supper, His garden/Garden intercession, His final act of drinking from the cup on the cross, His death, His resurrection from the dead, and then His ascension to the Father for specifically eight days to restore His vow, He restored the defiled garden of God/the kingdom of God and made the former days of the corruption of the garden and man void. Yahshua, as a Nazirite, and having the power of an indestructible life, restored the garden of God!The truth you just read was revealed to this man in May/June, 1994, the very year when Yahweh declared Jubilee for man 120 Jubilee waiting periods (or 5, 880 years) following Adam’s fall and his banishment from his land, from the original garden. This is the year Yahweh afforded man the legal right to “return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family.” (See Appendix 10 link.) It is quite significant and telling that the very year of Jubilee, when the way back into the garden was opened and thereby availing access to the tree of life, was the year when He revealed for the first time in the history of man this legal work that Yahshua performed as a Nazirite. Before now man had never known this truth.

Complete version at:

I do not neccesarily agree totally with this authors point of view regarding the curse of 1920 but this expose regarding the Nazirite vow, I find Most Interesting, thought provoking and very worthy of study. An extremely INSPIRATIONAL read for the present moment in time...explains how the Lamb was slain from the foundation)overthow of the world...intercessory prayer as time travel, governmental and judicial principals and a whole new light on the vine and the serpent in the garden...and ever wonder about this verse?"
Re 21:1
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.(Sea of Death)" NO LONGER ANY DEATH! I say,HALLELUYAH
Excerpts from:Pages 8 -9:

Intercessory Prayer in an unnamed garden, by Yahshua while Peter, James and John were sleeping(death) = Time Travel

A mans state in relation to the garden of Eden: God’s willingness to give His kingdom to man, yet his possession of that kingdom reveals his great weakness, his FLESH!
The spirit is willing.., Mt 26:41 The flesh is weak…Mk 14:38

…return and stand in the very place of Adam and REVERSE his sin…Yahushua the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world…Rev 13:8

His other book:
Excerpts from:
Coverings by Gary D. Naler

Once one begins to know and understand the ways of Yahweh, they see that He is very consistent in the way He does things. In other words, He takes a simple truth, or pattern, and repeats it over and over. The truth, or pattern, of coverings, as revealed in Coverings, is just one example of this. Seeing such replication affords us even greater insight into why Yahweh has done certain things. Furthermore, these replicable patterns reassure us that we have come to know Him, and afford us insight into what He has not only done, and even what He is now doing, but also what He will do. Let us examine a testimony that will afford us all three of these benefits.

The question arises in Coverings as to whether Adam and Eve were actually clothed in Yahweh’s light and splendor in the Garden of Eden, or if this was simply true as a governmental matter. Either way, it is the same. The point is that, governmentally, Yahweh was taking full responsibility for Adam and Eve. He was their covering.

In like regard, Yahweh raised up a man with whom He was going to set forth the same testimony. Abraham received the promise that he would be given a son who would be his heir and that his descendants would be countless (Genesis 15:1–6). But upon receiving that promise, like Adam who “listened to the voice of [his] wife” and not to Yahweh’s instruction (Genesis 3:17), Abraham equally “listened to the voice of Sarah” (Genesis 16:2) and thereby brought forth a son by the cursed Egyptian, Hagar—the “wild donkey of a man” (Genesis 16:12), Ishmael.

Was this the son who would afford the blessing to the whole world as promised? No, no more than what Eve offered was of like results. This son was the seed of the cursed flesh. So what was Yahweh to do? He had to governmentally take responsibility for Abraham’s offspring, even as He once took responsibility for Adam and Eve. How would He attest to this? By the covenant of circumcision.

After Ishmael was born, we read in Genesis 17:9–14 where Yahweh then laid out the commandment of circumcision for Abraham, his descendants, and for any servant in his house. Thereby, we read: “Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin” (Genesis 17:24). Then one year later, Isaac, the son of promise, was born (Genesis 21:5).

So, what made the difference? The first son, Ishmael, who was not acceptable to Yahweh as the son of promise, was born before Abraham’s circumcision. But once he was circumcised, Sarah, though incapable of having a child by then, brought forth Isaac. For twenty-five years Abraham had waited for the fulfillment of the promise of many offspring, first given to him as recorded in Genesis 12:1–4; and that fulfillment finally came following one very significant solitary act—circumcision!

Why? What is so important about circumcision that twenty-five years and four separate promises later, the fulfillment finally came? It all had to do with coverings; in fact, head-covering! And remember, head-covering is just that—it is headship, authority, governmental responsibility!

What we are going to discuss now is sensitive in nature since it has to do with sexuality. To understand what was taking place governmentally, we have to talk more specifically about circumcision of the foreskin of Abraham.

What is circumcision? It is removing the covering of flesh from the head of the male’s reproductive organ. The fact is, the foreskin of Abraham was a head-covering, in the same order as head-coverings addressed in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and as expounded upon in Coverings. Government is replicable, even as we see here once again. This is the same pattern, just per a more specific area—the very member that effects the birth of offspring.

When Abraham brought forth Ishmael, Abraham’s head-covering was his flesh. With regard to his efforts to bring forth offspring, he was under the headship covering of his own flesh, his own flesh efforts. And it was from that flesh covering that he attempted to bring forth the son of promise and failed, bringing forth instead the unacceptable cursed son. So what was Yahweh to do? In prophetic and governmental testimony, He had to thereby take complete responsibility for this offspring of immense promise. So, to testify of Him taking this responsibility, He had Abraham remove the flesh covering from the part of his body that brought forth the offspring, and thereupon Yahweh became his head-covering. When Yahweh thereby took that responsibility, the miracle birth of Isaac took place; and from thereafter He continued to take that responsibility for his offspring.

We see this same testimony in the man. Before Yahshua, the priest had to wear a headcovering when he went before Yahweh. However, when Yahshua became the head of every man (1 Corinthians 11:3), the man’s head was “circumcised” and, in like manner, Yahshua became the man’s head-covering. Therefore, the man cannot pray with anything on his head.

Let us now take an important look back to Adam and Eve. Why was it that they could have been without clothing and yet not see their nakedness? Because governmentally, they were in fact covered, for their covering was Yahweh. Likewise, even though Abraham no longer had the foreskin to cover his head, legally he was not naked, his head was not uncovered, for Yahweh had become his covering. Before circumcision, his head was legally covered with foreskin, which averted Yahweh’s wrath. And even when he was aroused and his head became uncovered, thus calling for judgment, Sarah, his bride, became his covering until the foreskin head-covering could be replaced.

In truth, Sarah was Abraham’s substitutionary covering until the otherwise present covering could be restored. But now that Yahweh had become his covering, even though it appeared that he was uncovered, he was not uncovered. This is again the replicable government whereby a man can pray with his head uncovered and yet still be covered—Yahshua being his head, his covering. Conversely, the woman does not have that governmental order covering her when she directly goes to Yahweh, and must cover her head with “authority” (1 Corinthians 11:10).

Now, let us take this one vital step further. Remember, government is replicable. Here we will discover a truth that affects us today in the most profound way since the original Garden.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost the covering they once had—being clothed in Yahweh’s glory. That covering was replaced with the substitutionary covering of clothing, and they were sent out of the Garden so that they would not eat from the tree of life. But as you will see in Chapter Ten, through the Nazirite vow Yahshua performed a work that made it possible for man to return to the original Garden experience. What does that mean for man? It means that man will return to the place where Yahweh, once again, takes full responsibility for him—no longer being covered by his own failed flesh efforts, his flesh head-covering! Relative to Abraham, it means circumcision of our flesh!

Everything points to the fact that this is where we are today, with the hopeful anticipation that things can now take place that have not been possible for 6,000 years. And once again relative to Abraham, it means the Son of promise can be born—Yahshua’s return!

For 2,000 years, kingdom man has listened to the voice of the weaker element, even within himself, that is easily deceived; and under the covering of his own flesh has thereby brought forth a cursed wild-donkey-of-a-man offspring that is not acceptable to Yahweh. So, what must Yahweh now do? He must take full responsibility for man and for His kingdom. According to the timing and the promise of Jubilee whereby “each of you shall return to his own property” (Leviticus 25:10), to the original Garden experience, that time is now. (Read The Curse of 1920, Appendix 10.)

What we have discussed here is the identical testimony we see evidenced when the sons of Israel crossed the Jordan and entered into the Promised Land west of the Jordan. First, we read that the first thing they did upon crossing was to attest that Yahweh would now be their head-covering and take full responsibility. In Joshua 5:2–7, we read that for the first time since they left Egypt, they were circumcised. Quite significantly, their absence of circumcision during the wilderness wandering thereby means that, clearly, the wilderness period is a time in which Yahweh does not take full responsibility to bring forth the promised and much needed results. This, of course, was evidenced by the fact that they failed to enter into the Promised Land at the wilderness of Paran (Numbers 12:16 through chapter 14), bringing suffering and death upon them for forty years.

As testified by this circumcision wherein they were circumcised “the second time” (Joshua 5:2), Yahweh restored the covenant of Abraham and took full responsibility for them and for their success in the Promised Land. This is the identical testimony when, immediately thereafter, Joshua met the “captain of Yahweh’s host” and was told, “remove the sandals from your feet” (Joshua 5:13–15).

Prophetically, sandals speak of the like responsibility to bring forth the fulfilling offspring. In Deuteronomy 25:5–10, we read that when the brother of a deceased man refused to take his deceased brother’s wife to bring forth offspring in his name, she was to remove his sandal, spit in his face, and declare to him, “Thus it is done to the man who does not build up his brother’s house.” This man was to then be called, “The house of him whose sandal is removed.” This is the same law being carried out in the book of Ruth regarding Ruth and Boaz, her kinsman redeemer.

So, when Joshua was told to remove his sandals, even as Moses was told to do likewise at the burning bush before he was sent into Egypt to deliver the sons of Israel, in both instances it spoke the same message—circumcision; or Yahweh, as our kinsman redeemer, now taking full responsibility. Thus, taking off one’s sandals and circumcision are one and the same in their message. It is Yahweh saying, “I will now take full responsibility; I will be your covering.”

This is where it appears we are today. For 2,000 years, the church has been “the church in the wilderness” (lit. of Acts 7:38). For 2,000 years it has wandered in “the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water …,” where “He fed you manna which your fathers did not know [“manna” means “what is it?”], that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do good for you in the end” (Deuteronomy 8:16–17). At the completion of these 2,000 years, He is now going to do good for us, taking full responsibility for us and for His kingdom.

After 2,000 years of wandering in “the great and terrible wilderness” where kingdom men have all been taken to death and circumcision did not take place—men labored according to their own flesh efforts—He is now going to take full responsibility and be our covering, even so as to bring forth the promised Son. In truth, He is circumcising man. Joshua is taking off his sandals. It is Jubilee, when “each of you shall return to his own property.”

Today, it is time for Yahweh to begin to restore this world to its original state, as it was before the fall. Even as we saw in the original Garden, Yahweh’s glory that once clothed man means that He will take full responsibility for man. And that responsibility will ever increase, even as we read that His glory will ever increase until it covers the earth. Yahweh will ever more extensively take responsibility for man and do good for him and no longer do evil.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Latter Time of Their Kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full...

Volume XXVII Issue V
May 2008 Last Trumpet Ministries,
PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet:
Defiant Abominations of the Money Changers!
By David J. Meyer
"And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."Daniel 8:23-25
"And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the god of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain."Daniel 11:36-39
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."Matthew 21:12-13
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will look with amazement at our rapidly changing nation and world. It is a world that is moving down the timeline toward eternity at what seems like breakneck speed as Bible prophecy is being fulfilled continually before our very eyes.
There is a driving force behind the changes that are taking place, and the events of our time are not happening by mere chance. There are people in high places that want these things to happen and have the power to make them happen. We remember the words of the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who said regarding all events, "…If it happened, you can bet we planned it that way." The dark forces of the elite Luciferians, known as the Illuminati, have one primary objective in mind: they want to bring every human being under the power and control of their god, whom they call Lucifer, who is really Satan with his many guises.
The evil one knows full well that to control people you must control their money and wealth. Satan also knows, as do his stooges in the high political and religious realms, that people are ultimately controlled by lies, because the truth makes them free. The Lord Jesus told us this in John 8:32 as follows: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
The people of the United States are being fed constant lies, and this has been happening for so long that the truth is unrecognizable to them. What better way to control people than to control their money, wealth, and even negative wealth, which is called debt, and to control them with an economy based on lies, deceit, and dishonesty by those in charge of that system. It is the perfect laboratory and working environment for Satan to create a monster whom he can inhabit, and who will control all people through controlled buying and selling with his mark. Once people believe a lie, they are under the control of that lie. We are warned of this in II Thessalonians 2:11-12 as follows: "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
The reason the economy of the United States is crumbling is because it is based on lies. We know that according to the Constitution of the United States, only gold and silver is lawful money. Paper currency has almost no intrinsic value. It costs the same amount to produce a one hundred dollar bill as it does to produce a one dollar bill. It is just paper and ink. The paper money is backed by nothing of real value and is by definition not money at all but legal tender. The first definition of tender is to offer in satisfaction of a debt. Thus, tender is an offer of something to excuse a debt rather than pay it. When paper "money" is passed around, nothing is ever legally paid, but it is a continual excusing of debt. Americans do not know what it is like to use real money. When we work, our employer gives us paper, and we excuse his debt for our time we gave him. We buy food and give paper currency to the grocer, and he excuses the debt for what we carry out of his store, and so on. The problems with this system are many. Governments can print more and more of this paper, and as they do, all existing paper currency becomes worth less and less, and prices go up. Paper currency or tender breeds inflation, recession, depression, and so on. It is what economists call the cyclical function. To make matters worse, it is not so much just the paper problem anymore. In this electronic age, money has been reduced to nothing more than electronic impulses in computers. All reference points to true value have been lost in the maze of the craftiness of illuministic banksters. The American people are all under the mass-hypnotic effect of thinking they have real money when they hold paper or a debit card. When values are suppositions and fictitious, they can constantly change, and they do. This would be impossible with the strict use of gold and silver.
How bad is the situation? We now live in a time when one of the greatest commodities both bought and sold is massive debt. Credit card companies are completely destroying the lives of undisciplined people, and the banks are in collusion with them. It is a satanic complicity that is paving the way for the appearance of the antichrist himself. We know that our Lord Jesus went into the temple and tipped over the tables of the money changers and rebuked them sharply. Our Lord called the money changers thieves, because they forced the people to trade in their Roman coins for temple coins before they could give their tithes. The excuse is that Roman money had a graven image on it and was thus an idol and could not be used in the temple. The money changers, however, were glad to accept the Roman money at a low buy rate, and sell the people temple money at a high sell rate. This arbitrage produced a profit which angered the Almighty.
We are now in a time of transition, and very soon the beast system will come into full view. The American people have already been corralled by this economic system, and they will soon find themselves branded as human cattle with the mark of the beast. I urge every reader of this newsletter to completely submit your life to the Lord Jesus and pray to Him. He will save your soul and watch over you to the very end. Do it now, while there is still a little time. It is later than you think!
Assisted Suicide of the U.S. Economy!
On January 30th, 2008, newspapers around the world featured a large picture of President Bush and Vice President Cheney with the headline "Bush sees no recession." In the picture, President Bush was squinting and smirking, and Cheney had his hands together in a Masonic signal and had a knowing smirk on his face. The event was the State of the Union Address. (1) Since that infamous speech, it has been one disaster after another in our economy. In January and February 2008, 152,000 jobs were lost, and in March 2008, an additional 80,000 jobs were lost. This is nearly a quarter-million jobs lost in the first quarter of the year of 2008. (2) With many banks facing serious meltdown, the Federal Reserve turned on the money pumps and auctioned $260 billion in short term loans to the banks. (3) Our national debt is now nearly nine and one-half trillion dollars and can now be measured with numbers so large that such numbers had heretofore been used only in astronomy calculations. The amount of debt is increasing almost exponentially. It is so bad that the Concord Coalition, a fiscal watchdog group, recently issued a report which stated, "The present rate of debt increase will leave a total shortfall of 72.3 trillion dollars in Social Security and Medicare alone by the year 2080." (4) This deficit for only these two departments would be eight times our current national debt! Even our current debt is unsustainable.
On April 1st, 2008, a British newspaper carried the following serious headline, and it was no April fool: "USA 2008: The Great Depression." It seems like the other countries of the world know what we are facing, but our own government just has not told us yet. A subheadline in that newspaper said, "Food stamps are the symbol of poverty in the U.S. In the era of the credit crunch, a record 28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive - a sure sign the world's richest country faces economic crisis." (5)
The signs of real trouble are everywhere. On April 3rd, 2008, the price of corn hit a record $6.00 per bushel. The price of corn has shot up 30 percent, and stockpiles have dwindled as the rest of the world bids high for our own corn. Ethanol companies also make higher demands to turn corn into alcohol for fuel. (6) Here let it be noted that it takes one and one-half gallons of other fuel to produce one gallon of ethanol. According to United Nations' reports, food prices worldwide have increased 35 percent just last year. Dairy prices increased 80 percent and grain increased 42 percent worldwide in 2007. (7) In many parts of the world, food riots are already taking place. (8) The price of common wheat has increased 50 percent since last August and is now listed as a precious commodity. A South Dakota trader, Vince Boddicker, said, "Anyone who tells you they've seen something like this before is a liar." (9)
In addition to the food crisis, the housing problem is completely out of control. Homeowner equity is now at its lowest point since 1945 as houses and properties are devalued and countless millions default on their mortgages. Currently, nearly nine million homeowners in the United States have zero equity. (10) The rate of foreclosures on home mortgages in the United States increased to 79 percent in 2007. Two and two-tenths million homeowners lost their homes last year! (11) Homes that were once beautiful are now stripped bare, either by the people as they left them or by vandals and thieves who came later. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently featured the headline "Cities drowning in sea of stripped homes." Even the aluminum siding has been torn off from homes by thieves and sold for scrap metal. (12)
Financial institutions in America are now facing the writedown and loss of one trillion dollars. This vast amount is equal to the entire economy of Russia. It is also more than double the market value of Exxon Mobil Corporation and about nine times the combined wealth of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. (13)
What is happening to our erstwhile great nation? Why are ninety-three major corporations at risk of defaulting on $53 billion in debt? (14) Why are gasoline prices as high as $5.40 per gallon in some areas of our country? (15) Even $3.00 per gallon is an obscene price when you consider that only seven years ago it was 99 cents per gallon.
In recent days we have seen major disruption in scheduled flights by major airlines such as American Airlines. Over 2,000 American Airlines flights stranded nearly one-quarter million people due to the airline's non-compliance with FAA inspection rules. (16) Why did such a situation of noncompliance suddenly arise? We know that all major airlines are in deep financial trouble, and high fuel prices are making things continually worse. We also know that experiments are being conducted on segments of unwitting human guinea pigs to see how they behave in crowded and inconvenient situations where they are herded together and shuffled around. As the powers of antichrist rise, we will see more of this sort of thing.
On February 24th, 2008, a story appeared in the mainstream news media with the headline "U.S. must adjust to the arrival of Asian century." The story commented on statements that were made at the most recent G-8 Summit. Here are some of the statements made at that summit: "We are entering a new era of world history; the end of Western domination and the arrival of the Asian century…..Let us focus on the new sunrise organizations in Asia…..the changes will be dramatic and happen quickly……As new Asian powers emerge, the architecture of the world order will have to be re-engineered…….Asia is now home to the world's fastest-growing economies which have accumulated more than three trillion dollars in foreign reserves." Lawrence Summers, an economist who was once the U.S. Treasury Secretary, had this to say at the summit meeting, "During the industrial revolution, the standard of living rose at a rate of maybe 50% during a person's lifespan. Asia's current growth rate represents an unprecedented 100-fold, or 10,000%, rise in the standards of living during one lifetime." (17) An increase of ten thousand percent in the Asian standard of living? If you have ever wondered where the wealth of America has gone, you have your answer! Indeed, the kings of the East have risen up!
On the 13th day of March 2008, a rare "closed door" session was held by the United States House of Representatives. It was only the fourth time in the history of the United States that the House of Representatives closed the doors and met in absolute secrecy. Thus, those who were elected to represent the people of the United States would not allow the people to know what they were meeting about. Furthermore, House Rule XVII, clause 9, forbids the Representatives from revealing what was discussed. The penalty for leaking such information includes loss of seniority, fine, reprimand, censure, or expulsion! What went on behind those closed doors where every member was sworn to absolute secrecy, to always conceal and never reveal? We know that the only reason for secrecy is to hide evil. The news media said almost nothing about the secret conclave, but it was mentioned only that one of the items being discussed was the new surveillance techniques that are going to used by the U.S. Government to watch every American. (19)
After diligently searching for more information, I finally found what I was looking for in an Australian newspaper. The story appeared in Australia.TO from Brisbane, Australia. The article stated that ABC News via WCPO confirmed that Congress members were forbidden to talk about what went on in their secret meeting. Several of the Representatives, however, were so furious and concerned about the future of the country that they began leaking info. Here are some of the things that were reportedly leaked out regarding the secret meeting: Discussion regarding the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008 - The imminent collapse of the U.S. Government finances by February 2009 - The possibility of Civil War inside the United States as a result of the collapse - The advance round-ups of "insurgent U.S. citizens" likely to move against the government - The detention of those rounded up at REX 84 camps constructed throughout the United States - The possibility of public retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses - The location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during massive civil unrest - the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada and Mexico - The issuance of a new currency called the AMERO for all three nations as an economic solution. (20) Obviously, there is no documentary proof for the above as the meetings were secret. The information, however, does fit the profile of what is going on around us. Our Almighty Saviour is ultimately in charge. Time will tell if these things are so, and time is running out!
The Curses of War!
As the United States of America moves ever deeper into poverty, the foreign wars continue on. The war in Iraq is now costing $5,000 per second! (21) Our military is becoming ever-more strained by this protracted war, and security within the United States is being seriously compromised. At the end of last year, the Associated Press reported that hundreds of our F-15 fighter jets had to be grounded because of dangerous structural defects. Our nation had to rely on Canada to stand ready to defend our country as 450 of our fighters were unusable. (22)
On February 1st, 2008, Arnold Punaro, the Chairman of the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, stated the following: "There is an appalling gap in readiness for homeland defense." He flatly stated that the military is not ready for an attack within the United States. (23) Late last year, our U.S. Army proudly displayed its new European-designed helicopters, for which they spent 2.6 billion dollars. These helicopters have now proven to be nearly worthless, because they cannot fly when temperatures are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When the air outside is over 80 degrees, the cockpit temperatures in the UH-72A Lakota exceed 104 degrees, causing the communications and navigations systems to shut down. (24) It seems that so many mistakes are being made, and they are never in our favor. On March 25th, the Associated Press also reported that the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., made a serious error regarding an arms shipment. Taiwan ordered helicopter batteries but were mistakenly sent electrical fuses designed for intercontinental ballistic missiles. (25)
There is a continual and general deterioration in almost every endeavor of the United States. On two occasions in 2007, American astronauts were allowed to blast off into space after turning up drunk for the launches. NASA admitted that there was heavy use of alcohol within hours of the countdown. This was originally reported in the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology. (26)
We know that the present wars and rumors of war are all leading to a devastating World War III in the Middle East. On March 27th, 2008, Egypt signed a Nuclear Pact with Russia. The Russians have agreed to build nuclear reactors in Egypt. (27) The tension in that region of the world is constant and ever-increasing.
Other strange things are happening in the Middle East. The vast wealth and prosperity of the Arab and Moslem world is displayed in amazing ways. Near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, a massive new indoor ski resort has been built in the desert area where temperatures reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The self-contained resort makes its own snow and covers an area of nearly one-quarter million square feet. It is twenty-five stories high and features five lighted ski runs of one-quarter mile each. It also features a ski lift and accommodates 1,500 people. This massive structure also has two large restaurants and a snow park with a snow cavern. It is one of the modern wonders of the world. (28) This is just one example explaining why gas prices are so high at the pump.
In another amazing story, featured in the London Daily Mail, we are told of a new ten billion dollar desert tower that is being built along with a new city near the Red Sea port of Jeddah. The tower will be twice as high as anything man has ever built, and it will reach nearly one mile into the sky: 5,250 feet to be exact. The city and tower is being built by a Saudi Arabian company called Kingdom Holdings. The news media is calling it the Tower of Babel; and from its top, visitors will be able to see the Middle East, North Africa, and the Indian Ocean. (29) When I saw this article regarding the new city and tower, I immediately thought of Genesis 11:4, which reads as follows: "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
The original Tower of Babel that we read about in the Bible was a symbol of one-world government. Almighty God revealed His disapproval by confounding the languages, and He stopped the building of that tower. It is no coincidence that in these last of the last days another city and tower is being built in the Middle East, and it is happening during a time when the world is in the process of uniting into one collective unit to be governed by an antichrist!
Pope Benedict XVI - The Pilgrim of Peace?
On April 15th, 2008, Pope Benedict XVI will arrive in New York City for a six-day stay. America's largest city is now a center of activity as preparation is being made to greet the one who allows himself to be called "The Holy Father." How can any discerning person call this man "Holy Father" when Jesus clearly commanded in Matthew 23:9, "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your father, which is in heaven." The fact remains, however, that most people have been trained and conditioned to ignore truth. New York City has now become a market place for Benedict XVI relics, including sacred coffee mugs, medallions, key chains, bumper stickers, and rosaries. One Catholic bookstore owner stated that this is the "coming of the Holy Father", and he has on display a life-size cardboard image of the Pope. Lines of people come by to kiss the ring on the image. (30)
On the 18th day of April, which is thirteen days before the occult witches' high cross-quarter sabat of Beltaine, the Pope will address the United Nations, and he is being presented as the Pilgrim of Peace. (31) Benedict XVI, who was known among his Nazi friends in earlier times as Herr Ratsinger, was invited to the United Nations by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. The Pope will be calling for unity among all religions. It is also noteworthy to mention that the Pope's real name, Ratsinger, adds up to 666 on the English alpha-numeric scale. I must also mention that this former Nazi and member of the Hitler Youth forces will be offering a prayer ritual at Ground Zero, the site of the erstwhile twin towers of the World Trade Center. This will take place on April 20th, which is the birthday of the Pope's childhood hero, Adolph Hitler. (32)
I remember years ago when a previous Pope went to Chicago and said a mass on a platform overlooking Lake Michigan. The news media gushed forth praise for this man and pointed out the fact that while "his Holiness" was in the crime-ridden city of Chicago, the crime rate dropped to practically nothing. They attributed the amazing statistics to the Pope's presence in the city. In reality, the facts reveal that the reason for the sudden drop in crime was that nearly all of organized crime, the mobs, gangs, and thugs, Mafia, and so on consisted of devout Roman Catholics; and they took time off from their work to see the Pope.
Perilous Times are Upon Us!
Everywhere we look, we see the signs of the times as foretold by the Lord Jesus and His Apostles. Never have such large segments of society been in such a depraved condition. Recently, the Hollywood Reporter featured a story with the headline "Fans shed blood for 'Moonlight'." The story tells how 3,000 fans of the vampire television drama "Moonlight" are so determined to keep the program on the air that they are willing to give their blood for it. The 3,000 fans have teamed up with the Red Cross to give one pint of blood to keep the program going, even though the CBS network announced that the program is in no danger of being discontinued. The fans are so fanatical that they want to give the blood anyway as a celebration ritual to welcome the program's return on April 25th, 2008. (33)
In a recent story that appeared in the London Daily Mail, abortions are on the increase in England with over 200,000 babies being killed each year. As bad as that is, we were in for another sad shock to find out that 1,300 women admitted they had five abortions each. (34) It is terrible beyond description to think that entire families were murdered by human sacrifice as 1,300 mothers became serial killers of their five children. Never has there been a time such as this!
Another story from England revealed that children as young as six years old have been treated for alcoholism. One infirmary alone treated 175 such cases of these very young potential alcoholics. (35) Truly, our Lord is coming soon!
Warning Cries in the Creation!
The very creation of God is sounding the alarm of the last days before the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Earthquakes continue to increase everywhere around the world with both frequency and intensity. During the first ten days of April 2008, scientists recorded a swarm of over 600 earthquakes off the coast of central Oregon. Some of the quakes registered over 5.0 on the Richter scale. The scientists admitted they are puzzled. Dr. Robert Dziak, a geophysicist at Oregon State University, stated that such swarms of quakes only occur in the vicinity of a volcano, and there is no volcano in the area. It is believed that there is a major shifting of the Pacific and North American plates of the earth's crust. (36)
On March 26th, 2008, another large piece of the continent of Antarctica broke off. The piece was seven times larger than Manhattan. (37) Major shifting, such as has not been seen before, is going on under the earth.
Tornadoes have also been tearing through many areas of the United States in record-breaking numbers and doing vast amounts of damage. Here let it be noted that the three-year average for tornadoes in the United States for the month of January is 34. In January 2008, there were 136 powerful tornadoes. The February average for three years was 25, but this February 2008, there were 232. (38) Is the Almighty God warning this nation to repent? Most assuredly, He is!
Strange and amazing things continue to happen in space. Galaxies continue to be gobbled up by black holes, stars are exploding in record numbers, and now, to the shock of astronomers everywhere, the NASA Mars rover named "Spirit" sent back pictures from the surface of Mars with the perfect image of a woman sitting on a rock with both arms outstretched. Headlines refer to her as the "Lady in Red." The experts have no explanation for this clear image. (39) Red is the color of harlotry, and is this another sign in the heavens?
In closing, I want to remind everyone to pray without ceasing and to dedicate and consecrate your life to the Lord. The time is at hand. I also continue to welcome your prayer requests as our teams of intercessors are waiting to give them personal attention. I also offer my sincerest thanks to all of you who support this endtime prophetic ministry. I pray you will be blessed for your faithfulness. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
Acknowledgements01. Melbourne Herald Sun, Jan. 30, 2008, by Stefanie Balogh, Melbourne, Australia.02. Reuters News Service, Apr. 4, 2008, by Joanne Morrison, Washington, D.C.03. West Bend Daily News, Mar. 26, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.04. Wall Street Journal, Mar. 30, 2008, by John D. McKinnon, Washington, D.C.05. The Independent, Apr. 1, 2008, by David Usborne, London, England, UK.06. Associated Press, Apr. 3, 2008, by Stevenson Jacobs, New York, NY.07. WorldNetDaily News, Apr. 2, 2008, Ibid.09. Money Matters, Feb. 18, 2008, Associated Press, Mar. 6, 2008, by J.W.Elphinstone, New York, NY.11. Associated Press, Jan. 29, 2008, by Alex Veiga, Los Angeles, CA.12. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mar. 3, 2008, by Joe Milicia, AP, Cleveland, OH.13. Bloomberg News Service, Mar. 31, 2008, by James Pressley, New York, NY.14. The Oregonian, Mar. 22, 2008, by Beth Healy, Boston Globe, Boston, MA.15., Mar. 25, 2008, Gorda, CA.16. Reuters News Service, Apr. 9, 2008, by Kyle Peterson, Chicago, IL.17. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 24, 2008, by Kishore Mahbubani, Singapore.18. Wikipedia, Apr. 8, 2008, sessions.19. CNN News, Apr. 8, 2008, Washington, D.C.20. Australia .TO, Mar. 25, 2008, Brisbane, Australia.21. New York Times, Mar. 23, 2008, by Nicholas D. Kristof, New York, NY.22. Associated Press, Dec. 27, 2008, Fresno, CA.23. Washington Post, Feb. 1, 2008, by Ann Tyson, Washington, D.C.24. Associated Press, Nov. 10, 2007, Sacramento, CA.25. Associated Press, Mar. 25, 2008, by Robert Burns, Washington, D.C.26. Melbourne Herald Sun, Jul. 28, 2007, Washington, D.C.27. PZ Newswatch, Mar. 24, 2008, Cairo, Egypt.28. Ski Dubai Official Website, Apr. 13, 2008, London Daily Mail, Mar. 30, 2008, by Barry Wigmore, London, England, UK.30. New York Daily News, Apr. 9, 2008, Melissa Grace, New York, NY.31. Associated Press, Apr. 10, 2008, by Edith M. Lederer, New York, NY.32. Reuters News Service, Apr. 10, 2008, by Phillip Pullella, Vatican City.33. The Hollywood Reporter, Apr. 1, 2008, by James Hibberd, Hollywood, CA.34. London Daily Mail, Mar. 20, 2008, by James Chapman, London, England, UK.35. The Sun Newspaper, Apr. 9, 2008, London, England, UK.36. Associated Press, Apr. 12, 2008, by Jeff Barnard, Grants Pass, OR.37. Associated Press, Mar. 26, 2008, Washington, D.C.38. Accuweather, Apr. 3, 2008, www.accuweather,com.39. Melbourne Herald Sun, Jan. 24, 2008, Melbourne, Australia.
Re-Posted from:
Deb's comments:
Written and revealed to us long ago, living words for our admonition and example...
Words of (resurrection) life and hope and faith to sustain us in these dark and trying times...
The Light within us is to bee found within our dwellings safely hidden in the tower of refuge...
Formed in us by and through Faith in these latter years and days ahead...
WHICH Prince or King will you bee found following for deliverance?
The king of fierce countenance is not going to do much more than stand up...
while we await the PRINCE OF LIFE and his warriors...
who will deliver us and lead us into our inheritance...
Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Mt 9:34 - But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.
Mt 12:24 - But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.
Mr 3:22 - And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
Joh 12:31 - Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
Joh 14:30 - Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
Joh 16:11 - Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
Ac 3:15 - And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
Ac 5:31 - Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince
( the chief leader, prince of Christ one that takes the lead in any thing and thus affords an example, a predecessor in a matter, pioneer, the author)
and a Saviour (Saviour, deliverer, preserver), for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins
Eph 2:2 - Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Re 1:5 - And from Yahshuah, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,